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Everything posted by Roland

  1. They make you get off the toilet faster.......a friend told me once.
  2. Just link me to your video where you beat the bike in a flat out race. Use your roids and max everything out. I'm happy to recant once I see the evidence.
  3. Alpha Never. A lot of the code is considered done and finished already. They will continue to optimize but spend an entire Alpha cycle going through all the code to redo it in its entirety? Nope. They may update Unity once more but doing so isn't always a guaranteed positive. TFP have modded Unity for their needs so the benefits to work ratio is something they always look at before updating Unity and it doesn't always pan out because it isn't a simple update. It is an update and then a lot of time fixing their mods to work with the new version of Unity. There are also aspects of Unity that they don't use and sometimes Unity updates those features and in those cases it makes no sense to update. As an example that you might relate with.... What if the only thing A20 added was Twitch Integration? Would you erase your map and saved game and start all over for A20 if you never stream the game on twitch? TFP look at Unity updates the same way. Is it worth having the latest and greatest update if it involves a lot of work with no real benefit to 7 Days to Die?
  4. Video proof would convince me. But even then you would not convince me that you would be running naked except for the letterman's jacket and running shoes and with 0 encumbrance and fully perked and juiced in any other situation other to prove that it can be done. For regular gameplay the bike always wins.
  5. Are you kidding? Way out of any of our leagues.
  6. oh please…the bicycle would win so of course the 4x4 would win. Runner’s high isn’t supposed to affect brain function…
  7. Is this a response to the original post or to Boidster right before you? I just can't tell...
  8. Unity was better for voxels 8 years ago. When they first started, their goal was to make a game that looked like Quake. They quickly upgraded their goal and have done pretty well. There was never a time along the way that it would have been convenient or wise to change the entire engine from Unity to something else. They are going to use Unreal for their next game, however. So stay tuned.
  9. I wish I had the number for your friend so I could tell them not to craft you a minibike until you had spent a full two weeks on a bicycle...
  10. Ummm....The OP posted this about 2 months before those streams you think he should have watched aired. Look at the posting date once in awhile...
  11. Welcome to Wolfcryer who is streaming from the USA in English!
  12. Sorry…I should have said that once their obligation to the original Kickstarter promises is complete and they have finished replacing all placeholder assets and features with final polished versions, then they will continue to update the game with extra goodies until the end of time. One of those extra goodies will be Steam Workshop support. Better?
  13. Say what?!? I love both being in the game and bicycle riding surely is useful as is rock throwing if not just simply fun. Are you just skipping over the bike and going straight to motorcycle or something? I'm usually on a bike for a couple of game weeks before I get other vehicles so it definitely comes in handy for faster travel. Plus who cares what the telemetry says? Why would they spend time removing the ability to throw rocks or the bicycle even if they aren't widely used features? They are already in and they work so leave them be and people can choose whether they want to use those features or not.
  14. They did show that sharknado a couple years back so the tech is there at least visually.
  15. Yes. It either keeps up or teleports back in behind you. Either way when you get out of your car the drone will be zipping up to you very soon afterward. Blah blah blah Scyris. You take any and every thread and try to turn it to your same agenda of trying to return to the past. Please start your own thread to talk about how you believe TFP has gone wrong and leave over trying to derail other people's threads. This thread is purely about the drone. It has nothing to do with level gating and progression and how the game is worse since A10. Glad you feel passionate but start your own thread.
  16. I just really want the traders to say "We don't serve their kind here!" whenever you walk in with your drone following...
  17. Yeah, we have to remember that programmers aren't streamers and aren't necessarily going to be able to put together a well produced presentation on camera to 1000+ viewers. Even Lathan for some reason put regular bandages in the drone rather than medicated bandages. But I think he was a bit flustered by the technal difficulties with the Music and it is hard with them all talking remotely. During the streamer weekend I suspect that all the nuances will get shown with great excitement and experimentation as the chat asks questions and tells the streamer to try this and that. Possibly...but we can enjoy temporary while we have it. Temporary could end up being a year or more depending on when they get back around to it...
  18. I tested the headlight mod for the drone. 1) The drone's headlight illuminates a circle of light all around you so you can see as you look around. It is a soft area light and not a focused beam. 2) The drone's headlight does not affect your stealth rating. I took From the Shadows lvl 4 and went out at night with the drone light on. Crouched, my stealth rating was a 2. I was able to sneak up quite close to zombies without them detecting me even though the area was lit by the drone's light. I turned my own headlight on. My stealth rating rose to about 60 and I was immediately detected. I turned it off and ran and then crouched and moved off a bit and the zed went to my last known location and stopped even though I was about 10 meters away. The drone light was on the whole time. It didn't see me or acknowledge or get aggroed by the drone in any discernible way. Now the simulation crowd will scream "unrealistic!" but it does show a marked advantage to the drone light over a personal light and it does complement the stealth perks quite well. It was pretty fun I must admit even if also admitedly a bit magical. Perhaps you could scifi it up a bit for yourself by assuming there is a bit of light bending for active stealth camouflage going on along with the light.
  19. Ah...the secret sauce of every base ever made (not to mention "no base" strategies)...
  20. Currently the drone only heals hitpoints and does nothing for debuffs. It does automatically heal you when you drop to below 50 hp of your max. Above that threshhold you must manually ask for healing.
  21. 3 minutes later... z z z z z z z z z z z z z z sssssssssssswww z wwwwsssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssw z X wsssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssw wssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssw T T wsssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  22. Okay, I tested a few things: 1) The drone only administers health recovery from medicated bandages and first aid kits. It does not administer debuff fixers like antibiotics, splints, vitamins, and sewing kits and when it does administer a bandage it only helps your health and does not fix the debuffs bandages normally fix. Furthermore, if your health is capped by a debuff the drone will "waste" medicine to heal you even though your health won't be able to advance until the debuff capping your max hp is fixed. 2) The drone must be activated to administer healing when your health is within 50 of your maximum health (not counting debuff caps). So if you have 130 health the drone will auto heal you if you drop below 80 health. 3) The drone will not auto heal you if you already have medicine in your system when you drop below 50 of your maximum health. It will wait until all the current medicine is used up before administering another dose. 4) The drone takes the bandages before it takes the first aid kits if both are in its inventory no matter what order they are arranged. 5) It is more difficult to access the heal me! button on the drone than it is to use an item on your belt so the drone is best utilized for emergency automatic medical treatment once your health drops below that threshold. 5) You can install multiple storage mods to greatly increase the storage capacity. 6) The drone tells you when it detects enemies nearby.
  23. Well in future iterations they will simplify and streamline it and remove elements until it eventually turns into.... a pushable shopping cart. 😆
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