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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. And I think I got the NREs sorted. Server is back up, freshly wiped with a Nitro map made by arramus. ❤️
  2. Who knew simplifying something would be so confusing? 🤣
  3. Just an update, I am having a few random NREs on the server, so beware of that. Still mostly playable, but I would avoid it until I figure them out and fix them. Also swapped to PREGEN02 as that map was just too big and had a few POI errors.
  4. I just go into the POI editor and place a whole bunch of whatever type of container I want to test. Then playtest it.
  5. Just gonna throw this out there for anyone who wants to join up. Bdub's Wasteland Server (TX,US): Wasteland_Balanced (made by arramus) 75 minute days 100% XP 100% Loot Mods: The Wasteland (using the version from the Testing repo, not the public version.) Bdub's Vehicles AIO 2x Biome Zombies EpicSpire's Trader Tier Reward System Khaine's Lockable Inv Slots Khaine's 60 slot backpack Just a chill server I'm going to play on to help test/balance my stuff. Planning on pushing this current test release here soon, then waiting till a20 for new updates other than important bug fixes. Will run through a20's release until I am ready to update my mods for the new alpha, then will likely reset.
  6. It is possible. Khzmusik has a "Book Icons" mod here: And the git repo is here: https://gitlab.com/karlgiesing/7d2d-a19-modlets/-/tree/master/khzmusik_Book_Icons It has a pretty in deph explanation at the bottom.
  7. Gonna need to see a log, not a neck breaking screenshot. Lol. Tell him to do a reinstall just to be safe.
  8. Not something I'm super familiar with, but maybe take a look at the top of the recipes.xml. Might need to add one of the <wildcard_forge_category /> lines for your item.
  9. If it's just to test things and what not, go into the POI editor, make a flat patch and save it. Then playtest it. From then on you can go to Continue Game and load that. But if it's a whole map, I think maybe KG or Nitro can do that.
  10. So, I'm no watching any of the streams as I don't want to see all the new stuff beforehand, but with the new RWG did they show any roads and stuff? Are they improved over the jagged, mini-cliff mess that a19 has? As I've said before, the cities and stuff look great now, but they were already decent before. I'm more curious if the worse parts of RWG have gotten better.
  11. I'm not arguing, I would've preferred they keep all the different levels but just standardize the shapes and hp gains. I do like them doing away with downgrades though.
  12. No, using rebar frames means you go to reinforced concrete right off the bat. You don't upgrade it twice. That was the tradeoff, use more iron to skip the regular concrete step. Was just a mess currently due to rebar frames missing the majority of shapes.
  13. You won't like the other things I'm working on either, then. Lol.
  14. I am just not a fan of health bars. I just don't like the clutter. But I am also for being able to remove the XP popup on death as well. Lol. Working on getting these guys finished up, adding them all biomes, with a low spawn rate. Just gotta get their sounds sorted out.
  15. No mod requires the launcher. It's just usually suggested for certain mods, such as ones that use DMT as it can make it easier for people who don't know what they are doing. But it doesn't do any magic you cannot do yourself.
  16. Pretty sure it's hard coded for vehicles. Only way around it with just xml is to change the repair kits for everything else. Then do whatever you need with the original kits for vehicle repair. Pretty sure there's a mod that has done this, possibly the one linked above.
  17. No worries. I know vehicles still have some oddness, but it's usually vanilla issues more than anything.
  18. It's not auto loot, he just means you go to the corpse and hit E to open the loot screen instead of a yellow bag appearing.
  19. It's always been this way in that it isn't completely random. Before they added the circles and stuff you could mark a specific part of the treasure icon on your map and there it would be, every single time. Now it is just in a different spot. From what I've watched of JaWoodle, it will flop to the other side sometimes, but does seem to be in the SW corner way more often than not. Even been a few blocks outside the original circle as well. So much RNG in this game but those chests just won't follow it. Lol.
  20. This really needs to be in the DF thread. But, yes, I'm pretty sure those kind of restrictions apply to almost everything in DF. Usually clicking on the perk levels or hovering over things will tell you what you need. Some are perk gated, some are player level gated.
  21. If it works in SP then I would say it is the server. I'm not sure what the game does when you have version mismatches on servers as I'm not super familiar with that area.
  22. It clearly says the mod isn't loaded. So I'd check your install and make sure it is correct. Can you play SP with it? Otherwise I'd try and contact the server and make sure what version they are using. I know War3z used to distribute my AIO alongside his, but not sure if that's still the case. So no idea what version it might have if it's still included.
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