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Everything posted by Boidster

  1. Seems to work - sort of. This Arlene completely ignored my advances. Just walked away from me. But she also didn't fight back if I attacked. So need to fine-tune if we want them to behave like boars. Edit: okay figured it out. You just need to do this one: <property name="AITarget-4" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" data="class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityNPC,0,0"/> <!-- class, hear distance, see dist (checked left to right, 0 dist uses entity default) --> Delete the part in orange and zombies won't auto-target you when you're around, but if you shoot them then they'll fight back. Dunno if this has any effect at all on BMH night, but I assume a casual player would just turn that off anyhow.
  2. I don't have time to accept another challenge right now, but my guess is you need to tinker with these two AI tasks in the zombie template: <property name="AITask-5" value="ApproachAndAttackTarget" data="class=EntityNPC,0,EntityEnemyAnimal,0,EntityPlayer,0"/> <!-- class,maxChaseTime (return home) --> <property name="AITarget-4" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" data="class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityNPC,0,0"/> <!-- class, hear distance, see dist (checked left to right, 0 dist uses entity default) --> My first guess would be to remove the parts in orange.
  3. I was always under the quite-possibly-wrong impression that all AOE effects in the game penetrated all blocks. So if the "explosion radius" of whatever ammo is 2 blocks, then it doesn't matter if block #2 is hidden behind block #1, it'll take damage. That impression was mostly from noticing demolisher damage to hidden/covered blocks, though, and I never really did any controlled experiments. Easy enough to set up a room with 3-block thick walls and let a cop vomit a few times in there and then check the middle and outer layer walls for damage (assuming the inner layer isn't completely destroyed.
  4. Pepe owes me money and he damn well better pay me back before buying a new handheld gamer. (Ignorant comment about SteamOS deleted; TIL it's just a flavor of Linux) SylenThunder will be along shortly to tell us how likely it is to work. Specs: CPU: AMD Zen 2 4c/8t, 2.4-3.5GHz (up to 448 GFlops FP32) GPU: 8 RDNA 2 CUs, 1.0-1.6GHz (up to 1.6 TFlops FP32) RAM: 16 GB DDR5 Storage: 64GB, 256GB, 512GB versions; expandable with MicroSD cards Display: 7" diagonal, 1280x800 (16:10), 60Hz LCD touchscreen
  5. Cops are still in there too as well as Soldiers and Football Players. So I guess it's a casual-ish mod? Anyhwho, there are instructions in the entitygroups.xml file that is included with the mod for how to remove whatever you want. Here's how to replace vultures with chickens: 1. Open up the modlet's entitygroups.xml file. You will just see a bunch of lines like this <set xpath="/entitygroups//entity[@name='zombieArleneFeral']/@name">zombieArlene</set> That line will replace zombieArleneFeral with zombieArlene in the game's own entitygroups.xml. So any time the game would normally try to spawn an ArleneFeral, it'll instead spawn a normal Arlene. 2. Add a line like this (anywhere you want; order doesn't matter): <set xpath="/entitygroups//entity[@name='animalZombieVulture']/@name">animalChicken</set> <set xpath="/entitygroups//entity[@name='animalZombieVultureRadiated']/@name">animalChicken</set> 3. Save the file and start your game. The instructions at the top of the XML list all of the "normal" zombies (not animals) that are left over from my work. If you want to replace any of them, just repeat the above steps putting the unwanted zombie in the orange spot, and its replacement in the green spot. Here are the hostile animals and the "timid" ones. You can do the same thing above to replace any of the hostiles. You can even replace them with zombies if you want. Replacing the Bear with the leather-clad "biker" seems appropriate. Hostiles Timids animalBear animalStag animalZombieBear animalDoe animalWolf animalChicken animalCoyote animalRabbit animalDireWolf animalMountainLion animalZombieDog animalSnake animalBoar (only hostile if you attack) animalBossGrace (special POI boss; may not be replaced by this mod)
  6. Yes, but. Ferals and other specials have their own "aggro" speeds which are faster than normal zombies and these are still in effect even when they are set to "walk only". If MaxTunnerX's complaint is that Ferals and such move faster than other zombies when set to "walk", he does have a point. Specifically, the standard zombie template has this aggro range (0.2 would be used in the "walk" setting): <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.2, 1.25"/> And the Wight, for example, has this - over 2x the aggro speed of a normal: <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value=".5, 1.35"/> These two started at the same spot when I aggro'd them (from about as far behind Arlene as the Wight is in front of her now). A simple modlet to "fix" this would just replace all MoveSpeedAggro values with "0.2, 1.25" throughout entityclasses.xml. Everything would move like a normal zombie.
