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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Yeah, that's a testing hook... a quick way to give feed back that it didn't work.
  2. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Sorry, I must have missed that video earlier. I re-added a dialog option for tell me about yourself. This will print the cvars and all the other buffs into the console and log file. This might help pinpoint the health loss. I also included a Dismiss option, which will release the NPC back into the wild. If its losing health, we should see it. I also included a code work-around for the bleeding effect on that the Patch_Entity helps. I'll look at the health loss now
  3. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The new version I'm working on will likely have breaking changes for other SDX/DMT mods outside of the ones Xyth and I provide. It re-organizes things to make it easier to support. I am investigating the trader issue, and it seems to have a few issues. I may just get them to stand outside of the trader area and wait for you, as their behavior inside is a bit odd. The reason they spawn and disappear in the traders is because of the no-zombie spawn code, and not easily fixed to allow the NPCs, while keeping the zombies out.
  4. I think DMT has the option to disable the localization merging. When I integrate that into the mod launcher, it'll just be my SDX Localization mod in play then.
  5. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Do you have a modlet available that includes all of the settings to generate them? We may be able to 'fix' them using EntityAliveSDX.
  6. Good morning It depends on how they have their listing configured in the Mod Launcher. If it's two entries, it'll be separate. Otherwise, it'll just be a single entry. You'd have to make a copy of the existing version and not update it. I leave this sort of thing to the modder, as it may become confusing if they move on to 17.3, and want to get rid of their 17.2 version for whatever reason. Keeping the 17.2 option opens them up possible support challenges that they may not be interested in.
  7. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Animations are tied to their animation avatar, which basically defines their skeleton and where all the bones connect to the animation itself. We don't have the UMA avatar, so we can't apply custom animations to it. No release yet to the SDXMods release; I was testing some of the Loot AI task, but will hold off on that. I'll push an update for the traps in a bit
  8. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Added in some code today to make the NPCs immune to trap damage. I couldn't get them to path around it, so I just took out the damage for it. We can fine tune it further if we need too, like only take damage if you have a player as a leader, so that bandits could still get injured. An NPC that does not have a leader isn't really any dumber, so to me, tonight, it makes sense not to injure them at all. maybe they are moving carefully through them. Also, I gave a UMA a try: With the right changes to their XML, they can use EntityAliveSDX, and can follow orders. Animations are still zombie like, but might work for tweakers? Pet zombies?
  9. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    You should be grabbing from https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/ for DMT / Harmony.
  10. Sounds like you have the important localization files But in the interest of saving the desk from damage, which modlet isn't working for localization?
  11. I haven't pushed a new update for the mod launcher in a few weeks. When using the Mod Launcher, and the Localization Mod, its actually doing twice the work. 1) When SDX is ran, it looks and merges localization in your main Localization file. 2) When the Localization mod loads, it tries to re-merge all the localization files. There's no way currently of turning off SDX's hook to run localization itself. If you are just using you own modlets, and SDX is running, then you don't need the Localization mod. If you are adding modlets to an existing SDX mod (Darkness Falls, Ravenhearst, etc), and they include the Localization Mod, then new modlet's localization files will be added as expected.
  12. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Only Darkness Falls would corrupt a peaceful implementation of such a mild mannered creature.....
  13. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    They probably arn't set to spawn; Khaine has been testing animal husbandry in his Darkness Falls' Experimental. I'll look into adding them to spawning.
  14. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Yeah, door code was a one-shot-and-never-revisited-but-is-on-the-radar. The MoveHelper, when stuck, will either jump or start breaking things. The cows won't break through a fence anymore, but I haven't ported the changes to the NPCs.
  15. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    New update available. SDX_EAITask, EntityAliveSDX, aXUi_Dialog updated. Fixes include: - Stay Command available regardless of Guard AI Task - NPCs will walk away from you a bit if you get too close, letting you get out of tight jams - EyeHeight exposed to XML for aiming - NPCs will now teleport to you if they lose track of you.
  16. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The best time to start learning how to mod is yesterday. The next best time is to start learning today.
  17. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    There should be wander. But I'll see if I can add Stay as a non-AI task. It's hard to make the NPCs stand still. And kinda of boring looking. The AI task needs EntityAliveSDX as its class, but may work on the UMAs. Be interesting to test.
  18. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Stay and Guard are the same AI Task, other than a slight adjustment in position. Stay will force them to stand still. I can try to remove that from the AI task, and see if Stay keeps them in position without the guard AI task. It may make them vulnerable to being attacked. I played around with a few things with the vehicle and nothing has worked yet. I'll keep playing with it. The sight and detection range is too generous now. If they follow you, their aggro range should be a lot smaller. Maybe have some kind of escape if your leader gets too far away, that it'll ignore its attack target and just run.
  19. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Yes. In the latest release, I tied the dialog to only display relevant responses based on their AI Task. So the NPC Baker and the like, do not have the Guard AI task, which also gives the Stay option. The options always display previously, but they wouldn't do anything when you selected them to Stay, because they were missing that task.
  20. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I like those ideas. I'll take a look.
  21. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    maybe we can make them be pushable so you can get out of the situation. I think I know what is causing him to get so close, so it's just fine tuning. But even with that extra space, you'd be stuck.
  22. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Mickey isn't dumb. You can't take him to trader Joel if you are dead...
  23. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    haha that was a theoretical problem... glad you were able to resolve it without the NPC dying. I'll take a look to see what we can do about that.
  24. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Four mods were updated: SDX_Dialog, SDX_EntityAlive, SDX_EAITasks and aXUI-Dialog. Were all updated?
  25. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Update pushed to the main repo
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