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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. Yes and No. Finding a crafting recipe for something you need and can craft is a nice surprise. However, alot of the time in A20, said craftable will be a low quality if you're not perked into it. The new magazine crafting system in A21 adds value to all parts since now all players have the potential to craft higher quality crafts despite their perk point allocations as long as they keep improving their crafting skills.
  2. I agree that speed runners will be the most impacted. How ever, I don't agree they will have no control over it. I predict, once players know which loot containers have the best chances for which types of magazines, specific POIs will be targeted to improve their progression in said areas. I don't want to go into more detail as figuring that stuff out is half the fun imo.
  3. You can also go the GeForce Now route if you have a relatively good internet connection. I tested it a while back and was surprised how well 7d2d ran through it. You can try it for free if you don't mind waiting in a queue and don't mind for playing for only 1 hour sessions at a time (maximum session time for free). https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/memberships/?ncid=pa-srch-goog-180712&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5NSdBhDfARIsALzs2EBiEIk8WLo6aOAC6lMj4GAZ8E7L3gD8iPnACNNIbM_sW2K6F1sddtIaAsOPEALw_wcB#cid=ct0005_pa-srch-goog_en-us
  4. It may look like a new one based on the front facade but it's still the same experience mostly as the old one but with lots of upgrades and additions. The old one is gone and will need to be modded in if players want to play it still.
  5. Forgot about the hospital. Probably because it's no longer a weird pharmaceutical store brand hospital in A21 lol...
  6. I definitely appreciate the older "no respec" rpgs from my younger days. Made my decisions feel more important and encouraged multiple playthroughs. Although I am nostalgic about the old days, I have come to appreciate the respec feature in newer games. As if developers know that I am much older and have less time to replay games now lol....
  7. They all exist in A20. Pop N Pills is a new addition in 20, while the Crack A Book was overhauled in A20.
  8. The thought has crossed my mind as well but, keep in mind it will be useful to get the current changes out to the general public for feedback. Folks can always choose to stay on A20 until A22 if what they read / hear in the release notes / dev streams is not compelling enough for them to update.
  9. My guess is those 2 props sit in the corner of their voxel space and were rotated 45 degrees to achieve the arrangement in that screenshot.
  10. There was a proto type door shown in a video along time ago where there were pieces of the door flying out and rag-dolling down a stairway as it was damaged. What we have now in A21 is similar but doesn't have the rag-dolling debris pieces.
  11. Not all of the new art was outsourced. For example, the new lootable vehicles were all created internally.
  12. You might be pleasantly surprised...๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. I was referring to zzTong's idea that he mentioned... ๐Ÿ˜…
  14. I can already see people sitting at a body of water spamming the E key for a backpack full of water jars. ๐Ÿ˜…
  15. Hey Roland, Thanks for always bringing the facts to the table. You sir are Mastercraft at it *bows deeply* There was so much back and forth between you and Shado, my eyes got crossed several times....๐Ÿคช I think even if you convinced him in any way, he is probably seeing so much red from "how" you presented it to him...๐Ÿ˜… Shado, Sure, development of 7d2d hasn't been perfect and has taken a long time so the feelings you project are understandable. However, let me reassure you the team is better then it has ever been and are committed to finishing the game. Hopefully the changes and additions in A21 will be reflective of that once it is available to you to experience. Hang in there. ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ
  16. Hmm, that image is from a popular children's book (I know because my kids have it lol)
  17. Although, I can understand the appeal of adventuring into the unknown, it can be frustrating exploring somewhere and getting completely wrecked. That being said, it would be nice for an option to disable / hide the feature for a greater challenge for those who seek it.
  18. In A20, I believe only the gibs on zombie Steve were added.
  19. Imagine a player crafting 100 high poly deco blocks and placing them all next to each other. On top of that place several light sources on them. FPS will start taking a hit. It snowballs pretty quickly. In my opinion this is more important in multiplayer where unrestricted high poly placement leads to poor performance for others. Not saying it will never happen since optimization is ongoing, but probably not a priority until all other core features are in.
  20. What we have now is a placeholder AFAIK so not worth critiquing yet. Not sure if the final art for it will make it into A21 or not. It's functional though.
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