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Everything posted by Boidster

  1. "I'm here to eat pumpkin cheesecake and buy cheap solar panels...AND I'M ALL OUT OF CHEESECAKE" <points gun at Rekt>
  2. The party thing is annoying. We usually get to the "hey share your quest" stage of the play session before I realize I never saw/responded to his party invite.
  3. I agree with meganoth that what you describe - for a single player, alone not in a party, at level 7 and presumably not much past day 10 - should be impossible. I'll be back momentarily with The Math. I gots a database which calculates odds for Item X at Level Y and such as. While I get the numbers, can you check your current Gamestage? Hey, I'm back. Alright so picking just one of your loot items - the Sniper Rifle - it sure seems pretty impossible in a vanilla game for a solo Level 7 player to find one of any quality, never mind a quality 3 rifle. Here's the nauseating detail. 1) The Sniper Rifle is only available from lootgroups "groupWeaponsRangedScaled" and "groupWeaponsRangedScaledTPlus". In both cases, the probability distribution "ProbT3" is used. 2) The first bit of ProbT3 looks like this, which means between level 0 and 88, the chances of finding an item which uses this distribution are zero. Naganna happen. <lootprobtemplate name="ProbT3"> <loot level="0,88" prob="0"/> <loot level="89,91" prob="0.04"/> <loot level="92,93" prob="0.05"/> <loot level="94,96" prob="0.05"/> <loot level="97,98" prob="0.06"/> <loot level="99,100" prob="0.06"/> 3) At Level 7, your Gamestage is capped at approximately 16. Therefore, without some other extenuating circumstance not described in the OP, it's impossible for a Sniper Rifle or any other Tier 3 weapon to be found. In any loot container. Even Tier 2 weapons are unobtainable at that low GS. Edit to add: here are the ranged weapons you would expect to find at GS16 in a chest which pulls from "groupWeaponsRangedScaled": Weapon Probability Primitive Bow 0.64% Wooden Bow 0.007% Iron Crossbow 0.007% Blunderbuss 0.64% Double-Barrel Shotgun 0.014% Hunting Rifle 0.014% Pistol 0.014% AK-47 0.014%
  4. I thought "Ally" is remembered, but "Party Member" is not. I play almost exclusively co-op on a dedicated server and I don't recall either of us ever having to re-ally. We do have to party up each time, which is kind of annoying. Could it be the dedicated server that is preserving the Ally relationship, whereas a client-hosted game doesn't do that? I also hallucinated at some point that party members were able to pick up workstations within my LCB zone. I don't quite know how old that hallucination is, though we did do some LCB testing earlier this year after we enabled 3x LCB per player in our world. I can't find any supporting evidence for the idea of party-shared LCB though and my next co-op session isn't until Saturday so let's just assume I'm completely wrong for now. I should cut back on my nightly rum ration...
  5. Props to OP for thinking it through a little bit. I still use an axe from time to time just for fun, but if they could balance it appropriately with the other melee tools I'd be happy for it to be an alternative. I mean, chopping zombie heads with an axe is just zombie mythology canon at this point innit?
  6. He's got max better barter, plus a cigar. 41K for a L6 solar panel. Maybe I should sweet-talk Jen for a better price.
  7. I do tend to bury my generators underground so I don't have to listen to the droning. But we don't use battery banks at all, just direct feeds from the generators. We smelt batteries for bullets! We do have a chest full of 5's and 6's in case we ever find a use for them, which I guess now we have found. I guess we can prioritize accumulating wealth again so we can power our zombie murder playground with clean energy. We do plant a lot of trees, too! I can go test this myself of course, but will a fully-charged battery bank full of L6 batteries power the same amount of stuff as a 6-engine generator, and can it last the entire default nighttime of 10pm-4am? I don't want the Murder Emporium's Hall of Welcoming Blades to spin down right as it's getting interesting...
