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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. So I did get some AP and HiPower ammo offered to me as quest rewards today, for T4 quests. Still, being able to find it (and turret ammo) in loot would be nice, instead of just flooding us constantly with regular ammo.

  2. Any reason we can't find any of the special ammo in loot anymore? I could swear prior to A21, we could occasionally find at least HiPower ammo. I don't even see special ammo types as quest rewards anymore.

  3. I'm sorry for his family's loss. I noticed he's also the only TFP employee who ever posted in The Pimps Talk section, and he really seems like he was a stand-up guy. I never knew him, but he'll be missed. Rest in Peace friend.

  4. 5 hours ago, XCOUNTRY said:

    First play through where I only perked into one tree, only did one skill within that tree to maximize magazine discovery, and really stepped out of my normal jack of all trades style of play. I thought stun batons were dumb. They are not and the repulsor mod is amazing. Pleasantly surprised with how I didn’t “need” those other tree’s perks to have fun. 



    I have not encountered POI Demolishers yet, and now I'm frightened. XD

    And yeah, the Stun Baton is fantastic. A21 really buffed it and made it amazing AND usable now.

  5. 3 hours ago, XCOUNTRY said:

    btw @Laz Man are you the one incorporating the demolition zombies/screamers into the new POIs? I love it! I just wish the screamers functioned correctly when spawned in like that. 



    I think (hope) the POI Screamers are only meant to give you a mild heart attack rather than summon zombies. So far in A21 I've only come across one POI screamer, in Navezgane Hospital. It kind of seemed like she was there to represent an undead patient, so they may not be meant to be able to summon additional zombies.

  6. 3 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    1. Football Stadium refactor.  The original has not been updated for several alphas.  My goal is to redesign it so it works both in Navezgane and RWG worlds.




    Could this mean the return of the Football Player and Cheerleader zombies, with new models?

  7. 6 hours ago, 8_Hussars said:


    To be honest I have never crafted a mine, as pipe bombs seem to provide a far superior use case.  Mines seem to be a vestige of older PvP play, but are trivialized by the Urban Combat book.


    I was considering making some mines for horde night, but decided against it. It's just an oddity I noticed while looking at the recipes.

  8. On 11/17/2023 at 7:54 PM, Laz Man said:

      For example, I would love to see crafting gain more benefits, especially once game / lootstage gets higher.







    Crafting definitely needs some love. For the most part (not entirely, mind you), by the time you can craft anything worthwhile, you've likely found a better version, or gotten one as a quest reward.

  9. From the latest Stable build:


    "Missing tag that would allow robotics to get instant kills while holding a stun baton and Physician Rank 5"


    Just so I'm clear, does this mean robotic weapons are supposed to gain that chance now? Or that they were getting the chance and aren't supposed to? Physician Rank 5's description doesn't mention that it extends to robotics, but the patch note kind of implies that it's supposed to. Can anyone clarify?

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