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Jost Amman

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Everything posted by Jost Amman

  1. Oh, so THAT was what you both have been talking about? No, it doesn't work like you say. Someone (maybe Roland or Schwanz?) said that the parts will have a separate chance ON TOP of the normal loot.
  2. Well, if they do that, it would be kind of "dumb" and counterintuitive on their part, IMO. I don't think they'll do that since it'd compromise all the balancing they've been talking about.
  3. @meganoth I think you got it right the first time... what they're saying is that IF you perk into shotguns, you WILL find more shotgun parts for your shotgun crafting. That is alongside the magazine increase on top of the normal loot tables. I don't think there's any leeway to a different interpretation there.
  4. Picture frames are a waste of memory/asset space, IMO, if done that way. They should do like DF where you can put a picture URL in a frame, and it'll display the picture from the internet.
  5. I'm sorry?? What are you talking about? ... Have you ever played this game? Everybody knows building is absolutely one of the best ways to get XP. Mining and farming wood, does also give a fair amount of XP. Crafting gives a small amount of XP, but there are ways, especially for miners, to get a HUGE amount of XP by crafting material Bundles! So, no, you're dead wrong on almost everything you said. Wrong again. In A21, you can sell your mined materials to a trader, and buy magazines from them. And by the way, if you decide to be stuck all the time in one place, mining and building, I say it's just FAIR that you don't get the bonuses that people who risk their lives all day get!
  6. Yes! That, and please remove the toilet flushing water sound in the night!!
  7. To follow up on your example (even if I don't really know the game/context)... in the case of the water changes in A21, you don't even know if there are any anti-vampires factions AT ALL. Those who are testing A21 (QA and some devs) do.
  8. Dude, drop it. You got it wrong, and I explained why. I understand now you're one of those types who think facts and truth don't exist, because everyone can make up their own. There's no point discussing with people with such a mindset. Now please, make up more random stuff to explain why "your truth" is better than facts and what the developers of this game know because of hands-on experience. Please, make my day. You're clearly twisting my words... I didn't say you're wrong about how you'd feel about A21, I said you're wrong about what the devs said about the new features, and/or you misunderstood them. You're hunting for a fallacy in my statements so that you can blame me of being arrogant and biased, but you actually didn't even understand what I was referring to, so you defaulted to "you don't accept my opinion". If your opinion is that water is dry, you're wrong. If your opinion is that you won't have enough parts to craft with the new system, you're wrong, because the devs told you that perking into something will have you find more magazines AND parts of that specialization. So, no, that's not an opinion, it is a fact.
  9. I don't see how that was aggressive. I was just clarifying something about the new "Learn by Looting" system that you clearly misunderstood. If you feel offended because you don't want to be corrected on something you clearly got wrong, that's on you. I have an informed opinion about everything the devs have explained about the new features, and I can correct you on that when you're wrong. I don't know how A21 will play out, but as said, I choose to trust what some QA testers and some devs have said about how they feel A21 gameplay is. You, on the contrary, don't even have an indirect account of how A21 gameplay is, so my A21 gameplay opinion is at least a bit more informed than yours. Well, as an accountant you should know that, when your numbers are wrong, there's no shame having to correct them. But I see that, as many other players who come here and pretend to want a discussion, you already made up your mind about me, so I'll leave you to your thoughts.
  10. I have to apologize. I used the wrong word there... I should have said "uninformed" opinion. Meaning that no matter how many games you've played or for how long, neither you, nor I, have played or tested A21 to have an informed opinion on its gameplay. Min-maxers (not me), do that all the time and come on the forums (on Steam mainly) to brag about that!
  11. You're missing the point. Firstly, they're ALSO adjusting loot tables in A21 and balancing them to follow your progression more naturally. Second, the new crafting system DOES address those problems: BEFORE: you had to heavily perk into an attribute if also wanted to craft higher quality and tier stuff connected to that attribute (e.g.: strength->shotguns) NOW (A21): you can craft stuff from ANY attribute tree, as long as you learn from magazines, without having to perk into that attribute. NOW (A21): you'll find MORE magazines, but ALSO parts, if you specialize into something (e.g.: Perk into shotguns and you'll find more shotgun magazines). Hope this clarifies some things you got wrong on the new features.