  7. I did not check POIs, no. The mod should not cause any problems in POIs, as it only replaces one zombie name with another in all of the spawn groups. However if POIs have specific sleeper zombies specified, then the mod will not remove them. If the POI uses one of the sleeper entity groups, then no special zombies ought to spawn. So, POI designer sez "I want a Wight to be in this corner" = there will be a Wight in that corner POI designer sez "Spawn a GS-appropriate sleeper horde here" = the horde will not include special zombies Or so I think. I threw the mod together quickly with little regard for safety or best practices! 🙂 Edit to add: I just went through Dishong Tower at GS127 and I didn't see anything worse than a Fat Mama zombie. No errors, and it sure seemed like the zombies were easier than I'd expect for a T5 POI at that gamestage.
  8. Enjoy: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1501/
  9. What do you consider "special", though? Ferals, Radiated, Demolishers I assume. What about football players or soldiers? Cops? Vultures, dogs, or wolves? I'll give you a basic modlet that will remove a few, and tell you how to easily remove any others.
  10. Many, many things had to have limits drawn around them and as if we needed any evidence, these forums show that regardless of the choices TFP made in this or that setting, someone will not be happy. I mean, you want 70 and maybe someone wants 110 or 200. The next person really thinks 45 is about right and I personally want 300-minute days so I can construct a replica of Château d'Angers in its entirety before the first horde night. For some (arguably many or most) changes I think a modlet is really the right answer. No way TFP can satisfy us all. But clearly the 40 and 50 options are silly and those spots could be used for better options like 70 and 300! 🙂
  11. Not even that. A single XML line in ...\Config\XUi_Menu\windows.xml <gameoption name="DayNightLength" title="goDayLength" value_wrap="false" value_type="int" values="10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 90, 120" display_names="" value_localization_prefix="goMinute" />
  12. I think you may be overstating the case somewhat, since I still use mods I wrote for A17 just fine in A19. But set that aside - several people have attempted to help you in this thread, but it's becoming clear to me that you don't actually want help. You want TFP to do what you want them to do. I think that is a losing proposition, but best of luck.
  13. I think a game mode like that is not and has never been the vision of TFP. But things you are asking for should not be too difficult to do in a mod. If you have no interest in learning how to do it, hopefully somebody shares your vision and makes a casual mode mod you can enjoy. I can suggest some direct XML changes if you want which will make the game start behaving like you want. No modding skill needed, just a text editor.
  14. I hope (and expect) that the Feral Sense ability is part of the zombie "template" XML nodes, so we can fine-tune it down to individual zombies. So maybe Arlene doesn't have it, but, just to pick a totally random example, feral zombies do. Regular wolves, no. Dire wolves, yes. Cougars during day, no. Cougars at night after a couple of drinks, yes. I miss the meat-based feral sense. I bet some skilled modder will tie Feral Sense to meat in inventory. I'd install that.
  15. Linking up to the Short-Fanged Nopefly thread and The Executioner bug zapper - if they bring back the hornets, the stun baton ought to do 2x damage to them. For extra evil, player-placed farm plots with flowers in them should attract hornets.
  16. He can't take them back His views on Jen's rack She heard what he said Carl is now dead
  17. Years ago I bought one of these bad boys: The wires are thick and it emits an audible hum (for you Schlock Mercenary fans: OMINOUS HUMMMMMMM) when the button is pressed, and there is a small risk of starting grass fires with it. I still have it and use it with great prejudice when camping. They are still available from your favorite rain-forest-themed online retailer, or wherever fine murder tools are sold. I wrote the following review: I presume that the Short-Fanged Nopefly that @Maharin found would rate at least an 8 or 9.
