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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. I remember thinking about that when making a POI before. I don't think it exists. Have you looked at more than one instance of the POI in a world? The grass placement is random AFAIK.
  2. Can you post a pic of what it looks like in Unity? And does it look right when you are holding it before you place it? Like, it's lined up and everything and not outside the ghost lines?
  3. You mean it doesn't get the punchable grass and other deco placed when a new map is made? Does the POI's xml file have <property name="AllowTopSoilDecorations" value="True" /> in it?
  4. Make sure the tags are on the child with the collider. And it's always a good idea to use unique names for bundle and prefab names. Having a bundle with a prefab that shares its name will probably cause you some issues. But even having the prefab named the same as the fbx it comes from can cause weirdness.
  5. Already made my list, just haven't released it as I have some more POIs being added. The one included with the mod will be updated when the mod is. I can't keep up with all of his changes. Lol.
  6. Yeah, Perk 0 is what a new character starts at. Goes up each level of Better Barter from there. The first group is what they will always stock, so anything that is in that group for a trader that you don't want will need to be removed.
  7. Yeah, went and tested B Mod HighLevel Perks and it is what breaks my mod. It loads before mine so I thought maybe it would be okay, but I noticed it makes the progression stuff from my mod not apply. So that's your problem.
  8. Probably get faster answers using his discord server: https://discord.gg/FcDrGvMHeT
  9. Could try turning the passthrough damage off and see if that helps. I don't think the game usually likes blocks that downgrade to themselves.
  10. Is this a new world you are testing on? Might still have the newbie buff going. Try giving yourself some xp and level up so that it goes away. Just a guess from my phone without being able to test it myself. Lol.
  11. Not at my PC to look, but whatever mod you have that added extra levels to all the perks is probably the issue. Would need to see how it accomplishes that to know what the fix would be. I'm guessing it is either using set on its xml or removing/appending the perks. I'll try and remember to look it up when I am home again.
  12. You are running a mod that is changing the perks. So there is obviously a conflict there.
  13. This section is more for published mods, not discussion threads or help. Either post in the specific mod thread, or post in Discussion and Requests.
  14. Just tested it and had no issues. Gonna need more info. Any other mods? DF perhaps?
  15. I suck at xpath myself. I knew there was a way to target specific nodes like that but couldn't remember the exact syntax so just went with the easier method. Haha. Glad you got it sorted.
  16. What does the configsdump look like? That perk has more than one effect group so that might be adding it to more than one or something. Could try appending your new stuff as a new effect_group instead of adding it to the current ones. Maybe something like: <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkBrawler']"> <effect_group> <requirement name="ItemHasTags" tags="perkBrawler"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value=".2,1" tags="secondary"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value="2,10" tags="secondary"/> </effect_group> </append>
  17. Maybe try removing the space in tags="perkBrawler, secondary"/> ?
  18. I'm not sure that's something you could change with xml. I honestly don't know how much I could change it in Unity myself. I would assume it relies on the Mass of the vehicle, but I would have to test that. I seem to remember making the dirt bike pretty light in the beginning and I don't think it made much of a difference. But I could try it again.
  19. I don't know if I can in a19, but from what I've been seeing, the twitch integration stuff will be opened up so it might be a way to spawn other entity hordes in a20.
  20. Can't do that as it will throw errors. Has to be a Zombie class entity to work in hordes and bloodmoons. That's part of why I made mutants zeds instead of bandits.
  21. Doubt it work out of the box with any overhauls. And as time passes it's going to become more of an overhaul itself. Snufkin's mods should be fine with it though.
  22. bdubyah

    Vehicle Lift

    Saw this was on Nexus, was it you that uploaded it? https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1524 If it was, ignore this. Lol.
  23. So...did it work? Lol. And I have no idea why the name is different. The line in the modinfo should match the folder. So Bdubs Vehicles should be correct now. Probably just some mixture of the old files from before I changed the name.
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