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Difficulty to high at level 30?


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After hitting 30 going into a town you start running into many feral zombies and cops. I feel based on what resources are available at this level it's a little to early for the amount of feral zombie and cops that spawn.


Yeah something is off. I am only lvl 19 or so but have a game stage of 57 and the nearby town's buildings are now just full of ferals and radiated zombies. I am getting absolutely wrecked.


I guess I do not understand how game stage works.

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After hitting 30 going into a town you start running into many feral zombies and cops. I feel based on what resources are available at this level it's a little to early for the amount of feral zombie and cops that spawn.


Hmmm, sounds like 7D2D are implementing the Oblivion style leveling, where the enemies scale with your level. This was abandoned in Skyrim for a reason.


I just hit lvl 40 and I'm still using the compound bow and iron/stone arrows backed up by a shotgun with limited ammo. Sounds like I'm gonna have a rough go.

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The multiplier is different for each difficulty level. So your gamestage goes up more slowly on Adventurer and even more slowly on Scavenger.


I really believe that Nomad is now a perfect default level for team play but it gets very difficult for solo play. Adventurer seems to be a better fit for solo.

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After hitting 30 going into a town you start running into many feral zombies and cops. I feel based on what resources are available at this level it's a little to early for the amount of feral zombie and cops that spawn.


I power leveled on my first playthrough and had this experience as well. It did level out for me though around level 50 by slowing down and getting ammo, picking off easy kill zombies, and staying out of the trap houses for a bit lol.

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Yeah power leveling is dangerous. I'm level 25 on day 6 of my current playthrough, and my last couple of wandering hordes had cops and spider zombies sprinkled in. Also got a screamer from just one forge running. Looking forward to the first blood moon, I guess..


I didn't realize warrior wouldn't just increase zombie hp and dmg, but it makes sense. Don't remember it being mentioned in any patch notes, by the way. Maybe that's just my shoddy memory though.

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Yeah power leveling is dangerous. I'm level 25 on day 6 of my current playthrough, and my last couple of wandering hordes had cops and spider zombies sprinkled in. Also got a screamer from just one forge running. Looking forward to the first blood moon, I guess..


I didn't realize warrior wouldn't just increase zombie hp and dmg, but it makes sense. Don't remember it being mentioned in any patch notes, by the way. Maybe that's just my shoddy memory though.


Honestly, TFP tried really hard to stop building roof camping for horde night.... Unfortunately, it's still easy to do and you're blood moon should be just fine.

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We have got tons of crazy spawn, but almost level 80 now and its actually doable. You just can't run in, you have to fight smart. And make use of those rocks. I think we are only on Nomad though.

Side note: the crossbow sucks , and it used to be my favorite weapon. It is slow, bulky and slow. Compound bow is great for faster hitting if you want to stay away and conserve ammo. 2 headshots usually enough for one zombie. I find the best and easiest is handguns. Wayyyy better than in A16, I took out a few feral cops pretty fast with that and a few rocks as distractions.

Haven't died in a while now and its mostly ferals and a lot of them. ((Now I have said this I am going to die. :smile-new:))

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Yeah not too worried, but with the irradiated vultures supposedly fixed, it might become a little exciting after all.


My biggest problem with horde night is the running in place zombies. Dedicated server, RWG, zombie count at 16, on Nomad.


Every.Single.Horde.Night lol


Zombies just stuck running in place after about 1 minute. I can literally go down and use my club to kill them.


Hope that gets fixed.

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If you're asking me, I never implied that I hide. I said use the rooftops to camp out... I still kill every last zombie.


Honestly, only an idiot would realistically stand toe to toe with a zombie horde, anyone smart is going to get behind cover or higher ground and shoot at them.

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If you're asking me, I never implied that I hide. I said use the rooftops to camp out... I still kill every last zombie.


I meant the general "you" as in "anyone". I've seen comments from people in a few threads about hiding from 7day hordes.


I've become a big fan of the 'get more up' approach instead of huddled underground.


I've recently taken control of the skyscraper in the big desert town. Going to make a big pimp caliber bachelor pad and fill the entire ground floor with reinforced concrete and hundreds of blade traps.


I need big strobes and disco lights so I can light up the sky, throwing Dukes tokens to the (flesh) loving throngs below.

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I meant the general "you" as in "anyone". I've seen comments from people in a few threads about hiding from 7day hordes.