  18. Kinda yes, kinda no. The odds of hitting the loot group "booksAllScaled" or "booksRareOnlyScaled" is a straight RNG check with probability set by the type of container. But once you hit those groups then your chance of getting a sub group like "perk books" or "schematics" is...still just a straight RNG check. But once you hit those groups - such as "schematicsModsAndGeneralCommon" - then the results are tied to a gamestage scaling function. <lootgroup name="schematicsModsAndGeneralCommon"> <item group="schematicsModsAndGeneralT0"/> <item group="schematicsModsAndGeneralT1" loot_prob_template="ProbT1"/> <item group="schematicsModsAndGeneralT2" loot_prob_template="ProbT2"/> </lootgroup> As an example, the Tier-0 group there has First Aid Bandage schematic in it, the T1 group has Herbal Antibiotics, and the T2 group has regular Antibiotics. Or if you prefer mod schematics, T0=Trigger Group Semi, T1=Trigger Group Burst, T2=Trigger Group Auto. TL,DR: gamestage/Lucky Looter won't help you get "a book", but it will help you get "better books". Make sure you search desks, nightstands, coffins, purses, and mailboxes to maximize your chances.
  19. It's a short-fanged Nopefly. They actually make a very pleasant noise when on fire. You should try it.
  20. Well I haven't done exhaustive tests, but I'm pretty familiar with flying the gyro and I think pretty skilled with it. I understand how to tap space and c to alter pitch. My experience is that the gyro does not seem to ever have 0 vertical speed. If it is descending at its minimum rate and, as you suggest, I tap the space bar, it will transition to a very slight positive vertical speed. Eventually it hits the top of the world and stops ascending. I did just do short test where I climbed to 120m and trimmed pitch until it appeared to be flying mostly level (not its on-screen appearance, but the apparent motion of ground objects - getting closer or farther). I then checked the map very quickly: 120m...124m...129m, a very shallow climb. So I tapped 'c' once. The gyro pitched down a bit and I checked the map again: 129m...125m...120m. I have never been able to find a true zero vertical speed at full throttle. It is a very minor annoyance. Definitely it gets very light on its wheels with any sort of speed much above walking speed. If I land a bit short of my destination and want to "drive" there, I gotta go slow or it becomes too floaty and a pavement bump will send it careening into a house.
  21. It is a little weird how it will bank if you look around (RMB still works for a free look), but not actually turn. Took me a bit to get smooth with the mouselook + turn keys. But this also, IMO, shows decent nuance in the physics of the gyro. If you turn (yaw) too quickly, you lose the forward momentum that keeps the main rotor spinning, and you will lose altitude. You gotta take the turns somewhat gently, or be ready to go max throttle and pitch up a bit to recover lost altitude. My biggest beef - and it's hardly a morsel - is that it doesn't seem possible to completely neutralize vertical speed. It's always either climbing just a bit or descending just a bit.
  22. Good heavens. I assume this is your default starting position for any announced new or changed feature? If you're going to imagine the worst outcome and then conclude "That means [X]", why not go all out? Never mind "if it turns out bad", what if it turns out Really Bad? Like, "this is the free clinic calling, is Mr. IndustryStandard there?" bad. A Vanilla Ice comeback tour bad. Star Wars on Broadway Featuring an All-Jar-Jar Cast bad. "British Accents for Aspiring Actors, by Peter Dinklage and D. Van Dyke*" bad. Pineapple on pizza bad. You get what I'm saying. Don't hold back your imagination. * Seriously forums? @%$# is the man's name and I should be able to call him @%$#. @%$# @%$# @%$#.
  23. I've actually been kind of surprised at how reasonably accurate the gyro handles. They create lift by moving forward, with limited auto-gyro capabilities. I can land the gyro on a 15x15 rooftop, but it takes careful adjustment of the angle of attack and forward speed. If you come in kind of low, then pitch up near the landing spot, the gyro will slow down very quickly and by tapping the throttle you can almost get a vertical landing. But you have to land fairly quickly, or the momentum of the main rotors will be lost and you won't have any lift. Then you plummet. Even so, they're pretty tough so a hard landing won't cause it to asplode. It's quirky and I personally like it. Not to say an attack helicopter wouldn't also be pretty cool. 😄
  24. Hey man, don't post "it's being reported" without providing a link to a reputable source. That's some Facebook FUD behavior, "many people are saying" etc. Your wording neatly flips the reporting around to make it as FUDdy as possible. Un-flipped: Starting in 2023 Windows 11 will require laptops to have a front-facing camera It's difficult to find a laptop today without a camera in it, never mind after 2023. If privacy is a concern (you'll get no argument from me about that), they're easy to cover up. Change is inevitable, and there will be a few mountains to climb along the way. No need to build up the molehills.
  25. IMO some of the suggested bonuses shown above are of questionable use after a few in-game days of play even for a brand new player. Things that make me go But we'll see how/if it actually shakes out.
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