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Everything posted by Boidster

  1. Pretty much, yes. OOPS, nope! I misunderstood the same way you did. Active = 0, Passive = 1, Aggressive = 2 So there are no POIs where all volumes are "passive". More details on this active/passive stuff in a later post. A minor quibble <pushes glasses up nose> technically the numbers correspond to "sleeper volumes" which might span several rooms, or only cover a small portion of a room. Some POIs have (or did in A19 anyhow) volumes which span floors of the building. And for clarity I'd note that the descriptions of passive/active/aggressive that you gave are in effect after the player crosses the boundary of the volume. Prior to that they are all "sleepers" (motionless in their starting position).
  2. Hmm. A19 daytime spawns were max=1 and respawn every 2.9 game days: <biome name="pine_forest"> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="2.9" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> A20 is exactly the same outside of commercial, industrial, or downtown zones. In those zones there are 3x the spawns and they respawn at almost 10x the rate. <biome name="pine_forest"> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="2.9" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown" /> <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="0.3" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" tags="commercial,industrial" notags="downtown" /> <spawn maxcount="3" respawndelay="0.3" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesForestDowntown" tags="downtown" />
  3. EDITED TO CORRECT Passive/Active/Aggressive NUMBER MAPPINGS. There are no POIs where all volumes are "passive". With the caveat that I know nothing about the A20 update to how aggro is determined now, I checked the the SleeperVolumeFlags for A20 POIs and found as follows: Examination of 479 POIs with Sleeper Volumes POIs with All Volumes Active (flag="0") 157 (32.8%) POIs with All Volumes Passive (flag="1") 0 POIs with All Volumes Aggressive (flag="2") 75 (15.7%) POIs with Mix of Active & Aggressive 247 (51.6%) Examples of all-Active POIs: abandoned_house_01 abandoned_house_06 barn_02 cabin_11 farm_10 Examples of all-Aggressive POIs: apartments_01 downtown_building_01, 02, & 03 farm_02 house_modern_16 through 22 rural_church_01 is an All-Aggressive POI. <property name="SleeperVolumeFlags" value="2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2" /> store_book_02 is a mixed POI. <property name="SleeperVolumeFlags" value="0,0,2,0,0,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,2" /> utility_refinery_01 is a mixed POI. <property name="SleeperVolumeFlags" value="2,0,0,2,0,1,1,0,0,2,2,2,2,0" /> This assumes, of course, that this particular property is still being used in the same way. I didn't go into the POI editor to play with sleeper volumes.
  4. I think I might have done something like that, based on counting the # of POI spawn zones which had a particular setting. I can find my old post to refresh my memory, and if they haven't changed the basics of how POIs and spawn areas are constructed I can count it up again. It would be helpful @Viktoriusiii if you could provide one specific POI by name to double-check in the XML. I think if you're standing within the POI borders then the debug screen will tell you its internal name; "abandoned_farmouse_01" or something like that.
  5. A wild Beg The Question appears! I wouldn't mind trying a mod which gave back Q6 weapon crafting, somewhat bumped weapon parts in loot (scaled by GS), and otherwise removed weapons from loot and traders. A bit awkwardly, this means gun parts would be what you find in gun safes and S.M. crates. I could live with it by hand-waving, "well many looters have already been through here and took all the real guns...from...locked safes and sealed crates...look don't ask too many quesetions!" At least you'd still be forced to loot for the inputs you need to lovingly craft your very own Vera.
  6. ARK does this pretty well. IIRC you have to experiment (or hit the Wiki) to figure out what each edible does, but then you're pretty free to combine them and even give the recipes (which you save on bits of paper) custom names for easy reuse.
  7. I've been dabbling in Valheim lately and I have that same reaction when it storms in that game. Get in your cozy cabin with the fire and knaw on a deer rib until the storm passes. And hope The Forest doesn't awaken and trash all your stuff outside.
  8. Visually: Note: after A20 Exp goes live, you should see "alpha19.6 - Alpha 19.6 Stable" in the list of Betas. You should switch from "None" to "alpha19.6" to ensure you stay on 19.6. If you leave it at "None", you will be upgraded to A20 when A20 goes stable. It's confusing.
  9. Along these lines, couldn't the repair process remove durability instead of quality? So it's still a Q6, but after repair it loses 25% of its durability. Eventually it becomes a one-hit wonder, breaking every time you use it. I'm definitely in favor of category-specific repair kits. Maybe a gun kit (using any type of gun part, and usable on any type of gun, just to keep it straightforward), a tool kit, a vehicle kit, and an armor kit. I bet there's a mod that already does this; I'm not hip to all the cool mods...
