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Everything posted by Boidster

  1. For what it is worth, the map "name" you see is dynamically generated and next to meaningless. It is possible - though I expect extremely unlikely - for two seeds to end up with the same map name even though they have different RWG layouts. Only the seed + map size really matter as far as RWG goes. My first RWG map had a trader in the expected location. I renamed my 7D2D game install folder and my save game folder before switching to "Latest Experimental" in Steam, causing it to download the entire game fresh. This ensures all mods are well and truly gone, something which "verify game files" doesn't do. Of course reinstalling Windows is also a way to ensure the game is installed fresh. 🙂
  2. We're about to try a similar-sounding base, a modified version of blugold1's in this thread. A hallway with electric fences, jumping obstacles, and dart traps. In sandbox testing, it destroyed a group of 10 demolishers AFK, and we do not plan on playing AFK. We hope that no demolishers reach the base, actually. They and cops will be priority targets for us from the rooftop. The riff-raff can get shredded by the base defenses. Anyhow, if the base survives, but with significant damage I will still consider it a success. It can be rebuilt from scratch in one game day. Maybe two if I have to go mine up 12000 rock for cement.
  3. Agreed. More than once I've started a reply to a thread, then thought better of it and navigated away. Later I come back to that thread to reply with something else, and everything I had typed before is still there. Including attachments. It appears to remember on a per-thread basis the 'draft' you were writing. So I have to manually delete the stuff in the old draft reply before I can start a new one. Maybe TFP could put in a feature request to Invision.
  4. Sure thing. I should note that all of the animals (I think) also have those settings, so unless you want wolves and bears to also be silent, restrict your changes to the zombies. Don't just go willy-nilly through the whole file or a fearsome rabbit with big pointy teeth might sneak up on you.
  5. I went through entityclasses.xml and changed all of these to empty string "" (deleted the <some value> entries): <property name="SoundRandom" value="<some value>"/> <property name="SoundAlert" value="<some value>"/> <property name="SoundSense" value="<some value>"/> No more sounds when zombies notice or target you. They still make sound when hurt, though. Pretty easy modlet to make, if it doesn't already exist.
  6. MISSING: Tables! I guess the best we can do is THESE SORTS OF THINGS ------------------------------------- Foo Bar Foobar Hmm...now the button is there. Was it always there? Did I hallucinate before? THIS TABLE WORKS How cool is that?
  7. At first I was like "wow four pages!" and then I was like "Roland, wat do?" 🙂
  8. 오류를보고하고 싶습니다. The contrast on new post titles is kinda weak - light grey text on a white background. Also, huh, using the Korean IME keyboard it actually posts in a different font even for English. I would not have expected that. Also also, word-wrapping goes wonky in that Korean/English font so I had to use hard returns.
  9. Check out my followup. There is actually a way you can select which forums to filter to (without having to follow them). If you prefer.
  10. Actually it's even better. You can select which forums you want (I have selected 'Topics' and then clicked the gear icon):
  11. Could you follow the forums you're interested in, then use the "content from areas I follow" option?
  12. One more bug from the Unread filters, sorry. The main menu items are trying to assert dominance: <image deleted by author>
  13. It is, but it haz a bug where the Show Me drop-down tries to hide behind the background (Firefox 74.0.1): <image deleted by author>
  14. I think the off-topic section has been gone for quite some time now. We do all of our off-topic gibberish here in General Discussion now.
  15. Ooh, light and dark theme. Gotta be careful when using colors. This probably looks fine in the light theme; this probably looks good in the dark theme.
  16. I think it's utter crap. Change is bad. There are a few things I would change. It's growing on me. I like it. It is perfect don't ever change it. Okay I think I've run the gamut there. Not a huge fan of the 'overhead' in the UI (buttons are huge, separators are thick), but it's just personal preference. Here's the big test: Niiiiice...inline pasting of screencaps is supported. It is perfect don't ever change it.
  17. Ha I do that by accident more often than not. We'll head back to base at night and I'll be, "Huh, I have two skill points to spend, who knew?" I guess the level-up sound just doesn't register while we're out questin' and lootin'.
  18. Well, I did say that I tested several different types of zombies, and only presented a couple of different ones. I did not test Nightmare speed, since OP appeared to be asking about first few days in game for a new player who presumably wouldn't put it on Nightmare, but I will give that a try and get back here. The Biker has the same aggro speed as most other template zombies (ones which use the zombieTemplateMale settings). The feral version is the same as other feral zombies as well. So a Biker and an Arlene ought to have about the same speed ranges. It is RNG driven, though, so even between Bikers you may see different speeds. ------------------------------------- Edited to add more testing! This time I did Arlenes, Bikers, and Cops, normal and Feral versions, on Nightmare mode. I only tested a full-out run until the end of stamina. And to Roland's point about armor in the first few days, I tested with just the chest piece. [TABLE=border: 1, cellpadding: 3] [TR] [TD]NAKED[/TD] [TD]Arlene[/TD] [TD]Biker[/TD] [TD]Cop[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]After 100 stamina run, Normal[/TD] [TD]Still chasing, 10m behind[/TD] [TD]Still chasing, 10m behind[/TD] [TD]Lost at ~50m (but he did spit at me)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]After 100 stamina run, Feral[/TD] [TD]Lost at ~80m[/TD] [TD]Lost at ~90m[/TD] [TD]Lost at ~40m (also spit first)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]LEATHER CHEST ARMOR[/TD] [TD]Arlene[/TD] [TD]Biker[/TD] [TD]Cop[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]After 100 stamina run, Normal[/TD] [TD]Still chasing, 10m behind[/TD] [TD]Still chasing, ~7m behind[/TD] [TD]Lost at ~50m (spit again)[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Finally, I took the fastest zombie - the Biker - and looked at how much armor I could add before he would just catch me while running. The answer is two pieces of leather. Just having Chest + Legs was enough to make running from a Biker futile on Nightmare mode.
  19. Following up with testing: Still does not take into account running 50-100m with increased spawns, but escaping from one or two zombies coming from the same direction should not be much of a problem if you're naked.
  20. Hah, on default spawn level maybe. On our server that will be a frying-pan-into-fire situation. We absolutely felt pretty safe wandering around at night before we discovered the maxcount parameter. We ought to look into planning for that, though. We could clear out several chunks in the evening, so we were pretty sure of no respawns during night. Then we can go back into those areas without attracting a crowd.
  21. If I am solo, I typically spend the first couple of nights at base cooking up food, arranging loot, and waiting for daybreak (or just use settime to fast-forward a bit). Co-op, we might try some outdoor scavenging or tree harvesting during the hours when the moon is up. Until we both have plenty of iron arrows/bolts, decent iron melee weapons, and med bandages, aloe gel, or medkits we don't mess with POIs at night. They run just as fast as we do at night and we have 4x the normal zombie spawns, so unexpected encounters can turn into a deadly crowd situation in a hurry. Last night due to poor time management we ended up 500m from base at 2200 and we had to sneak/run the entire way back. What a PITA. With the extra zombie spawns finding a path through the crowd - when we're only level 8 or 9 and have not bought up stealth - can be a challenge. The rock-throwing is a life-saver if you can see the dang zombies against the shadows. We got ambushed right as we arrived at our base. Killed one and four more were running in from down the street so we hustled up the ladder and closed the hatch. All's well that ends well.
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