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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Can't yet. I haven't updated the individual mods. I spent today cleaning up a lot of the vehicles so dyes wouldn't affect the entire vehicle. Still not 100% perfect, but good enough. Fixing to push that update and then it's time for bed. Maybe I'll get to the separate mods tomorrow.
  2. I think you need to make that change in entityclasses. Need to add something like <property name="Consumables" value="ulmAmmoFuelGasoline,ulmAmmoFuelGasolineBarrel"/> to each vehicle. And I think in vehicles, each one needs <passive_effect name="VehicleCargoCapacity" operation="base_set" value="1000"/> Just from what I gathered from others asking. Haven't tested myself, so ymmv.
  3. Um, why would I do that? If you want those vehicles, just download those mods... I try and keep most of my vehicles to ones that make sense to the game. Those are cool, but don't suit the game in my opinion.
  4. Yeah, tried it again in a completely vanilla game, new save. Made a video and gonna send it to TSBX.
  5. Just tried and could not repro this. Shot it until it was 3-4%, let a zombie hit it down to 0%, got out and unloaded on it with an M60 and it blew up. Got 100xp I think. Tried again and got it to work. Not sure why it didn't do it the first time. BUT, I also tried it with the vanilla 4x4 and it did the same thing. So it seems to be a game bug, not my mod. I would advise you to go post it in the bug forums so TFP can take a look at it.
  6. Wasteland hasn't been updated for a20 quite yet. Waiting on the core NPC mods to get ironed out as it will now require those.
  7. Summary: Zombies seem to flip when killed while on their backs. Might be other orientations, but not sure. Game Version: A20 b238 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: Intel i7 12700K System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 3080 Ti Screen Resolution: 2560x1440 Video Settings: high Game mode: any Did you wipe old saves? yes Did you start a new game? yes Did you validate your files? yes Are you using any mods? no EAC on or off? either Status: NEW Bug Description: When you knock a zombie down onto their back and then hit them with a killing blow, they snap onto their stomach and clip into the ground. Maybe a wrong animation path? Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Knock zombie down onto their back. 2) Hit them while still down to kill them. 3) Watch them magically flip over instantly. Actual result: Zombie clips into the ground out of nowhere. Expected result: Zombie stays on their back and ragdolls. Here is a vid from JaWoodle that shows it. He knocks the zombie down, and when he hits her again to kill her, she snaps from here back onto her stomach and clips into the ground:
  8. Think it's near the top of the loot.xml file. It's a short line. Not at my PC to give you the exact spot. Search for "poi" in that file and you should find it.
  9. chimneyBlackPOI and chimneyPOI are the block names, but they have their creativemode set to None. So you won't see them without modding them back into the CM.
  10. I have no idea. The patch Mythix made for my vehicle mod hasn't been updated in a while. I know it won't work without it but not sure it's been updated to include the last vehicles I added. You would have to ask him about it.
  11. Excuses, excuses. lol. Though I feel like he was maybe confusing it with blunderbuss ammo as the icons were pretty similar.
  12. Too slow, Joe! I don't need your fancy pictures!
  13. I just hope they can maybe reel in the go-go-gadget extendo arms zombies get on servers. Me and a buddy are the only ones on, <20 ping the whole time and we keep getting hit from stupid distances, even when moving around pillars and stuff. I'm kind of used to it, but playing on a dedi is something I haven't done that much of as most of my time has always been SP. He just bought the game after a20 came out, and it's certainly hurting his enjoyment of the game as he keeps dying to these types of things.
  14. Alloc confirmed that localization gets updated when the main menu loads. So if editing it, do it while loaded into a game, then exit and reload into it to see your changes. Or do it before launching the game. But it is a bit backwards compared to how the xml is updated.
  15. Sigh... My mod has never had vehicles spawn in the world. You are confusing it with VM probably. I do plan on making a patch for mine once I have time to make it work with VM using their system. But that will be a little while yet.
  16. To be fair, he also posted this when a20 first dropped: He said a20 was the best since a16, but not as good as a16 and that after a month or so he'd go back to a16. So this was more of a status update than anything. But seriously guy, are you 12? You made some terrible decisions and had to come here to cry about it? Play smarter next time. Or stay in a16 with its half-broken AI so you don't have to worry about it.
  17. Just pushed a fix for that. Left a line on a few seat0 nodes from testing passenger positions. Should be fixed now. Also fixed the Humvee dye issue.
  18. Only way would be to reposition them in Unity. Had to do that with several of mine. I changed holdtypes on a few to make it easier.
  19. Searched through Gup's discord for that and the only thing that came up was Haidr saying it was a bad reference to a tool, like the crucible I think. So maybe look at those.
  20. Alright, A20 version of Bdub's Vehicles has been released! Bdub's Vehicles Updated to 3.9 for A20 -----BVAIO FIXED/CHANGED----- -Added: All vehicles updated to work with the new mods. Not all vehicles can use all mods. -Changed: Edited some textures, should look better on some while making the mod a bit smaller overall -Changed: Tweaked Mechanic's loot to add more small chances for vehicles/parts On Git and Nexus. Launcher soonish. Might be some bugs as I've been a bit rushed with it, so let me know if anything turns up.
  21. What doesn't work? Does it just not show up? It looks fine to me.
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