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Everything posted by Roland

  1. @Blake_ is my captain. "Oh Captain, my Captain!!" - Roland Keating
  2. You probably were running your forges consistently which was causing your heat to increase consistently. So what you want is for the heat map to randomly increase in response to consistent input. I just hope you won’t find this response too obvious…
  3. That's not what the whole idea of unbalance was. It was always about too easily circumventing the level design of the POIs They can't yet and the pathing for them consciously moving through 1 meter spaces won't be in until at least A21-- and whether they can or not has no bearing on whether players can or not. The only factor is level design. They would have to go and redesign them taking into account the ability of the player to break a single block and crawl through anywhere.
  4. 7 Days to Die AKA College Apartment Simulator
  5. After 8 years of nothing but zombies and waiting for some kind of bandit add on to the game I can promise you that at this point I can definitively state that zombies are not addon for this game even if they add 18 models of bandits. Sheesh...
  6. I haven’t played on a crowded server in a long time but I remember that it was always a race to find unexplored POI/Towns. Too slow and everything you search has already been looted. So I’d say getting a bike before the rest for faster mobility than those around you would be imperative.
  7. There is no more uploading files to the forum. You must have your files posted elsewhere and link to that place from here. Of course, if you are just posting a few xml edits that can easily be done in the body of your post for others to copy and paste, that can be done— but for more extensive downloads…nope. I believe that Sphereii’s mod launcher looks to GitHub if you are trying to search for a mod using that tool so it is a good idea to use that if you want the tool, that most people are using, to be able to “see” your mod. Could be wrong about that though. Maybe if you download files to your computer the mod launcher can find those as well.
  8. No underwater cam unfortunately. So I doubt I'd get your subscription. Meh...
  9. But what about those people who like asymmetrical design and appreciate that there is a difference between the weaponry and that they all don't "balance" to the same exact experience. Knives don't do as much direct damage as sledge hammers but they cause bleed. Stun batons shock and stun. It is a different experience that offers a different kind of challenge than sledgehammers. Changing everything so that they are symmetrically balanced across the board definitely won't make the game better for everyone. I guess it will make the game better for you. If the "weak" weapons are not your cup of tea then don't use them. Stick to the ones that do direct massive damage and have fun your way. If you want to do a pure intellect build but feel it is completely unbalanced for high difficulty settings then lower the difficulty setting to the point where you can enjoy a pure intelligence build. If you can't enjoy using a stun baton or knife or a spear at any level of difficulty because you know there is a more effective alternative you could be using instead and you just can't ignore the siren call of maximum efficiency, then you've probably explored the entire gamespace that this game can offer you. No doubt. Turn down the difficulty when playing pure intellect if it feels impossible to pull off at your current difficulty. With your skill level there must be a setting at some level that will feel challenging but not impossible so you can play pure intellect and feel that you can be successful.
  10. Let me rephrase... They intend for players to play it however they want whether that is mixed or singular--whatever strikes the player's fancy. They communicate this by not graying out any options once you have made a choice. You are never stopped from choosing whatever perks you wish to choose. So a player may mix it up or they can play intelligence purely if they want. It sounds like some people don't want to play intelligence purely as it has been designed. This is perfectly fine. They can mix it. Others do like to play intelligence purely and they enjoy the challenge that it brings which is different than playing a game using pure strength or pure fortitude or pure agility or pure perception. I don't think anyone would argue that playing a pure intelligence game would be more challenging than other pure builds. But so what? Its nice to have a challenge if you want to choose that and intelligence is a great build to mix with one of the others. When we say stun baton only are we saying that you cannot use any other weapon at all or just that you won't perk into any other weapon and you will only perk into the stun baton? What about before you find a stun baton? Do you just run away or use your fists or can you use whatever you have until you find a stun baton but then from then on you can only ever use a stun baton? What's the exact challenge here?
  11. You admit this mockingly but you should know that this really is how the devs intend for players to play. YOU want to be able to play a pure int build without using anything that belongs to another attribute and have it be viable according to your criteria of viability. But that isn't necessarily the goal of the developers for the intelligence attribute-- that it be played as a pure build without crossing into anything else. And if they have zero intention of making intelligence be a build that you can play pure, why would they ever take the time to try playing it pure?
  12. So...here it seems like you are griping that the players have to answer questions because the devs aren't answering. So, I answered that concern to let you know that you don't have to answer questions at all. You can just let the devs do it. To which you reply, that if you know the answer to a question you should be able to answer it and save dev time. What the heck are you talking about Jost? You're griping that the players are answering each other and then when I say its fine if you don't, you gripe that its your right to answer questions you know.... Go ahead and answer questions if you know them. Nobody is stopping you. Yes. These posts complaining about posting were moved out of the developer diary because they are off topic for there. So it is a bit confusing because when he is saying "this thread" he isn't talking abou this thread. This actual thread is absolutely for carrying on conversations and debates and conjectures about A20 and beyond. The dev diary thread is for posting questions to the developers and waiting patiently for them to answer-- if they choose to answer at all. They don't always answer questions and many details that people are demanding, they are holding back until they can present them a la video presentation.
