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Jost Amman

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Everything posted by Jost Amman

  1. Are those bandits... in their "basic form"?? Madmole is against skeletons because they don't body-build, sorry
  2. Actually, they've been secretly working on a brand new Learn By Newsstands (LBN) system... basically you can only learn stuff in magazines you find at newsstands, BUT only after you defeat (or bribe) the skeletons that are guarding them.
  3. Just to clarify... I didn't mean "slow progression" negatively. Personally, I think most of us veterans get bored fast after the first few in-game weeks because we know the game inside-out, and can use all the known "tricks" to, so to say, jump some steps to reach end-game. So, adding additional mechanics to extend the survival struggle, is viewed definitely as a positive from me. It's well known that TFP introduced loot staging and primitive or pipe weapons exactly for this purpose. So, no, not "only the Fun Pimps know", because they already shared their plan with us in the past.
  4. I hope you don't expect it to take the same amount of time... they did all this to slow down the progression in the first place...
  5. I wonder why volume control is so difficult... why don't just use the one from windows?
  6. Ok, I'm now recycling LazMan's meme for a different purpose: Now, imagine that in that video, Roland is the guy putting the shapes into the square shaped hole, and @Matt115 is the girl (sorry Matt!). Basically we have Matt115 nitpicking about the "horror" definition, and "survival" definition (the other shapes) and saying that they don't fit the square shape. And Roland is saying that any shape (RPG, horror, survival) can fit into the square hole (which is 7D2D).
  7. There's also the "armor piercing" bonus for the spear...
  8. I guess you're that guy that still buys Coca-Cola and Nike... am I right? But the Fun Pimps? NOOOOO! They're EBIL!
  9. I think the only one able to crack this code would be @Matt115...
  10. I'm 90% sure that the game is 99% complete, but 70% of that may not be true.
  11. I guess that @maxousara is that one guy, lol
  12. Well, if I recall correctly, that was the alpha where they also upgraded the game engine (or was it the graphics maybe?)... anyway, they did something else on top of the regular content work so the deadlines went awry.
  13. Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't know about this issue. But please, next time don't assume I linked that with malicious intent, thanks.
  14. Yes. Have a look over here: https://7daystodiemods.com/
  15. @sinpathic: everyone is entitled to play as they like. However, you should consider that the game is developed by devs who want to put in it their own vision and not the player's. So, my suggestion is to use mods to "correct" whatever you don't like and have fun. That's why the devs made the game to be easily moddable in the first place.
  16. Easy: if the knife is in that crafting series, then THAT is the tree which allows you to craft the knife. Unless, the recipe is in both trees I guess, so in that case I suspect the higher one counts... Are you joking? Where do you leave? You have never got boiled meat in your life?? I suggest you try some boiled chicken, sliced and ground, and put some mustard on top!
  17. I disagree. It impacts farming yields. If I put up a farm as a food source, I'll be consuming produce/crops much more on 120/day than the guy on 30/day, since in my game the crops grow "slower" (unless I'm mistaken and those timers are RT too). So, on average, IMO food survival on longer settings is a bit tougher, not easier. And that's another downside of playing 120/day, you'll burn many more calories because you'll constantly be doing "stuff" to get what you need. Exactly! And after they change vanilla as you asked, you can go around and tell everybody YOU were right!
  18. Debatable. It's not like we're "gorging" ourselves on XP... we're earning it by fighting, looting and doing activities like everyone else You're too easily dismissing how hard it is to endure longer Blood Moons. True, we have more time to prepare, but that only accounts maybe for the first week BM (which is easy anyway). Once you go further in the game, even those who play at 30 mins can be fully ready and have shorter BMs on top of that. You didn't consider ammo and base degradation in your equation: a longer BM, especially after the first few, means you need A LOT more ammo, and you could even run out at some point! On top of that, add the fact that zombies are continually bashing on your defenses and damaging your base, so unless you can reach and repair every damaged section, you have a higher risk of a breach, the more the night goes on. I'd suggest you to try it sometimes, it's a different, less frantic, but more enjoyable approach to 7D2D. You have an easier life on some aspects, and you can explore the world more, but you also have a tougher time on later BMs IMO.
  19. No, you didn't. You just brought back sticks...
  20. I suppose switching to a new modular system for zombie models would entail a complete rework also of the animation system?
  21. The current issue you're all forgetting about is that in the foreseeable future, ALL chip manufacturers are going to have raw material shortages because of... <put geopolitics reason here> so we're basically all screwed until more important issues get sorted globally. Sorry for being so pessimistic, but from what I can gather, that's where we're at.
  22. No. They will all be like Trader Jen's first version. (it was a joke... sorry, I should have added a smile!)
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