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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Oh, sorry, I did misunderstand The words in between the / / are nodes in the XML. <lootcontainer id="25" count="1,2" size="6,2" sound_open="UseActions/open_garbage" sound_close="UseActions/close_garbage" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> <item name="foodEgg" prob="0.25"/> <item name="resourceFeather" count="1,5" prob="0.75"/> </lootcontainer> To reference the count, you want to do this: xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id=25']/item[@name=resourceFeather]/@count" The item itself is a node, that has a name, much like the lootcontainer has an id.
  2. Your XPath starts with /loot/, which isn't a valid node. Shouldn't it be xpath="/lootcontainers/ ?
  3. Update for A18: Remove Attribute is now available Localization From Mods Folder is now available. Added new ItemIcon location
  4. I'd hold off a bit. A18's patch notes indicates that localization may be able to be done natively, without using this. Although, maybe make a plan to fix the computer in case it causes other issues for you in the future.
  5. Try installing an older version of the .NET framework: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/confirmation.aspx?id=22
  6. Have you tried to add the mod launcher to steam as a non steam game? If you launch steam in big picture mode, then the mod launcher, it usually works
  7. I don't think this is possible either. While you can do math in an xpath evaluation, there isn't a way for us to take the new value it calculates and add it to the @value. The xpath="" finds the node, then the game takes the <set, <append, etc and replaces the node or attribute with the >NEED THE CALCULATED VALUE HERE<. Inside those > <, there isn't support for an xpath statement. <set xpath="/myNod/price">NEED THE CALCULATED VALUE HERE</set>
  8. I don't think its possible. XPath itself is just a method of referencing XML nodes and attributes, and the game's own settings control what it can do with that information. Remove itself removes a node or attribute, but not a sub-string value. Append can add a sub-string, but I don't think its possible to remove one.
  9. Sorry for the trouble. Can you try to do another install, and when it's installed and you re-run it, go back to the Mod Launcher and click on View -> Log Files, then click on Upload Log file. This will give you a pastebin.com URL with a log file of any errors. If you can send me that link, I'll take a look.
  10. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Sure, it's listed in the documentation here: https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/tree/master/SDX_EAITasks <property name="AITarget-5" value="LootLocationSDX, Mods" /> I know some other people have enabled it; I'm not sure how they did it.
  11. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The original post is probably out of date because I change repos too much for others to keep up, sadly. In A18, I want to unify them, and drop SDX and go with DMT fully. Sometimes zombies will start punching blocks or not navigate correctly around obstacles that you'd expect a human to be able to too.
  12. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Glad you were able to figure it out. Yes, the new repos contains the fixed AnimationSDX. The loot AI task is experimental, and not sure how well it works. You would need to add it to the AI Task list for it show up in the dialog.
  13. I have not heard about this issue before. I did a quick google and you may have to check your Windows Installer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/324516/the-windows-installer-service-could-not-be-accessed-error-message-when
  14. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    This doesn't sound like a feature of SDX / DMT. Do you have any on-access anti-virus scanners that may be interrupting it?
  15. I'm sorry for the delay. Do you already have a copy of the game + mod, and you'd like for the mod to take over maintenance of it? This can be a bit tricky, as the Mod Launcher, when it downloads a mod, keeps some data on the local copy, and remote copy. This tells the mod launcher when to update or not, and it's not really easy to replicate manually.
  16. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Glad you are interested. This is the tool: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?117235-DMT-Modding-Tool and this is the main repos: https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/ You can include the files from Xyth's post for extra NPCs and features. Download the repos, and use DMT to point to it as a Mods folder.
  17. That should work. Are you getting any errors or warnings in your output_log.txt of it not applying?
  18. You could replace the Windows version with a local, clean copy of the Linux version. Then go back to the mod launcher and let it manage the mod for you. It may not be able to start it though, but you could create a symlink to start it.
  19. Sorry for the delay. I am not sure if it will work with Wine. It makes assumptions based on path though, and I'm not very familiar with wine. - - - Updated - - - Sorry for the trouble. Redownload the mod, or does it ask you to re-install the game + mod? Can you post a launcher log file, by clicking on the Log Files button, then the Upload Log File button? I'll need the pastebin.com link.
  20. If you have Save All Games Local To Mod checked, then you'll find the files under a Save folder like C:\7D2D\Saves\<ModName>. If you do not have that checked, they will go into your AppData folder.
  21. Glad you got it sorted, but not sure which mod you were referencing. - - - Updated - - - Can you clarify what access you are expecting? Pre-existing save files for another copy of BorderlandZ?
  22. You probably have to put in the full path to the serverconfig.xml in your case. It's in the same folder as 7daystodie.exe I just restarted the mod launcher, and it loaded without errors. Things look like they are back online for most users.
  23. you need to run it with a command line parameter: -configfile=serverconfig.xml
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