  13. The original caves were implemented using a perlin worm algorithm. Then they went to a kind of crater explosion algorithm that created very chaotic "noisy" caverns nearer to the surface, but abandoned those and went back to perlin worm but greatly limited their scope so that caves were rare and often only extended 20 meters to a dead end. If they revisit caves in the future they probably will stick to the perlin worm algorithm-- but it won't be a new thing.
  14. Yes. All pipe gun versions will replace the single blunderbuss we have now. There is a lot more variety now during week 1 of the game. or you could simply refrain from answering questions directed to the devs and wait for them to answer. The thread is far from useless especially for new people who can read through it all as Q&A without all the extra discussions that get moved out. I get you are frustrated that the devs are not giving detailed info but they are saving a lot of info to show once they do their dev streams. They enjoyed that format last time and plan to do it again. If they spill the beans on everything here in writing then there is less for them to talk about and show in the stream. Whatever they feel like posting about on the diary, they do.
  15. This is the only one from your list that I disagree with. I love that they can find paths to me. It adds to the horror. If they all just came up to the wall and pounded on it until I shot them like fish in a barrel it would not be as much fun in my opinion. Knowing that if I left a crack in my defense somewhere they could breach and overwhelm is more exciting. In POI exploration zombies in the environment might come back if they fell from a height or hear me from outside. Without their ability to always path to me minus some random forgetfulness put in there so that it doesn't ALWAYS happen, there really isn't much worry or anxiety. They actually toned this down quite a bit from A17 and I wish they hadn't. The A17 zombies were relentless.
  16. But what about stealth?!?!?!? New challenge? No....those bandits better all be sleeping and stay asleep when I approach them or stealth will be completely invalidated when bandits get implemented!!!!
  17. This isn’t the only thread you’ve been making the claim that stealth is completely invalidated because one or two rooms out of an entire POI auto triggers the zombies. That’s why I finally responded. Also, what I want for the game is for a variety of encounters and moments wher you must think fast and change up what you’re doing. So I want the occasional auto trigger room to remain— as well as wandering sleepers for even more variety. This thread is for posting what you want and I want the opposite of what you want and I disagree that stealth is invalidated by the auto triggers. Stealth skills are tested and challenged by them. I agree improvement like the sound of a pile of junk falling just before they auto trigger would be cool. Then you’d know that it wasn’t you that woke them, it was just something beyond your control but now you need to adapt. One way would be to pull out a shotgun and massacre them all loudly. Another way would be to run and hide and re-emerge AKA stealth. Removal od the occasional auto trigger will only make every single encounter in every building exactly the same. I want encounter variety.
  18. Madmole recently talked about simplifying building by removing some of the intermediary block upgrade steps. so complexity was in building.
  19. After years of reading these forums I have doubts about any significant number of people wanting to use any weapon they haven’t perked into. No need to single out the stun baton. Seems like the majority let their inner min/maxer dictate to them what weapon is or is not worth a spot on their belt.
  20. Not remotely true. This whole conversation happened months ago and it was proven that with stealth perks you can hide and then stealth attack the zombies that woke up. Unperked….no. That’s the difference between being skilled and unskilled. wanting the entire population to stay asleep without any deviation is a recipe for boring gameplay. Using actual player skill to retreat, hide, re-emerge, and stealth kill the now wandering zombies is way more interesting than simply ANOTHER room of completely unconscious enemies.
  21. If this line starts trending on Twitter and FaceBook, may you be doomed to play A14 forever...
  22. Because overhauling every system over and over again just to keep them fresh for longtime players is not the way to design a game. You have to settle upon a design and stick with that and accept the universal truth that eventually people will get bored of your game and move on to another one. Hopefully your own sequel... Valheim has a good system but if every game uses the same system then there really is no escape from the boredom. Playing Valheim gives a fresh perspective on food and hunger so it is fun until it gets boring. If 7 Days adopts that system then people migrating to either game are going to be like...."Oh this same thing?"
  23. I'm most excited for the random event manager and I hope it makes it into the game and is robust resulting in lots of different types of random encounters.
  24. The devs played quite a bit of Valheim so they are aware of how the water works in that game. Whether they are able to replicate that tech for this game or not is another matter. I believe that Valheim water is probably beyond the scope of what they plan for water in this game and I think that the voxel worlds are handled differently in both games. Valheim's voxel terrain seems to a pretty thin layer before you hit the water level whereas in this game you can dig down much deeper and never hit a water table that prevents you from digging further. I think Valheim's trade off of not having so many voxel layers in their world helps them with the performance necessary to have the water physics they have. But that is appropriate for that game because you are building ships and sailing to new islands. That is a core bit of gameplay for that game that our game does not have.
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