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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Sorry for the delay, I couldn't see the picture from work. Looks like a non-SDX error; I've seen that issue in vanilla. It's something about the network protocol that is being used. Can you try to re-validate?
  2. Definitely strange. I'll look into alternative ways for the git to work. I use a third party library for the downloading ,and it hasn't changed in a long time. Do you remember when it worked better for you?
  3. Yes, but I have released a new version since, which may give a hint on what the issue is.
  4. Can you click on the View menu, then Log files? In that screen, click on Upload Log file and give me the pastebin.com link.
  5. Have we resolved this? I think we did on discord, but just wanted to confirm.
  6. Sorry for the frustration you had experienced, and I hope you enjoy your play through. Seems like the root cause of the issue was Bit Defender.
  7. Great news. Click on Manage Modlets, and filter by DUST2DEATH, and you should fine what you are looking for. I'm not sure which modlets are compatible with Darkness Falls though. There's a few to pick from.
  8. I won't be able to do much about the speed you are experiencing, other than hope that the initial download is the one that takes the most time, and from this point forward, it should be much faster.
  9. Is Direct Download checked? If so, uncheck ,and try again.
  10. Let's get Darkness Falls installed, then we can go over how to install the HDHQ modlet into it. Can you re-launch Darkness Falls mod, and start a new game? Once it's started, you can close the program. Back in the Mod Launcher, click on View -> Log Files, and select the output_log.txt in the drop down box, and click on Upload Log file. Copy the pastebin.com link here, and we'll see what happened.
  11. I don't see any errors with that log. In what way did it fail?
  12. Definitely room for improvements. You should be able to uncheck Refresh Mods Automatically and skip that step.
  13. Yes, your downloads were interrupted by something. Do you have any anti-virus or firewall software that the mod launcher may need to be whitelisted with?
  14. Sounds like the mods didn't download. Can you unchecked disable ssl, and retry? After that's done, click on the view menu, then log files. Click on the upload log and send me the pastebin.com link it gives you
  15. Sorry for the delay. This seems to be an issue related to some ISPs and GitLab. For some reason, some things get filtered out. You can try the following: 1) Click on Disable SSL, and try again 2) Click on Direct Download, and disable Refresh Mods Automatically
  16. Another update today, at 2.0.87. This fixes a lagging configuration file that was slowing start ups, and also applied a fix for private repositories.
  17. New Update to 2.0.85 fixes the issue reported today about mods hosted on gitlab not showing up. Loads time may be a bit slower overall when the mod launcher starts.
  18. Very sorry for the delay. The log file looks clean. Can you post a log from a failed launch? Same process, start the game and let it fail, and go back into the View -> Log Files. There's a drop down box there to change it to output_log.txt. - - - Updated - - - Seems like an interesting issue. There may have been left over changes in their steam folder. If you uninstall through steam, I don't think it removes files that were placed there outside of the game. You may have to manually delete the 7 Days To Die folder, then re-validate in Steam to fix it.
  19. Can you try to do another sync, then go to View -> Log Files, and click on Upload Log file, and send me the pastebin.com link of the log? That might give a hint on what it's doing. Haev you tried to click on the Disable SSL, then restarted and trying again?
  20. Sorry for the trouble. In what was isn't it working?
  21. Can you supply a log file? Try downloading again, then close the Mod Downloader screen and go to the View Menu, then Log files. Click on Upload log file, and pass me the pastebin.com link it gives you.
  22. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    That's what the wives keep telling to us....
  23. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Thanks for the log. It may be time to push the new version of Maslow. I'll let you know when that's done.
  24. It does not delete files that weren't part of the original sync. If a file was removed by the modder, then Pre-sync would remove that file from your local copy on a pre-sync. If you already have the mod, it'll check to see if all the files are still up to date, and will re-download the ones that are not.
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