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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. The breeding may not be fully fleshed out. However, if a Cow is an Adult, and has an Adult Bull, and they get close, the cow can get pregnant. Over time, a calf will be spawned.
  2. I found the issue and pushed 2.1.5 to fix it. Let me know if it resolves your issues.
  3. I think he was trying to add the prison to someone else' generated world. Kind of like a mod to an existing worl.
  4. Do either of you have pre-existing Mods in the Mods folder? If so, what would they be?
  5. Can you provide a log? Once you reproduce the problem, click on the View menu, then Log File. Click on Upload Log file, and send me the pastebin.com link it gives you.
  6. Which mod are you using, to load the Manage Modlets?
  7. New Update: 2.1.2 - Fast load times - More responsive Modlets screen - Off-line support - More reliable Modlet views Rather than indexing the mods on mod launcher indexing, which was causing significant slow downs, it now downloads a database to populate this data. I'm generating this database now, which also includes available modlets. The Installed Mods will show non-Mod Launcher installs as best as it can. If you manually make a copy of a mod, it'll attempt to show it. The RSS feed has been changed; Joel's blog hasn't been getting updates, so we've changed it to show the 7 Days to Die Twitter feed instead. Note: This only shows posts by that twitter account, not tweets to it. Manage Modlets screen uses the same database as the mod launcher, for improvement responsiveness. No need to click on the Refresh button now to re-index. We've split the Modlets into profiles: Alpha 17 and Alpha 18. This does not mean that Alpha 17 modlets no longer work; however, we wanted to filter some of the ones that may or may not work. If you have a modlet that is showing up under Alpha 17 but not Alpha 18, let me know. Since the mod launcher reads from a database, it should be possible to play the mods off-line now. Let me know how things go, and if there are any problems with this update.
  8. I think only the Data/Config files are read for xpath insertion. I'm assuming this is to add something to Navezgane?
  9. Hmm, I was hoping that window target bar wouldn't show up, even if it was available in the xml, since the code wasn't applying. I'll revisit. I don't have a way to activate other xml elements based on the blocks.xml, so I'll have to add some code. Should be an easy change, so you won't have to mess with the xml. Another way of dealing with it, until I get it fixed, is to have another modlet remove the windowTargetBar from the xui.
  10. Update to the SphereII Legacy Distant Terrain to fix some chunk bordering glitches.
  11. Updated 0-SphereIICore to fix the inability to scrap items correctly. AdvancedItemRepair has been turned back on with this feature. Also added a new, highly experimental mod called SphereII Legacy Distant Terrain. This disables the microsplat and re-adds A17 distant terrain. I'm interested to receive feedback on this one, to see if you experience FPS improvements, and any kind of glitches you encounter with it.
  12. Hopefully you'll find the spoilage system to be customization enough to pull of your vision. You can set a global value for spoiling, then add in specific per-item over-rides, so a can will spoil much slower than raw meat.
  13. Sorry for the trouble. I disabled the functionality in 0-SphereIICore until I can look at it. The change was done in 0-SphereIICore/Config/blocks.xml, under the Item Repair stuff.
  14. I just synced up With Latest and got 18.0 as expected.
  15. "Latest" isn't getting 18.0? 18.1 should be under latest_experimental.
  16. New update to 2.0.90 for a minor change to DMT's flag. This allows auto-compiling of mods.
  17. Updated the original post with all the new content available for A18.
  18. Do you have the full error? - - - Updated - - - Loot containers, as far as I know, still use hard coded numbers, rather than names. Hopefully that'll see a similar update as the blocks.xml and items.xml in the future. You would have to manually look through the loot.xml to find a 'free' sequential number. - - - Updated - - - That's unfortunate it doesn't use cvars. That could have been used in a few interesting ways.
  19. Sorry for the delay. The snippet works, in that its inserted in the right spot. Does the ToBlock value point to an actual block? Does the Item point to an item that you use to upgrade it with?
  20. What about something like.. <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='steelMaster']" > <property class="UpgradeBlock"> <property name="ToBlock" value="Titanium Block"/> <property name="Item" value="Forged Titanium"/> <property name="ItemCount" value="10"/> <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="1"/> </property> </append>
  21. Did you want to remove the risk completely? Here's a few examples that will get you close. You can add more to the xpath for more accuracy. <set xpath="//triggered_effect[@cvar='.DiseaseRoll']/@value>0</> <remove xpath="//triggered_effect[@cvar='.DiseaseRoll']" /> <remove xpath="//triggered_effect[@cvar='.DiseaseRoll' and @operation='set']" />
  22. I'd be happy to add it. However, it's not in the right format. It should look like this, with each modlet in its own folder: https://github.com/7D2DMods/Mods That way, the Mod Launcher can read the ModInfo.xml to display
  23. latest_experimental will get you what you are looking for, for A18. However, you'll have to delete and re-install every update to that. It won't do so automatically.
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