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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. 1. You need custom sleeper groups. Look at the ones that are already in the game and copy them. Just change the included zeds to whichever ones you want. They are referenced in entitygroups and I believe gamestages.xml. 2. You can add new or replace existing wandering hordes in gamestages.xml. They have values for amounts. I believe anything using the zombie entity class can be used in these. So animals might not work. 3. Not sure this is possible. At least not with simple xml. 4?. Sleeper volumes are what trigger the sleeper spawns. If you have sleepers placed but no volume, nothing will spawn. If you have an empty volume, nothing will spawn, unless it shares an ID with a volume that does include sleepers.
  2. That must be DF content. It isn't mine. So that might be normal.
  3. Glad to hear. And now you know when you have errors, always look at the log and find the very first one. That's always where you should start.
  4. First error I see is a duplicate m16_fire sound clip name. Arramus mentioned to me before that Both mods have a sound clip named that. So that might be your problem. I've fixed it in the version I'm working on atm, but it won't be out for a bit. So you'll need to fix it yourself. If you have N++ it will be easy. Just need to open sounds.xml and find m16_fire and change it, I've made it m16_fire_b in my version. Then change all entries of m16_fire to that in items.xml as well.
  5. That's not the full log. Pastebin it or attach the entire txt file.
  6. Just go to the first post....
  7. It would be better to post the whole log. Looks like at least one bundle is failing to load or missing. Probably why you get random NRE's afterwards. It's probably trying to spawn one of the missing ones into the world.
  8. Would need to see the full log. And good to know arramus. I might add it back to Nexus then and just tell people to not be dumb.
  9. Did you have the main AIO mod installed as well? I didn't see it in the log. Someone else on Nexus said they had a bunch of "Did not apply" warnings as well. Just wasn't sure if the DF patch was just borked or if it was user error. On Nexus, I always assume user error first. Lol. Either way, not my patch, not my problem. From looking at Mythix's mod, there is a lot more to it than I would have guessed. So I doubt I'll ever mess with making my own. Just need to know if it is the patch or user error.
  10. Google it. I know Khaine has install vids for DF, so check his thread. Process should be mostly the same for client/server. And do let me know how it goes once you get it setup. I just removed the DF patch from Nexus and will unlink it from here soon as I've gotten nothing but complaints about it. I really feel like there's nothing wrong with it, as Mythix made the patch and I would think they know what they are doing, and that it's just people being idiots. But I got more bug posts and complaints in the short time I had it on Nexus than I have in a looong time. Ain't nobody got time to listen to that mess. Lol. So let me know if it all works so I can just ignore them.
  11. Just a little change: All separate vehicle mods are back on GitHub, everything else will stay on GitLab. Sphereii said it was something with GitLab only showing 20 folders in a repo. So I decided to move them back as they won't be changing much, if at all. The links *should* be right. I hope. Lol. Found a few on here and a bunch on Nexus that either linked to A18 repos, or the original repo I made in the beginning that no longer exists. I do not plan on updating all the individual vehicle mods any longer as it's just way too much of a pain to deal with, especially when a new alpha drops. So any new vehicles and tweaks or changes made from here on out will probably only be in the AIO. Right now it looks like all GitHub mods are on the launcher, but sphereii was still testing stuff with GitLab, so they aren't on there at the moment. I assume they will be there shortly.
  12. From Steam <gamefolder>\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__<DATETIME>.txt From Mod Launcher <gamefolder>\7DaysToDie_Data\output.log From .exe %AppData%\..\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log From dedicated through startdedicated.bat <gamefolder>/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log_<DATETIME>.txt
  13. That is absolutely not your log file. If you want help, maybe help us out and find your log file and post it, as asked.
  14. Into a "Mods" folder at the root, same as on the client.
  15. Sounds about right then. RNG doing its job. Haven't noticed any XP issues. I do know sometimes when enemies die to bleeding, you don't seem to get XP. Happens even on vanilla zeds. Maybe happen from fire too, haven't paid enough attention to it. Geoff, I gave shpereii a shout and he took a look at it, and the launcher wasn't picking them up for some reason. He tried adding them but they still weren't showing up. He said he'd take a closer look in the morning. So hopefully it gets sorted then.
  16. Just using the 0- packs? Would help to see the output log to see the full errors.
  17. Can't be in fly mode or god mode when entering them.
  18. Look at the nav_objects.xml. There is an entry for "waypoint" that might be what you are looking for.
  19. When you load into your game, hit F1 and watch it, or once in game, open it and scroll back up and make sure there are no errors and that it is loading the mod. I just threw the MD-500 mod in and loaded a game and the items were there. Also maybe check the downloaded files and make sure everything is there, and that it is installed correctly and not nested in an extra folder or something.
  20. As far as I know, there shouldn't be any issue with any of the separate mods. What issues are you having?
  21. Just the vanilla rwg. Not sure what you're referring to with either of those, honestly. Lol. If the vanilla rwg, just gen the map. It may not have every single POI of mine, but works fairly well. If using Nitro, you'll need to look in my mod's folder and find the txt file that has the Nitro info and copy it to whatever prefablist.txt you use with Nitro.
  22. ^^Basically everything arramus said. And like I said before, I can't up the damage so that when they are in their "lazy fire" mode it can be a real threat, because then when one of them turns into a sniper, you'll die instantly. About the only other option would be to remove Zeds as targets for them entirely, as I think that would make it harder when they all only ever focus on you. But I'd rather not do that, as even currently zeds aren't set to attack them, as it just would seem weird. Would also mean they wouldn't attack mutants. And Nav will not have *any* custom POIs. Which is why you haven't seen them. Gotta be rwg or Nitro, or KingGen.
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