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Everything posted by Roland

  1. You can set it to day only so that night time is more peaceful if you are hiding out in your base.
  2. My point is that most of the time I already knew about the zombies before the music started playing. I understand how the feature works. I was wondering if anyone actually feels like the jump scare they were hoping to experience got spoiled by the music. In other words I never hear the music and then start looking around wildly to find where the zombies are that are targeting me. But maybe that’s just me.
  3. In theory you are correct that the combat music could clue you in to attacking zombies but in practice I can’t think of a time that this actually happened in a situation where I would have been unaware if not for the combat music. Has this really been occurring regularly for you or are you mostly concerned that it will happen as you prepare to play a new game? Has the combat music actually worked as a spoiler for everyone? My situational awareness is not elite status and I’ve only super rarely been warned by the music in a way that I felt it was like a zombie awareness auto aim.
  4. The beta opt-in menu is not the standard way to play the game. Its primary purpose is to allow players who are willing to test and submit bugs the opportunity to do so for experimental builds before they are pushed to stable. If you don’t understand how the beta opt-in interface works then it is best to just stay out so that your game will update automatically as stable versions are released. The most current stable version does not ever appear in the beta opt-in menu.
  5. Dr Pepper like my buddy @unholyjoe Without DP the apocalypse would just become too horrifying.
  6. Writing that once makes for an interesting thought exercise and might make for an interesting discussion. Writing it every day in the dev diary for years would be another matter…
  7. Doesn’t matter since this isn’t a matter of opinion. The fact is that release dates are not and will not be given. Period. You’re just pounding sand in arguing that they should give release dates. 😀
  8. This is why we don’t like posts asking for release dates in the dev diary. People get called idiots and just today they were handing out masks again in order to enter Walmart. Release date chatter ruins everything!
  9. whenever I play with my brother, my favorite thing to do is after night comes and he goes down into the mine I throw a rock down there so a zombie jumps in there with him. He usually kills it with no problem but I get his jump scare scream often enough that I can’t help but keep doing it.
  10. There are none that I am aware of. The console versions do not support the modification of game files. Map generator utilities modify the game files in order to do what they do which is something the PC version allows.
  11. It’s the development way. I’m sorry but your efforts are #2 when compared to the efforts of the developers to put out the base game they are developing. In this specific case A19.6 was in experimental for a week. They pushed a new build and then went stable because they felt the changes were low risk to the stability of the game. That is not an outrageous way of updating their game. What is pretty outrageous is you comparing 7 Days to Die, a game that is fully under development and not even to the point of having official mod support, to Minecraft and Rimworld which are both released games. Of course the priority for those games has shifted to modding as the first consideration. The developers are finished with their work and any further content isn’t going to fundamentally change the game in a way that breaks the mods. Frankly, I would have thought this would have been a conversation I would need to have with a brand new modder who didn’t realize updates would break his mod rather than a veteran like you. This is all academic anyway because TFP said they would try to be more accommodating in how they update and let new builds sit on experimentals as they can. You can thank me for asking instead of letting you be the one to ask… But Dude, what it boils down to is what I say to any modder who gets annoyed by dev work messing up mod work. If you can’t handle it, wait until modding is officially supported. I’m grateful and impressed by anyone who mods during the alpha phase of this game. I couldn’t continue with it, myself, so I’m impressed by those who can. But…it is the way it is and someday it will be like Minecraft and Rimworld when this game gets to the point where they are.
  12. Sascha said that they will strive to be more accommodating with leaving builds in experimental for a day or two whenever possible.
  13. I thought I was being polite in my answer as well. Is it impolite just because I'm saying something you don't want to hear? Khaine used three question marks on his request as well as a capitalized PLEASE and said that he takes umbrage with the decision which literally means to take offense and be angry, and hurt. That is where my remarks about entitlement and outrage came from. With text, you can only go off of the textual clues and word choices that the person decides to use and the only reason to actually feel offended by virtually no experimental is if you think it is something owed you. If there is no entitlement then you feel annoyance and surprise for sure but you aren't offended by it. I'm not saying they should screw over all the modders by removing experimental. I'm saying that there was a time when modders had to deal with no experimental at all every time and they did okay. I'm saying that as a tool, the experimental branch is primarily and overwhelmingly for the use of the developers to use as best works for them. I agree that if it doesn't harm or delay their work then to be considerate of modders and leave a build in experimental for longer than it needs to for their sake would be nice. But if they don't, then modders need to work around it. Pure and simple, modders work around the needs of the developers. Developers don't work around the needs of the modders. I will for sure mention it to Sascha who is the one who decides when builds go into and out of experimental. I can make the request as a calm 3rd party who isn't letting the annoyance of a surprise update color the wording at all. I'm not against them using experimentals as a cushion for modders. I'm just telling you that there is virtually no way for modders themselves to request this directly of the developers without it coming across smacking of entitlement and outrage especially if you are feeling annoyed and angry about the surprise.
  14. How did modders survive before there ever was experimental? TFP didn't always take advantage of the beta branches and create experimentals. All updates went straight to the main Steam branch with several hotfixes often getting pushed during the first couple of days. I want to say experimental branches only began at about Alpha 12 or 13 but I can't remember and those archived threads were lost during the forum switchover. At any rate, please don't take umbridge with how they develop. They develop with what is best and easiest for development in mind. I understand your annoyance and have no problem with that but there should be no entitlement generating outrage. Anyone who chooses to start modding concurrently with development should also realize they are choosing the headaches inherent in doing that. Updates are going to disrupt and while having a nice cushion of time is nice while a build sits in experimental before it goes to the Steam main branch, that is not the reason nor the motivation for having experimental builds. Love what you do with the game but developing the main game is TFP's focus and modders need to work around that priority and not expect TFP to dance to their tune. I know why they pretty much went directly to main branch update and that is because this is hopefully their last A19 update and they want all work and resources to be turned now to the final home stretch of A20 development. They want to be done with A19 for good and the update didn't really require any experimental testing time.
