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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. 1. Fortifying Grip 2. Rad Remover 3. Weighted Head if you want stun, Serrated Blade if you want bleed 4. Structural Brace (it's not a grip)
  2. Thank @%$#ing god. Now they just need to fix breaks and sprains for real. So tired of getting hit in the leg and getting a broken arm and vice-versa. Or, the fifth player is under the hood, pulling the 4x4 along. No engine!
  3. Exploding vehicles spawn a loot bag of contents THANK you!
  4. Maybe a mod or @faatal can answer this for me - on the new armor sets that are coming, are they still going to be condensed down to 4 pieces, and will we still be able to mix and match armor pieces?
  5. No meta as far as I'm aware, but I'm really enjoying my stun baton build. ALL GLORY TO THE HOLY STUN BATON!
  6. What I said has nothing to do with immersion or cows.
  7. I hope it comes to fruition and gets added! Pretty sure that's from perking 5 points into Physician.
  8. I've run into that too - I always assumed it was an airdrop that happened while I wasn't on, and no one else bothered to go get it.
  9. Wait, for real? Are we actually getting a plasma baton?
  10. Right, but I prefer to have solar running the daylight hours and have the batteries just kick in at night.
  11. Oh nice, I didn't think about that. Thanks!
  12. Hmm, alright. I have Daring Adventurer maxed out, but I've only completed T5 at one trader so far. Looks like I'd better get to work!
  13. Thanks! We're on a RWG map with 10 traders. I do a loop every few days when they reset and oftentimes, no one has a single bank OR cell for sale. Sometimes, I get lucky and a single trader has a single cell. once, I got really lucky and found cells for sale at 4 out of the 10. Do you know what affects trader stage, how to tell what trader stage I'm at? Or is it just a matter of "keep checking" every reset?
  14. I mean, I have killed a zombie with an impact driver. But I think the Fun Pimps want a clear delineation between what's considered a weapon and what's considered a tool. The only exception to this seems to be knives.
  15. Only if they make axes a viable weapon... which isn't likely to happen.
  16. With the Secret Stash being gone, I've noticed traders hardly ever have solar cells or solar banks for sale now. I'm assuming this has something to do with Trader Stage now. What affects this? Has anyone noticed the low low chance of them having solar cells and banks for sale, or am I just unlucky? Or is it that my trader stage isn't high enough?
  17. As carefully as possible, since explosions now seem to set them off, and they still enjoy magically dancing their buttons right into my gunfire no matter where I aim.
  18. Apologies, I mistook your question as hostile. Good luck!
  19. How does their answer affect you?
  20. Not sure if you're complaining about the change, or happy about it. Cloth was never hard to find and likely still isn't. Clothing. Beds. Vehicles. Cotton. Plant Fibers. Couches/Chairs.
  21. Unfortunately no. Pretty disappointing that we can't spawn them in from creative mode already lit up, but them's the breaks.
  22. People use HiPower? I just go for AP, same amount of materials, and helps with armored zombies.
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