I've become a big fan of the 'get more up' approach instead of huddled underground.


I've recently taken control of the skyscraper in the big desert town. Going to make a big pimp caliber bachelor pad and fill the entire ground floor with reinforced concrete and hundreds of blade traps.


I need big strobes and disco lights so I can light up the sky, throwing Dukes tokens to the (flesh) loving throngs below.


Because some people like to role play in their game. Most people(if this were to really happen) would not run toward every zombie they see. Most would hide, avoid, flee, and fight only when necessary.

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Because some people like to role play in their game. Most people(if this were to really happen) would not run toward every zombie they see. Most would hide, avoid, flee, and fight only when necessary.


Well, if it's IRL we're talking about the first objective after food/water/shelter basics should be killing the zombies. They can't reproduce so you want to thin them out. Any time you see one alone or at least in quantities you can handle it would behoove you to kill them now so they don't catch you out later.


The person constantly killing zombies, thinning the herd and honing their zombie killing skills will he at an advantage.


However that's irrelevant to the issue which is that there's a segment of the games population that wants a way more controllable zombie experience. They want zombies but they want them not to dig or jump or they want to be able to level up and unlock everything without fighting all the time or similar concerns. That's okay and I want them to have that. It's not just an RP thing, it's what makes the game fun for some.

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Well, if it's IRL we're talking about the first objective after food/water/shelter basics should be killing the zombies. They can't reproduce so you want to thin them out. Any time you see one alone or at least in quantities you can handle it would behoove you to kill them now so they don't catch you out later.


The person constantly killing zombies, thinning the herd and honing their zombie killing skills will he at an advantage.


However that's irrelevant to the issue which is that there's a segment of the games population that wants a way more controllable zombie experience. They want zombies but they want them not to dig or jump or they want to be able to level up and unlock everything without fighting all the time or similar concerns. That's okay and I want them to have that. It's not just an RP thing, it's what makes the game fun for some.


respectfully disagree.... for some being able to hide from or avoid zombies is completely an RP thing.

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The multiplier is different for each difficulty level. So your gamestage goes up more slowly on Adventurer and even more slowly on Scavenger.


I really believe that Nomad is now a perfect default level for team play but it gets very difficult for solo play. Adventurer seems to be a better fit for solo.



What makes your gamestage go up exactly? Your EXP level? The number of Zs you/your party kill? Something else?

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Ferals and even irradiated cops are not a huge problem at level 30. You have access to level 5 attributes, which is a big breaking point.


First. Are you taking on POI's without armor? Like, real armor. At least leather? If not, there's your problem. Second, are you carrying a proper melee weapon like a sledge or fire axe? If not, there's your second problem.


All you need is leather armor and a fire axe. Literally. I have L3 strength and no melee perks aside from 1 point in Skull Crusher and I can take down irradiated cops and ferals in melee without a panic attack or even retreating (other than to avoid waking other Z's). Open world hunting, car wrenching, and natural resource harvesting, you don't need or want armor because of the stamina drain and mobility (Mobility is a winner in open spaces). The minute you even LOOK at a building, you should have armor on. It will save your life!


The important thing with most runners is to take them out at the knee, then the head. With cops, just lay in with heavy attacks to keep him staggered, he can't explode like that. ALWAYS heavy attacks. This isn't the time to be pissy about your bacon-to-energy ratio.


This is one-on-one. The problem comes at horde night where I don't have the ammo to chew through the endless mass of HP being thrown at me. You have to rely heavily on funnels, spike traps, barbed wire, and molotovs. Even then, you're going to run out of all of them on SP-nomad. If you have a structurally sound and safe building, however (I'm in a friggen barn), it's still an all-you-can-kill XP buffet to dawn.

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respectfully disagree.... for some being able to hide from or avoid zombies is completely an RP thing.


If that's someones RP that's fine but that's not a good argument nor an only argument to have. If my RP is that I'm friendly with zombies doesn't mean the option to make friends with zombies needs to be in the game.


Wanting to RP something isn't an ideal justification as it's got a narrow scope to apply to. Something that's going to have a benefit for a broad scope of players is a better one.


As I said. The goal is to let people play however they want within reason and at manageable effort for the return from developers. Being able to advance without just pulling zombies has a number of benefits for various play styles, not just RP.