  12. There's also vitamins that render you immune to dysentery for a while. Water was not "easy", it was (is in A20) ridiculous! You could literally solve the water problem forever on day 1/2. Is that the survival gameplay you want? I don't. Because having all high-end stuff in the game by week 2 sounds fun to you?
  13. Yes. But that's the point of the *facepalm* IMO. When I read/hear that I think "Duh!? Of course! The game is nearly finished... what do you expect??" Except that, this is your personal opinion... and why would that count more than a thought through, discussed, analyzed and balanced assessment from the devs of this game? You say this new water system adds nothing, but how many hours of A21 did you play? None. QA testers and devs, instead, are currently playing and experimenting A21 gameplay and can see what's working and what's not. They're doing their best (hopefully) to make it interesting and fun. At this point, it boils down to those who trust TFP will do a good job, and those who don't trust them. But that's opinions, it's not a "rational" argument, so everyone's opinion counts zero, and we need to wait for A21 to be released and see.
  14. @Quantum Blue made me think about something... I think it would be great if each different crop had a different % chance for returning a seed. We all know that IRL there are crops that are more resilient and bountiful, versus crops which are more difficult to tend. So a 50% flat chance for every crop could be instead improved based on the crop type. That would also give more depth to farming IMO.
  15. Sorry, but it's not clear for me... how many reloads did you do for the test?
  16. I appreciate the effort, really... but you can't draw conclusions based on ONE anecdotal result. It's simply not how "statistics" work. As you said yourself, there could be too much RNG involved into such a small number of samples. That's also true for what that player said... unless you plant A LOT of crops at once, you may be put down by RNG on your first try and think farming is useless.
  17. No? Where did any part of my post say that? The part you quoted was about them changing it from *the current* system which screws over one play style for no real reason From this part, I thought you implied that you want TFP to NERF the looting rewards for the "looter guy", otherwise the "miner guy" would be "punished" for just mining. Did I get it right? P.S.: I won't reply to the other stuff because I don't want to "overload" you with too many replies (since you said you don't have much time to answer).
  18. I don't know if what you said sounds wrong because of the "language barrier", but vision is exactly what TFP always had. What they always lacked, has been a Roadmap, maybe that's what you wanted to say? They've never had doubts about content (what features the game should have), in fact we have proof in the original Kickstarter page: everything they ever worked on was already in the 2013 Kickstarter goals. They've changed several times HOW they implemented that content, true, but it was never about WHAT to put in the game. It was always about HOW that content should be added, in what FORM (e.g.: LBD vs. Perks or Crafting Grid vs. Crafting List), so in that regard they were doing exactly what someone with time and money should do: experiment with something, if they don't feel it's the right choice, change it or scrap it.
  19. So you're saying that if I invest a lot of time into looting, I should have the best loot? So now you want to NERF other people's enjoyment of one part of the game, only so that you can better enjoy YOUR preferred part of the game? That's how it works now and will work even better in A21. If you invest your points in shotguns, you'll get better at shooting with shotguns. If you invest your efforts into learning how to CRAFT shotguns, you'll be better at CRAFTING shotguns. Your logic is flawed, sorry. If someone is a great blacksmith, he doesn't necessarily get to be a great swordsman!
  20. @faatal : by accident, I found out something about the A20 AI that could be improved in A21 if you got the time... when I place ladders going up, and then at some point I switch to the side one block, and I go up again from there, even if I can travel the ladders easily, the AI will stop at the first ladder "sequence", making the whole thing exploitable IMO. Hope this helps.
  21. I'm talking about Single Players who force themselves to play that way. I already said in a previous post that IMO, multiplayer and SP gameplay should have separate balance rules, otherwise it'll always be a war between SP and MP players on how the game should be balanced. I hope the devs will consider this.
  22. It's ok, you're not "required" to know anything about TFP team. I honestly was just trying to help with some info I gathered here... I hope I didn't come through as condescending. As you may have seen from previous posts, it's difficult to convey the intended attitude with just text.
  23. He should be... he's part of the QA team!
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