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Everything posted by xyth

  1. I'm not at PC but the mod is completely configurable in the code. I found the mouse to make things tough but the current settings make it almost too easy if you use the keyboard. I'm not sure about improving the mouse control as I just used the keys but I can look at it.
  2. Not intentionally. I've seen that in some mods but not the creaturepacks. Could be stuck in a wall but I never found the zombie either. You can try using a killall command or leave the area an see if it resets.
  3. Are you trying to load that mod into a19.5? If so there are too many reasons to list why that wont work. The good news is that mods author is working on a 19.5 version of it.
  4. By default, the icon shown is name matched to the block name. So if there is no icon property for a block name Ralph, the game looks for an icon named Ralph. The vanilla electricalfensepost is that way. But your copy has a new name, and no default matching icon, so you would need to either reference the default icon in a customicon property or make a new icon and refer to that in your mods icon folder.
  5. Updated the 2-effectspack to 19.5.1 to fix vanilla zombies not having sounds.
  6. yes, increase the probability values in the entitygroups.xml files in whichever packs you want to increase the spawning
  7. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The NPCs are overhauled for A20, with a new human AI used rather than the zombie AI used in A19. All 3 concerns should be fixed in A20. I will check on item 1, as that sounds like it broke in 19.5 which I havent tested. Well, just tested and it seems even unhired ones no longer attack zombies, so the faction based targeting might have broke in 19.5. Will look into that.
  8. Could just be randomness, could be the mod isnt loading., could be another mod is editing the entity groups. Hard to say without more information or logs.
  9. Spiders are in the 0-creaturepackAnimals mod. Is that loaded? If so, spiders should spawn at any level in the desert, forest, or wasteland.
  10. The NPC pack characters are recruitable. Coins for humans, meat for animals.
  11. in the creaturepacks, animals are just vanilla animals, and behave like vanilla animals. Are you asking about the NPC animals?
  12. If I recall you needed the exoskeleton ( power armor ) for that zone. There are videos for that suit, and you can upgrade it.
  13. CreaturePack zombies replicate the TFP zombies in feature almost exactly. Only thing they dont do is make footstep sounds reliably, which is fixed in the NPC version and will be fixed in the A20 version. Snufkin type zombies are TFP vanilla zombies with additional prefabs attached, so should work the same as vanilla zombies they are based on. UMA zombies like the ones in this pack, wont have several newer features added to the TFP zombies, like the vehicle colliders and normal ragdolling. They may also not have the stumble when falling behavior, but in general they function well enough for good gameplay.
  14. xyth


    The update was just pushed.
  15. Make sure you dont pick one of these zombie archtypes as your player character.
  16. I heard in passing that loot would be referenced by name not ID number, so this shouldn't be an issue in the future.
  17. Really well done! Not sure the install instructions would work, as I converted my copy to a standard mod format., but let me know if thats an issue.
  18. Welcome back to modding Three08, you were missed.
  19. Look at the creaturepackzombie xml for how to setup the xpath. You need to target the zombie AND the probabilities. For example: <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'zombieHospitalGroupGS')]/entity[@name='zombieBoeFeral' and @prob='0.1']"> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor01Feral" prob=".01" /> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor02Feral" prob=".01"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor03Feral" prob=".01"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor04BlackFeral" prob=".01"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctorFemale01Feral" prob=".01" /> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctorFemale02Feral" prob=".01" /> </insertAfter> <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'zombieHospitalGroupGS')]/entity[@name='zombieBoeFeral' and @prob='0.2']"> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor01Feral" prob=".02" /> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor02Feral" prob=".02"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor03Feral" prob=".02"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor04BlackFeral" prob=".02"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctorFemale01Feral" prob=".02" /> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctorFemale02Feral" prob=".02" /> </insertAfter> Just 2 sample entries of many, but you can see that in the hospitalgroup, it looks for a zombie named zombieBoeFeral, and a specific probability, and if found it appends one or more new zombies with a specific spawn probability.
  20. warnings are nothing to worry about. Thats because the effects pack is designed to work on the creature pack with or without the NPCpacks
  21. do both groups have exactly the same probability of spawning zombieJoe? - yes does myGroup1, myGroup2 and myGroup3 all have the exact same probability to spawn zombieJoe? - yes
  22. You cant change the volume of individual sounds in xml.
  23. I think that would be very difficult to write. There are so many ways to change a property using xpath.
  24. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Its still 1000 coins for human npcs, but you can change that in xml. Its meat for animals.
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