  10. I vote that A20 be renamed "My Binky". IT'S BEEN OVER A YEAR TFP WHERE IS MY BINKY?!?
  11. Yeah, I couldn't come up with any that didn't seem worse to me than a timed tracker. My view of the tracker is that it was a bit of duct tape and glue to overcome the visibility issue of spears in grass. I didn't think it was actually supposed to be a GPS tracker on spears which the survivor implants with each spear made. Being able to find a spear hours later after running a mile away does not, to me, seem to be a mechanic that we need to preserve. But it is useful and I can understand why a lot of people would be irritated if it went away. Maybe spears which hit player entities do their damage and then drop on the ground immediately? You lose the fun of yanking a spear out of a victim only to throw it back into him, but it solves the base-tracker exploit.
  12. Yep, you're right. I have a generated world in my install directory due to copying from Nitrogen or KingGen I bet.
  13. HAHAHAHA....sucker... Srsly tho, the modlet is super-simple and it should uninstall pretty cleanly. It only makes changes at run-time to the gamestages.xml file so if you delete the mod and restart the server it should be gone. The log would tell you if it was still loading from somewhere. Anywho, I know it's a moo point by now, but definitely @ me on this forum if you ever try it again and it causes you problems.
  14. I'd be down for a note-based quest which required you to cut down the mightiest tree in the forest WIIIIITH...a herring kill one of every type of non-zombie animal: Rabbit, Chicken, Stag, Doe, Snake, Coyote, Wolf, Cougar*, Boar, Bear And in exchange either: a) you get ONE random book or schematic that you don't already know (extra choice if you have the perk) --or if that's too difficult to mod-- b) you get your choice of any book from a set (indicated in the note) --or if you want to be generous-- c) you get your choice of any book (one type of note) or any type of schematic (a different note) *The one on the left, not the one on the right.
  15. Bro, your spelling & grammar are in the top 1% among internet forums I assure you. Definitely a bug. No way did they intend for spears to be GPS trackers. People - myself included - complained about how hard it was to see a spear that landed in grass, so we got trackers. Probably they need to make the tracker last like 10 or 30 seconds and then shut off. Or the player needs to be able to yank out the spear in their back and dump it on the ground. Or for extra fun, throw it into a zombie bear. Go track THAT to its base...
  16. Link is legit, but did not traverse the links to images (domain mega.nz). Wow that's a lot of work you did.
  17. People have made this mistake before...and paid WITH THEIR LIVES!!! I think maybe an important point about Roland's post was that his game was modded to be more of a survival-horror game. So if you want to play more of that kind of game, you can mod out XP and loot for kills and mod in XP and/or skill points just for surviving 24 hours and Bob's-yer-uncle, it's more of a survival-horror game. In its vanilla state, it has strong zombie-shooter (or zombie-basher as the case may be) elements. Which is also fun. I have always wanted to try Roland's skill-points-for-surviving mode one day. I often say, usually in the context of "cheesing", that survival is the only goal and whatever you can do to survive is legit. Roland's modded game really gets close to that idea, especially if biome spawns are increased and especially especially with the upcoming feral sense.
  18. I was pretty sure OP should really not be taken seriously or at face value and that no serious discussion would be possible... ...and that was the confirmation I needed. I had a guy like OP work for me once. Always The Smartest Guy In The Room. I think he knew that everybody else knew the truth about him, and it ate him up inside. Didn't last long.
  19. One way would be to add a tag to the perkBooks group like "duplicateAdjust=0.1" and a tweak to the RNG algorithm so that any group with that tag reads the player's stats and applies the adjustment to the otherwise equal chances on each as-yet-not-found item. So using 0.1 as the example, needed books would be adjusted upward from 1.0 (the default) to 1.1, slightly increasing their chances of being found relative to the other books. That same XML tag could be used on the schematics list. If a player wants to strengthen the "honing in" on needed books, change it to 0.2 or 0.5 or whatever. For multi-player games I'd say it only applies to the player opening the container. Otherwise it becomes much more complex. If a party attacks a Crack-A-Book, they ought to split up the bookshelves amongst the party, or if they're really cooperative let the least-well-read player loot most of 'em. The above technique can be done today, of course, for anybody wanting to keep some RNG but with a nudge towards needed books/schematics. You have to manually set the needed books to prob=1.1 (go higher for a stronger nudge). Of course you can also just comment out the already-found books, but at that point just use 'cm' and poptart whatever you need into inventory.
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