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Everything posted by xyth

  1. The NPC pack characters are recruitable. Coins for humans, meat for animals.
  2. in the creaturepacks, animals are just vanilla animals, and behave like vanilla animals. Are you asking about the NPC animals?
  3. If I recall you needed the exoskeleton ( power armor ) for that zone. There are videos for that suit, and you can upgrade it.
  4. CreaturePack zombies replicate the TFP zombies in feature almost exactly. Only thing they dont do is make footstep sounds reliably, which is fixed in the NPC version and will be fixed in the A20 version. Snufkin type zombies are TFP vanilla zombies with additional prefabs attached, so should work the same as vanilla zombies they are based on. UMA zombies like the ones in this pack, wont have several newer features added to the TFP zombies, like the vehicle colliders and normal ragdolling. They may also not have the stumble when falling behavior, but in general they function well enough for good gameplay.
  5. xyth


    The update was just pushed.
  6. Make sure you dont pick one of these zombie archtypes as your player character.
  7. I heard in passing that loot would be referenced by name not ID number, so this shouldn't be an issue in the future.
  8. Really well done! Not sure the install instructions would work, as I converted my copy to a standard mod format., but let me know if thats an issue.
  9. Welcome back to modding Three08, you were missed.
  10. Look at the creaturepackzombie xml for how to setup the xpath. You need to target the zombie AND the probabilities. For example: <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'zombieHospitalGroupGS')]/entity[@name='zombieBoeFeral' and @prob='0.1']"> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor01Feral" prob=".01" /> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor02Feral" prob=".01"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor03Feral" prob=".01"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor04BlackFeral" prob=".01"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctorFemale01Feral" prob=".01" /> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctorFemale02Feral" prob=".01" /> </insertAfter> <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'zombieHospitalGroupGS')]/entity[@name='zombieBoeFeral' and @prob='0.2']"> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor01Feral" prob=".02" /> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor02Feral" prob=".02"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor03Feral" prob=".02"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctor04BlackFeral" prob=".02"/> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctorFemale01Feral" prob=".02" /> <entity name="zombieGuppyDoctorFemale02Feral" prob=".02" /> </insertAfter> Just 2 sample entries of many, but you can see that in the hospitalgroup, it looks for a zombie named zombieBoeFeral, and a specific probability, and if found it appends one or more new zombies with a specific spawn probability.
  11. warnings are nothing to worry about. Thats because the effects pack is designed to work on the creature pack with or without the NPCpacks
  12. do both groups have exactly the same probability of spawning zombieJoe? - yes does myGroup1, myGroup2 and myGroup3 all have the exact same probability to spawn zombieJoe? - yes
  13. You cant change the volume of individual sounds in xml.
  14. I think that would be very difficult to write. There are so many ways to change a property using xpath.
  15. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Its still 1000 coins for human npcs, but you can change that in xml. Its meat for animals.
  16. Jumping is hard coded and the devil to work around. We struggle to get our NPC characters not to act like jumping beans.
  17. Why would you want to adjust mass? Mass is a ragdoll property.
  18. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    If you load the NPCHumans pack, it disables all "humans" that load in the CreaturepackHumans mod. If you cant hire any character, it means you don't have faction with those characters. You can only hire friendly ones. Unfriendly ones are basically bandits or neutral to you. If you want all to be friendly, edit the entityclasses.xml and change faction to whiteriver
  19. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Thanks for debugging this. My guesses are often wrong but at least I know the possibilities!
  20. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Interesting. They are identical except for the model except for a few properties. One is: <property name="IsChunkObserver" value="true"/> Try removing that from the animals. another is <property name="IsEntityAnimal" value="true"/> try setting that to false or removing it entirely. My guess would be the second one is the issue.
  21. Just a FYI, if you eliminate that questlist line, no quests will appear. I do that on NPC Animals companions so they don't ask you to go get them snacks.
  22. The way this method of making new zombies is highly inefficient, as it layers prefabs over other meshes, and multiple new materials which causes a much heavier load on the CPU and GPU. Be prudent in how many of these custom zombies are spawned at once.
  23. The wasteland mod already does something like this.
  24. Be sure to attempt to gain the original authors permission to update his/her mod. Im not sure what MOD the OP is trying to reverse engineer, but the stated method seems the painful way to go about it.
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