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Jost Amman

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Everything posted by Jost Amman

  1. Anyway, my post is not about double-dip, we got off track here. I guess you don't see a problem regarding incompatible balancing between SP and MP then? I've noticed this actually while arguing on some game mechanics with people who regularly play with friends. They need and lament stuff that for me is good as it is. So, I started asking myself the question: why are they so worried about something that is working perfectly? ... Well, the answer was: because it's not working perfectly for them! Whatever they do, TFP will never be able to accommodate the needs and desires of both crowds, IMO.
  2. Well, MY opinion is that whenever you "exploit" a game mechanic in an unintended way, you're "cheesing" the game. The SI engine WILL allow you to build in some cases floating bases. But that is NOT an intended mechanic, so you're cheesing the game. That being said, everyone can play their own game as they like. Just don't call it what it's not. Also: in this case the fact you can double-dip POIs will give you a time advantage, PLUS, depending on the POI, you can move the RNG distribution of loot to your advantage. Imagine how cheesy it is to double-dip a Crack a Book store! You'll get in a short time a boatload of books and schematics, completely bypassing the respawn timers and/or having to wait for the trader to give you another mission there. So, as you can see, it's much more cheesy than it sounds... ;-]
  3. Recently there was a discussion, on Steam, about POI "double-dipping". That made me think of something I've been nagging the devs about for some time... Double-dipping POIs it's cheesy IMO. However, I must admit that for MP players that's actually a good mechanic to avoid high traffic servers to become completely devoid of any resource after a while on top of the fact that Trader Quests already let you "renew" a little bit of resources. Now, my point is that there are too many game mechanics, settings, perks and loot tables, for which Single Player and Multi Player should be balanced differently, and sometimes even have opposite needs. Charismatic Nature is useless for an SP game. Double-dipping could be completely avoided in SP, by having the "start quest" trigger by proximity Sleeping through the night (some players have requested this) could definitely be possible in an SP game The Trader secret-stash should have less stuff for single players (while in MP it could be tied to the group gamestage for example) Food should be much more scarce in SP (while in MP it should be proportionate to the number of players) I'm sure I forgot other examples that each one of you had experience with. What do you think on the matter? Should The Fun Pimps implement in the game two set of rules and game mechanics, one for SP and the other for MP/COOP?
  4. Why do you keep calling them quests? They're just jobs. And we get paid for them. Now excuse me, I'm going to... quest!
  5. Only after you burn yourself up with a tank of gas... only THEN the costume will be complete, and you'll get the graphics card.
  6. Where do you think they get the money to actually make the game? By hiding in their basement and nobody knowing of the game, of course!
  7. I don't know about zombies... but they should watch out for all the trolls that have recently come to this forum!
  8. The Fun Pimps - Providing you with dysentery, since 1961!
  9. Well, I may have misunderstood what @faatal said on that topic then. It's surely possible I didn't get the tech stuff right, maybe he just said that currently 7D2D can only use a few cores and that switching to more would take too much time?
  10. Well, a good engine should be! I hope the Unity devs can improve this part in the future.
  11. There are also limits from Unity. Apparently some type of stuff is automatically handled by Unity on "the main core/thread" (whatever that is) and faatal can't split it onto other cores, because he doesn't have control on some stuff. (Note: I'm not a programmer, so I may have used wrong words/terminology).
  12. @Roland: you just made me realize we miss an "excited" reaction... I know, I know... I'm always asking for MOARRR reactions! It's like Newsstands and Skeletons for Matt.
  13. Yes, the devs have said it's... a dead topic.
  14. So the AI is also able to "read my feelings" now? LOL Never trust scientists or engineers for things fun-related, they'll just mess up every single time. Put settings in the game and let ME decide! Who said anyone is "preventing" anyone else to play as they like? You got it wrong m8, the devs are not going to change the crafting system to "hurt" some fringe play style, they changed it to allow crafting to be relevant again.
  15. That is dreadful! One of the reasons I play games is that I want to challenge myself... if they make the AI try to "please me" at every step, that will actually ruin my game! THIS IS SPARTA!!
  16. Think more like Chess: you can ONLY win by following the rules, there's no leeway for cheesing or cheating. Balanced is to not completely ignore one or more parts of the game that the devs included as "intended to be used". An extreme example would be to ignore skills/perks: that would be very hard, maybe even fun, but sure as heck unbalanced!