  8. We finally got far along enough in a single playthrough* that basically all of our needs are met for eternity and we are all-but-invincible**. Now we are just doing completionist things, exploring all the weird and wonderful Compopack POIs, and spot-landing our gyrocopters on zombies' heads as we wait for A20. BM is on 3 days +/- 1 to keep us busy and provide an ammo sink. My co-op partner, unbeknownst to me (the engineer of the group), maxed out Int just to get the max bartering perk and with that the ability to see the deepest bowels of Trader Rekt 's Secret Stash. Lo and behold, solar panels started showing up at most traders. Okay great, we bought a solar bank and a couple of panels to play around with them and...what are they for? Is it just for the relative silence and to avoid refueling? At 41,000 dukes per solar panel, it seems like they are a bad investment. We stashed away ~400,000 dukes and stopped selling all but the most expensive loot to the trader. We just didn't need money from selling leather armor and redundant schematics. Well now if we're going to kit out a few solar banks @ 246,000 dukes each we better get back into the trading game! Our base is fully electrified, powered by three generators deep underground. I struggle to find an incentive to go solar, except as a late-game money sink. Have we missed something crucial that makes solar banks worth the investment? Just silence + no refueling? * We've played probably 30 or 40 maps stretching back to 7D2D Console Edition, but we play slowly and restart so often that we've never really made it to what passes for "end game" until this playthrough ** Relative to our hard-but-not-nightmare difficulty settings, of course; we like a good fight and the occasional hasty retreat, but mostly we explore & build
  9. I want the companion game where you play as the airdrop pilot, trying your hardest to keep as many survivors alive as you can.
  10. I'll sub my own account, plus a couple hundred sock-puppet accounts that may or may not exist and certainly I have no direct knowledge of. /I don't actually have a couple hundred sock-puppet accounts, sorry
  11. Probably a better question for the mod discussion forum. My slightly-educated guess is that you'd need to create some custom loot groups for your special box (and a new container type for the box itself of course) and then modify the standard loot groups to eliminate T6 rewards. I do not think it will be an easy task, though you should only need to work with the GS-scaled groups, not the static ones. Unless there's some T6 stuff hiding in a static group.
  12. Emphasis on "at least". https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/10/no-end-in-sight-for-chip-shortage-as-supply-chain-problems-pile-up/
  13. Good heavens, man, you gotta go easy or you'll tear a ligament! @kagibo, you might try posting over in the game mod discussion forum.
  14. And Grandpa's Fergitin' Elixir just randomly reallocates the attribute points and wipes the perks.
  15. Sounded like @Morloc was suggesting that every time you earn a point, the system randomly chooses an available attribute or perk to spend it on, or it chooses to bank it for later (and then possibly spending 2 pts at once next time you earn a point).
  16. Alright I did some tests at that location. I noticed right away that zombies were spawning on the shoreline (only) and a few randomly wandered into the lake (but not obviously at me - just meandering). I fired a gun and a couple of them then started swimming my way from the shore. I then used the spawnscouts command to force a screamer spawn. I did this several times and every time she spawned on the shoreline and then headed my way. At no time during my testing did I see any zombies spawning in the water - they all walked in from the shore. The only way I could get a spawn directly in the water was to use the zombie spawner (f6).
  17. It might possibly have something to do with different spawn radius for a scout/screamer vs. the horde? Or it could be where you were working around the base you very briefly were within X blocks (forget the exact number; it's in Vedui's video) of the shore, just long enough for a scout to spawn in and then call in her friends. But during horde night you were camped in your ambush spot which was too far from land. Here's a straight "will they spawn in water" test:
  18. If you use mods, this one might interest you.
  19. I do not think this is a true statement. A19.3 progression XML sez: <level max_level="300" exp_to_level="10000" experience_multiplier="1.05" skill_points_per_level="1" clamp_exp_cost_at_level="60"> The cumulative XP to get to level 60 is 3.02M and level 60 itself requires 186791. XP per level is clamped at that point, so total XP to level 300 is: 3.02M + (240 x 186791) = ~45 million XP (Edit to add: I checked 19.6 as well - numbers are identical)
  20. Vedui did a video recently on basically this topic. His latest horde base design is a platform in a lake. No, the zombies won't spawn in the water, so @Mikeru that was likely your problem. You were so far out that zombies couldn't find any terrain (dirt/gravel/sand/snow/etc.) to spawn on.
  21. TFP - new tagline for the game?
  22. AMD Phenom II X6 1035T - May 2010 GeForce 750Ti - February 2014 I'd say you're actually doing pretty well running on very old hardware with bare-minimum specs for the game. I'll root for them to optimize something here or there that helps you, but I wouldn't put all my eggs in the optimization basket if I were you. Save some eggs for upgrading (not easy nowadays, I know).
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