  15. It is important but it isn't urgent. We've got at least a year ahead of us before we need to worry about forums for the next game. And by "we" I mean the team of us at TFP who will be involved with figuring it all out. Some time after that, all you'll need to worry about is the notification we send out on where to go and how to do it on your end. Another important but not urgent topic is about our sun going supernova. Granted, way more important and way way less urgent. But roughly the same category of "things we don't need to worry about right now" and-- possibly the same timeline given the standard TFP release schedule.
  16. Which is why there is grumbling from those who are not enjoying the journey. Why do they hop in before the destination they want more than anything? I have no idea.
  17. What, pray tell, makes you think I don’t understand that? The devs have a plan for about two years of continued updates after the game goes gold. There’s no question that the game will continue to get content. What you don’t seem to understand is the nature of the Alpha label vs the Gold label nor the expectations by the public for those labels. The fact is that 7 Days to Die is not at a place where the label can be changed. There are still missing features that were promised to be part of the base game and not as DLCs later. There are still elements of existing features that are not at the standard of a finished product. Water and how the character moves through it is adequate for an alpha labeled game but call what we have as finished and the game will be ripped apart as amateurishly constructed. Since the historical data shows that staying in alpha while the game is alpha quality is in fact NOT hurting the game’s popularity and sales, there is no reason to arbitrarily change its label just because you want it to be done.
  18. No Disney+ I see. It’s a Loki reference.
  19. This speculation is not supported by the timeline of reality. Perhaps you should be worrying about the TVA showing up.... If you look at Steam Charts you can see that this game has generally grown over the last 8 years. That is thanks to ongoing development that keeps the interest alive. Even people who played it for a bit in 2014 will come back in 2021 to check it out and see how it is going. Many of those people get re-hooked. Now look at most games on Steam Charts that are fully released. Their graphs are predominately declining and it usually takes much less than 8 years until the graph flatlines near the zero activity mark. There are going to be a few exceptions but this game is thriving and living and growing in its current model. Why destroy that by slapping a "Done" label on it and moving on to their next game? Eventually they will apply that label but not until they are satisfied with their offering. As polished as this game is getting, there are still aspects that are forgivable for a game in alpha but unforgivable in a finished product. If TFP put it out as finished then all of the flaws that can be overlooked due to the alpha status will all of a sudden be negative rep marks against them. Be careful, Variant.
  20. jd ogfowa shdhfof aleopcn dirowoo sskskgg hhs hheeeg!
  21. You are not going to like this but...AFAIK, Navezgane exists for the story campaign and there aren't necessarily plans to try and make the story mode work with RWG.... But is that the only issue involved with making sure the story campaign will work in any random world? I don't know the answer to that and I also don't know that the developers are even planning to use any world other than Navezgane to tell the story. I am definitely going to start doing this. Great suggestion.
  22. Are you sure? In A19 the chest spawns as soon as you accept the quest from the trader. The perimeter guide appears while you approach but still a ways away. Plus I never failed a buried supplies quest ever for stepping outside a boundary in the past. In A20, only a rally marker spawns after talking to the trader. When you arrive and activate the marker then the chest spawns as well as the perimeter guide and a proximity warning. Finally, I’ve inadvertently failed the quest twice already for stepping outside the defined perimeter. One was while fighting zombies that showed up and the other was from wandering around to get a rock to repair my shovel and not thinking about it.
  23. In daylight and you out in the open sunlight they are going to see/sense you. I tried sneaking past (unperked) and they always saw me from far off during the day. I didn't try sticking to shadows cast by trees etc. with all perks and modified armor to see if that could help during the day. At night stealth works perfectly well. Inside POI's sleepers are the same with feral sense on as with it off. I did not test fully perked up to see if I could hide from them undetected until their breadcrumb timer ran out so I'm not certain about the extent of stealth-- just that the principles of stealth gameplay do seem to work on ferals for sure at night but that errors on the player's part will bring zombies running to where the player made a noise from a much larger radius than the default game.
  24. Really? We're at the point of comparing the sizes of our subjective ideal's subjectivity.....? That's a nice request. Nothing objectively wrong with that.
  25. I can agree that many many players would love to play randomly generated worlds that have the full 100% complement of POI's. It still doesn't make it an objectively better design. It artificially bolsters your argument for anyone who believes the claim, but what you describe as the ultimate map is only your subjective view of what an ultimate map should contain. To me, the ultimate random map is random and full of unknowns-- such as what locations will be included and what locations are not part of this particular world. If I know for a fact Dishong Tower is somewhere in this world then ho..hum....I'll find it eventually. But if all bets are off and perhaps there are no skyscrapers in this world then if I do find one it is exciting. (In my subjective opinion) That was a joke. Even with all the data your view about whether a world should or should not have all the POI's and whether that makes the game better or worse is still subjective. Sorry, all those feelings and desires just originate within your own head and heart and someone else will have their own set of sensibilities that make their experience different than yours (i.e. "subjective")
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