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If that's someones RP that's fine but that's not a good argument nor an only argument to have. If my RP is that I'm friendly with zombies doesn't mean the option to make friends with zombies needs to be in the game.


Wanting to RP something isn't an ideal justification as it's got a narrow scope to apply to. Something that's going to have a benefit for a broad scope of players is a better one.


As I said. The goal is to let people play however they want within reason and at manageable effort for the return from developers. Being able to advance without just pulling zombies has a number of benefits for various play styles, not just RP.


Ok, honestly I'm not really sure what you're arguing here. You asked why someone would hide from a horde and I just wanted to give you an example of why someone would. I'm not really trying to justify anything. Personally, I think that hiding should be an option so people that want to hide can play that way and people that don't want to hide don't have to.

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Ok, honestly I'm not really sure what you're arguing here. You asked why someone would hide from a horde and I just wanted to give you an example of why someone would. I'm not really trying to justify anything. Personally, I think that hiding should be an option so people that want to hide can play that way and people that don't want to hide don't have to.


I get it. My point is that "because RP" isn't going to go anywhere and I've seen it in a couple of threads.


I absolutely agree that letting people hide from zombies with the right game settings doesn't hurt anyone and benefits plenty and so should be an option people can set up without modding if at all possible.

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Yeah power leveling is dangerous. I'm level 25 on day 6 of my current playthrough, and my last couple of wandering hordes had cops and spider zombies sprinkled in. Also got a screamer from just one forge running. Looking forward to the first blood moon, I guess..


I didn't realize warrior wouldn't just increase zombie hp and dmg, but it makes sense. Don't remember it being mentioned in any patch notes, by the way. Maybe that's just my shoddy memory though.


I believe it also did this in a16, it factored into the gamestage calculations as a small adjustment to each gs number. IIRC it was in the xml how it was working.

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What makes your gamestage go up exactly? Your EXP level? The number of Zs you/your party kill? Something else?


According to the xml files, gamestage is currently worked out as...


Gamestage = (Level + DaysAlive) * Difficulty


  • Level = Your character level.
  • DaysAlive = This starts at 0, and increases by 1 for each 24 hours of game time that you've been online in the game. Each time you die, it is reduced by 2. It is capped in that it can never go below 0 or go above your level.
  • Difficulty = A multiplier based on the difficulty you're playing on. Scavenger = 1; Adventurer = 1.2; Nomad = 1.5; Warrior = 1.7; Survivalist = 2; Insane = 2.5.


If there are other players nearby (the xml doesn't define exactly what "nearby" means, that's somewhere in the code) then the game calculates a single Total Gamestage based on all your individual gamestages...


Total Gamestage = sum of {PlayerGamestage * PlayerRanking} for top five nearby players


  • PlayerGamestage = Your individual gamestage, as calculated above.
  • PlayerRanking = A number based on your ranking in the list of nearby players. If you have the highest individual gamestage (or you're the only player), this is 1; and it is reduced by 0.2 for each player who has a higher gamestage than you, to a maximum of four. So if you have the third highest gamestage, for example, you have two players ranked above you and your multiplier is therefore 1 - 0.2 - 0.2 = 0.6. If you're sixth or lower in the gamestage ranking your gamestage does not contribute to the total at all.


The numbers I've picked out in red are the numbers that can be modded in the xml file. Those not in red are hard-coded.

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I got like 3-5 levels on BM. Why would you hide from it?


To avoid this...


Yeah power leveling is dangerous.


The slower you level, the more scavenging/looting/building time you have relative to your gamestage*. Gratuitously going after zombies for the xp (rather than just killing them in self-defence) - "power leveling", as Hrod Land calls it - inflates your gamestage more quickly than is necessary and you're just making the game harder for yourself.


Refraining from killing every zombie in sight doesn't have to be a role-playing thing. It can also be a strategic thing.




*Actually, leveling too slowly can also make the game harder, because the gamestage will tick up over time anyway but you won't yet have access to the higher level perks.


Basically, level too fast and you'll be underprepared. Level too slowly and you'll be underpowered. There's a happy medium somewhere where you have enough preparation time and you've also got enough perks, but the exact balance of where that will be is going to depend on play style and skill.


The gamestage calculations have a built-in cap to prevent you leveling so slowly that things get out-of-hand and your game becomes no longer playable, but there's no cap the other way. Providing you can still keep killing zombies and leveling, you can keep making it harder for yourself.

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