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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. I'm guessing replacement, as the updated forge model is. That said, I agree it would be cool to still have the other one, too. Make one that sells the various candies/foods, and the other sells drinks.
  2. I'm not sure it's possible to do what you're trying to do, precisely. The only thing I can think of is one motion detector going to all of the lights (assuming they're all in the same room), and have them set to stay on for a set amount of time. As long as you're in the room, the camera will keep reactivating the lights. The problem here is the lights will continuously shut off and turn back on until you're out of the camera's field of view. The other option is to set teh camera to stay on once activated, but that won't turn the lights off when you leave. Your best bet here is probably a manual power switch instead of a camera.
  3. I know that was a joke in fun but it wouldn't surprise me if they did. XD
  4. Looks good. Makes me wonder if other crafting stations are going to be bigger though.
  5. A21 has to actually get here first. Otherwise, we see nothing.
  6. We were also told there'd be less paper in book stores in A20, and that didn't seem to actually be the case. I hate that clubs have been the melee "golden child" for so long. I'm glad for and look forward to the melee weapon changes in A21.
  7. Strength and Agility, you mean. I'm really looking forward to giving spears a real go in A21, whenever it eventually comes out.
  8. I just woke up a bit ago and read that as "hamburgy" at first.
  9. New player models were shunted to A22. No plans for rafts or boats that we've been told. Granted, we haven't really been told anything new for the last few months now.
  10. That would be really cool. Reminds me of the movie Hard Rain.
  11. That actually sounds really interesting. I would not mind giving something like that a try.
  12. Would you really be able to avoid a horde? Getting into a vehicle during a blood moon just causes the horde to shift into spawning super vultures. You'd only be trading land-based zombies for puking, flying zombies that are far more trouble. I would suspect that getting onto a raft, another vehicle, would cause the same thing to happen.
  13. Hey, thanks for this! Seeing them side by side gives me much better perspective. Appreciated!
  14. Why have them drop loot bags at all then? And I'm going to disagree (big surprise, right?) on saying zombies shouldn't give experience at all. That's just an awful take. I would not, however, be opposed to a setting to turn zombie experience gain on and off though.
  15. Hey, thanks for checking that! So between perks and the mod it sounds like it's noticeable and working. I appreciate the info!
  16. I know it doesn't stack with a second bandolier mod, but I can't find anything saying whether it stacks with perks or not. regardless, even perked reload speed with no bandolier, or a bandolier mod without any perks doesn't seem to increase reload speed at all. Just curious if this is something anyone else has noticed, or if I just have a poor perception of time.
  17. Not quite sure if this'd be the right place to post this. The bandolier mod doesn't seem to speed up firearm reloading. Is it really just not much of a noticeable boost? Or is this item broken?
  18. The pipe machinegun is insane and hands-down the best pipe weapon. good rate of fire, super fast reload. Just need good luck with 7.62 ammo. Considering how slowly the other pipe firearms reload, I have to wonder if the PMG's reload speed is a bug. Please do not make it slower. Maybe just.. speed up the other Pipe guns' reload speeds.
  19. To be fair, the zombie bag loot tables are kind of.. garbage. Not even red bags are really worth opening most of the time.
  20. Hey in my defense, there's a LOT of posts in this thread. XD
  21. Would I be correct in guessing it will be similar for other perks that formerly unlocked recipes/schematics? ie higher levels of various perks (deep cuts, miner 69er, etc, shortening crafting times and reducing materials used?
  22. Do you mean serrated broadheads? Not sure why they'd need to be mechanical.
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