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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Take a look at your last entry: <New_Recipes/> should be </New_Recipes>, as it's closing the top node.
  2. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I missed the second part. For animals, you need to hold something they are interested in. Usually its like corn on the cob, etc. You don't really hire them, but rather get them to follow you to a pen.
  3. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    haha the poor gal had the wrong command assigned to her. I'll fix it in the next push. - - - Updated - - - Good to hear. The bug doesn't really make sense to me, nor does the fix. Sometimes the universe aligns....
  4. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    What did you expect a cow to say? haha That's still kind of work in progress on them. It should have displayed the same information as the NPCs though, so a tool tip pop up and writing to the console.
  5. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    A dependency should have been explicitly set, but was overlooked. AnimationSDX is a pretty important SDX mod, as nearly any SDX mod that involves custom entities needs it.
  6. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Updated the SDX Repos with the blurry hands fix, along with some other code clean ups. The SDX_EntityAlive mod was missing a dependency on the AnimationSDX, so the mod launcher didn't prompt that as a requirement. I added that as a dependency as well.
  7. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I'll do another code review of the modlet downloading. I know it's not perfect, but has worked in all my tests. We've been testing the hand glitch, and have not been able to reproduce it with the cows from Bloom's. Can anyone help confirm that the bug does not happen when a cow is nearby?
  8. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Found the hiring bug. Will push a fix in a few hours. Until then, enjoy your free NPCs.
  9. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I wonder if it has to do with that animator layer warning we get when we open up the dialog option. They should still cost money. I'm not that generous Does the message show -1, or does it show 1000 but doesn't take money from your stack?
  10. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    no worries. I re-tested the vehicle / hand blur, and it seems to only happen if the vehicle moves. Must be something that is out of sync. Were you ever able to recover from it, aside from logging out and back in? I tried a few things, but no dice.
  11. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Two things should happen when you have Tell Me About Yourself: a tool tip should pop up, taking up most of the screen, and writing out to the console. That's handled through the SDX_EntityAliveSDX mod. The dialog option is handled by the aui_Dialog. It almost sounds like there's a mismatch. You can have the option in the dialog, but the script will ignore it if its unknown.
  12. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Ahh right, now I remember that. I did test the trader and think I understand what's going on there, but not sure if I can fix it. I'll look over the code again, but not much should interfere with the player or its cameras / animations.
  13. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Interesting glitch. The NPCs are really separate from the player's code. Does this happen with other NPCs or just the Ammo one?
  14. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Maybe it's time to shift the maslow buffs to on-hired, rather than on spawn in. That'd be limited to the NPCs; not sure how to handle the animals in that case, since they never really get hired.
  15. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Can you go ask the NPC, while their health is dropping, "Show Information", and grab all the information from the log file? What kind of food are you feeding him?
  16. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    New update pushed to fix some entity spacing issues, health regeneration and some refactoring in an EntityUtilities class to centralize more things
  17. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Those types of scripts die off when the modder leaves the community, usually between alphas. Moving between tools isn't as drastic, since most of the modders are still active, and only a few write scripts anyway.
  18. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    SDX were mods that include XML XPath, PatchScripts and Scripts. In A17, with the baked in support for XPath, SDX was redefined to include PatchScripts and Scripts. DMT is coming along to replace SDX Launcher. However, it includes support for PatchScripts and Scripts. However, it includes Harmony support, which should replace PatchScripts. SDX Launcher is closed source, and the original developer is not active anymore. DMT is fresh and clean from Hal9000, and is open-source. Just like 7 Days To Die goes through several iterations, so does the modding community with its tools. DMT can support everything that SDX Launcher does now. But I am not going to continue to maintain PatchScripts when it's much easier and time effective to write Harmony scripts. What that means for players and modders, is that new work may not be available to them until they move to DMT, if that new work needs Harmony scripts. This conversation has gotten a lot more feedback than I expected.
  19. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Rest easy friend, everything will be all good, and this will be transparent to you. When the NPCs go into feature-lock for SDX, then if modders wanted new versions, they'll jump on the DMT wagon. They'll have to do that for A18 anyway And I just finished testing the NPC mods with all the new changes against SDX, and aside from some code fixes, it's working.
  20. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Let me see if I can clarify to ease your worries. As a player, you will not have to do anything. SDX Launcher will be retired. It will likely not be maintained anymore. DMT is the new modding tool that will replace it. It does support SDX Patch Scripts, so all SDX mods should be compatible. The only exception of an SDX mod not working was the AnimationSDX, which had a test call to the SDX.Core.dll. SDX Patch Scripts work by modifying the Assembly-CSharp.dll and adding in all the hooks and patches we want. These are written in a Cecil language that can be challenging and time consuming to write and support. DMT offers us the additional flexibility of using Harmony, which will apply SDX-style PatchScripts, but will do that at run time instead of build time. It does change the Assembly-CSharp.dll, but once its changed once, you can continue to add and remove patch scripts without rebuilding, if you are using Harmony. Not much will change from a player's perspective, except that if they want to build themselves they'll have to use DMT instead of SDX Launcher. If we, as a modding community, want to continue to improve our mods and workflows, then this will be an important migration for all the modders to take, and move away from directly changing the vanilla DLL. I don't mind leading the charge for it.
  21. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    It's been a three day weekend for me, which means I have had a lot of time, and no time, to work on it. However, I did fix a few important things, such as the healing issue. Other fixes and refactoring that I did involved a few Harmony patches. I may just push the health fix, and maybe some AI tweaks, then freeze the SDX version and switch over to DMT / Harmony for the rest of the mods.
  22. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Some elements have already been integrated into one of the Darkness Falls.
  23. Looks like its failing before starting the SDX. Do you have two instances of the mod launcher open? The modlet database looks like it's locked from another process. Could also be an anti-virus?
  24. Try to install a mod, and load it up. If it fails, go to the View menu, then Log files, and click on Upload Log file. Then pass me the pastebin.com link it gives you, and I'll take alook
  25. Hmm Looks like the syntax is correct. I wonder if its the spaces in the path for the launcher itself that is causing an issue. Otherwise, it could be something in steam itself that is causing problems.
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