  17. 1 - Bandits were on vacation in August 2 - Recovering from getting back at work after a long vacation @TheDroneGuy or @schwanz9000: will we get any console command in A21 (or earlier) to control (spawn/kill/teleport) the drone? I see some people having problems with the drone getting stuck, lost and so on... and they could really use some lifeline to solve the issue.
  18. I'm not asking what THEY should do... I'm asking what YOU think it's the best development model (hoe much control the player base should have over development).
  19. Control there is intended "on the direction of the game", so, yes, in that case they can overrule, but you can still voice your opinion in an "official way" so that if they refuse it'll be visible to everyone that they went against the public sentiment.
  20. I've noticed recently, that the new A21 features announced by The Fun Pimps about water and magazines, have displeased a lot of players that feel like they've been targeted by the devs because of their specific play style. One of the topics recently discussed on the A21 dev diary was that players that have roles in a Coop game, are not all treated equally (or balanced properly). However, I noticed that some of those supposed "roles" are very specialized, meaning that they willfully ignore entire parts of the game, for the sake of producing the maximum effect for their specialization. Examples are: Miners, Builders and Farmers. From my point of view, when you choose to heavily focus on something, it's just to be expected that you can run into any number of problems if you ignore other important things. In the case of multiplayer games, you then need to rely on the help of other members of your group, to compensate for your shortcomings in other areas. However, if members of your group are more interested in their own personal goals, or simply can't handle the extra work that is required to bring you home what you need, then you're in trouble! How can the player solve this issue? Should he? Or... should the devs change the game rules/mechanics to accommodate their play style? The real issue here is, IMO, that some players choose a play-style which is clearly on the extreme end of the spectrum. Imagine if I only liked digging, and decided to forego any other activity. Then I'd go on the devs forums and say I'm being punished because "diggers" aren't treated like other players. The result, though, is that, like in real life, if you choose an unbalanced way of life (read gameplay), sooner or later you're going to pay for it. You're surely free to do that, but then you can't really complain that your free extreme choice caused you problems! Usually, when I play a game, I learn the rules, and try to beat the game (or the other player if in PvP) by using the rules to my advantage. However, what I often see in the forums, is people that want the devs to change the rules to accommodate for the way they want to play the game. IMO, this stems from the fact that some developers (and more and more of them tend to do this) don't have a clear idea of what they want for their game, and use a "crowd driven" approach to development. Don't like something? Sure, we'll immediately change it, so the customer is happy! Well, personally, I don't like that approach to game development. I prefer devs who know what they want and that use feedback just as a way to balance their game or improve what they've already implemented. What's your take on the matter?
  21. Hey Vedui, I really appreciate your videos, you explain everything in a clear, thorough and ordered way. However, I don't like YouTube as a company and I don't want to use my account to subscribe there. Is there any chance that in the future you'll open a Rumble or Locals account? Thanks!
  22. I have the perfect solution! They just need to add a small % chance that while mining you'll find a magazine! Yeah man that's crazy, like imagine if the devs were overhauling stuff drastically by doing something major like completely revamping the crafting system to use magazines. That's probably too much work though and would change 7 Days to Die to a completely different game entirely from A20! </s> Yeah, imagine the devs actually making decisions for their own game instead of players... crazy! Am I right? /s Anyway, I trust TFP will do everything in their power to keep this kind of balancing into mind and avoid these kinds of pitfalls.
  23. Man, I respect your opinions...though don't always agree. But why would you even say this to a contributor to the forum? Think all you want, but you don't have to voice what you're initial thought is. OK, you're blunt. I get it. But there's no need to be rude and/or demeaning. Back off a little and you may get more respect. And more positive interaction. Sorry, but I didn't realize I was being rude... can you quote where I said something that you perceived as being rude? That wasn't my intention. I already explained that my question was NOT like saying "go play another game". That was a misinterpretation on someone else's part, or to the least, a misunderstanding. I'll try to be extremely clear of my intent now: Khalagar said he/she wanted to change A, B, C, D, E and F of the current 7D2D version. All those numerous changes would basically create a new game, or a completely different 7D2D. Hence, why my question was (I'll unpack it now): "Since you want so many changes that the game would not actually be or play like 7D2D anymore, why are you even playing 7D2D? If you want so many changes, it's implied that you must hate the game as it is". I hope it's more clear now. I have no quarrel against Khalagar in any way. I just can't understand why some people ask for so many changes that would make the game unrecognizable: they basically want a different game!
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