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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 1 hour ago, fyiiamaheavy said:

    @Laz Man Any plans on making it where you can't read the same magazine twice I think we should only be allowed to read it once and then sale the others. Also is getting 2 crafting books of the same kind intentional when you have loot up to %200


    You... you know you can already sell books you've already read, right?

  2. 44 minutes ago, FramFramson said:

    Another issue is the loss of things with unique functions like looting goggles or the suit. In fact with no clothes and therefore no suit? How does that Dirty Harry perk book work at all?


    I mean, I think losing the ability to play pretty princess character Barbie makes the game more boring even without functional losses, and goes against the good and correct industry trend towards more player character customization, not less. But now we have these weird functional questions on top where some @%$# is going to break unless we're getting some kind of replacement or the related stuff is also getting reworked.


    Books that would no longer apply under the new outfit system would be changed, much how books and even perks were changed under the new crafting system for A21.

  3. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    Cool. I have that game but haven’t played it in years and never realized that. So there’s one.

    After A22 releases there will still be just one. 



    EDIT: So I was curious and looked up the Torchlight wiki and here's the lowdown. You get an armor set bonus by wearing at least two pieces of the collection and it doesn't matter which two pieces you wear. BUT...it isn't really the full bonus because each additional piece worn adds another benefit to the set bonus. This means that if you are wearing all 9 pieces of the Sentinal collection (for example) your set bonus is a lot more...full and robust and I don't think any player would be happy to just stop at 2 pieces satisfied that the full set bonus was theirs.


    I was willing to be proven wrong and still am but when it comes down to it, even in Torchlight 2 you don't get all the benefits of the actual full set by only wearing some of the pieces. Not only that but you get no set bonus at all if you drop below the (admittedly simple) threshold of 2 pieces. 


    So I must amend that after A22 releases there will still be zero games that allow players all the benefits of the full set if they are wearing fewer pieces than all of them. I don't deny that there will be partial bonuses.


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    What you neglected to mention or show, is that Runemaster (one of your examples) is an 8 piece set, but only requires 3 pieces to be worn in order to achieve the full set bonus.


  4. 6 hours ago, Roland said:


    That's like saying that not wearing any of the pieces gives a "zero set bonus" so even if you wear nothing you're still getting a set bonus. Your semantics are fine but you think that if you put "set" all in caps it changes the meaning. I can do that too: PARTIAL set bonus.


    What Matt wants is to get the FULL set bonus for wearing everything but the flipflop because otherwise he will feel forced into wearing the flipflops. Go back and look at the two lists of bonuses you posted for Diablo. Does Diablo let someone get all the bonuses from the second list if they aren't wearing everything from the set? If so, you've got me and I'll retract my statement. If not, then you're just agreeing 100% with me while capitalizing the word set.  


    If it helps, I will amend my statement to emphasize that what I meant was that no game in existence gives a full set bonus for only wearing a partial set. Some games will give a partial bonus (including 7 Days to Die A22) for wearing a partial set 


    Torchlight 2 will give the full (yes, FULL) set bonus for not wearing the full set.

  5. On 1/31/2024 at 2:18 PM, Space4Ace said:

    I've read that it's more like Q2 2024, but that's not official news, so who knows.


    To be fair, nothing is official from the Fun Pimps until they actually release things.

  6. 1 minute ago, beerfly said:

    Hm, that alien spaceship in the bottom left rises questions.


    Very well done job from the artists !

    Will they have more polished animations ?


    The bigger question is - Will the mountain lions stop looking like uncircumcised roosters when they die?

  7. 1 hour ago, DocRussel said:

    Pretty sure I can remove any doubt about it coming in Q1 2024.  😜


    I mean given the track record and how unpredictable programming can be, I don't think anyone actually expects it to release in Q1 2023.

  8. 9 hours ago, Trankitas said:

    I find it weird that there's not an A22 dev diary yet, It's been half a year since A21 launched right?


    Especially since A22 is supposedly coming in Q1 2024. I have a feeling they either forgot to start the A22 dev diary, aren't starting on at all, or A22 isn't coming Q1 2024.

  9. 39 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

    they're commented out in the loot.xml file you'll have to manually uncomment them yourself if you want to find them (or if TFP release an update around this time)


    Ah, gotcha. I wonder why they did that..

  10. Do these not drop anymore? Or is the rate just ridiculously low? I haven't seen the Candy Cane Club, Knife, or Santa Hat appear for about 2 years or so now. I know they're still in the game via Creative Mode, but it'd be cool if they still dropped.

  11. 4 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Dear Diary,


    Today's playtest of the new T5 reimagined football_stadium POI went well.  After a lighting optimization pass, it should be ready for QA playtest by the end of today / first thing Monday morning.


    In other news, the following commit from today (see attached) was one that caused a lot of laughs on the team. 😆


    Joking aside, it has been exciting to see all of the work going into A22, can't wait for you guys to get your hands on it when it arrives.




    But when will that be?

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