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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. That paints an interesting visual that I can't begin to describe...
  2. I summon @Maharin! Hey, it worked! I wonder if I can do that anytime I want to?
  3. QuasiMojo is a voodoo enigma.
  4. Carry jars of air to breath.
  5. I am made from a super computer comprised of 2048 Intel 8086 processors each paired with an 8087 math co-processor. I have nearly 80 megabytes of addressable memory and over two terabytes of magnetic storage. Fear my power.
  6. They would have been Wasteland Tacos then.
  7. I might be a spam bot. What would a self aware spam bot think of its life?
  8. Open up biomes.xml and head to the bottom (or search for "road", which should take you to the bottom). <pois> <!--poi name="Road Concrete" poimapcolor="#3a3020" prefab="road_concrete" surfaceoffset="0"/><poi name="Road Asphalt" poimapcolor="#272f48" prefab="road_asphalt" surfaceoffset="0"/><poi name="Road Gravel" poimapcolor="#806f52" prefab="road_gravel" surfaceoffset="0"/><poi name="crossing" poimapcolor="#f6ff0f" prefab="street_crossing"/><poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" prefab="water_7_wide" surfaceoffset="0" /--> <!--<poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" blockname="water" ypos="56" old water set method/--> <!--<poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" prefab="water" ypos="56"/>--> <poi name="City Asphalt" poimapcolor="#1" blockname="terrAsphalt"> <blockontop blockname="carsRandomHelper" prob="0.0015" rotatemax="3"/> </poi> <poi name="Country Road Asphalt" poimapcolor="#2" blockname="terrAsphalt"> <blockontop blockname="carsRandomHelper" prob="0.0015" rotatemax="3"/> </poi> <poi name="Road Gravel" poimapcolor="#3" blockname="terrGravel"> <blockontop blockname="carsRandomHelper" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="3"/> </poi> Change the prob="0.0015" to some higher value. Start with small changes.
  9. This is very good to know. I guess I never bothered checking recently.
  10. If you have access to acid and a workbench you can make wheels. Otherwise, yeah, wheels are rare but do drop. Find crates in gas stations and such for a better chance at finding them.
  11. I've been rage quitting twice a day, every day, for years.
  12. Yes, but if it doesn't reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees... bad things can happen.
  13. Chicken pear pie. EDIT: Actually, I'm hoping for wheat to be added and then so many more recipes could be added to include bread, dough, pie crust, etc.
  14. This is not the direction I thought this thread was going with that title...
  15. But you must do it using a 300 baud modem.
  16. I swear she was a 10 while we were drinking the night before... And when she attacked in the morning I knew she felt the same about me.
  17. I have played just about every kind of map there is to play and prefer no traders. I have played many maps with no towns and only wilderness POIs. I even played a few times with no POIs at all and mentioned a few holes that creates in ones ability to survive (no way to get iron pipes to make a forge to make a pot to cook in, for instance). There are still random loot containers throughout the world but it is very slow going. You're not wrong, it's a tough world to survive in and tougher still to get out of the stone age. I started doing it as a way to make a "craft everything, loot almost nothing" kind of scenario. TFP does not like this concept for 7DTD so it will be a mod I make at some point after release or at least after the start of beta.
  18. This effect is true in vehicles in the real world as well. Riding in a big truck going 70 MPH feels very different from a motorcycle at 70 MPH. Or whatever KPH that translates to.
  19. Could we please have an addition option during RWG that allows for a single town instead of "few"? And could we also get a simple on/off option for traders? Choosing no towns removes traders but it would be nice to have the option of having one (or more) towns without traders if we wanted. No rush, by release would be fine. EDIT: Or just have the single town option have no traders... whatever is easier. I currently end up going with no towns or going into the POI listing and remove trader entries.
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