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Next build update?


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Curious when the next update will be out? I saw some comments about can of acid being easier to find so we can craft those wheels we need and the requirement for the bicycle possibly being dropped down to intelligence 4 which I think is level 10. Hopefully more mods for tools and weapons will be added along with a larger difference in tier and tool types.

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I would believe tommorow (Monday). Saw a lot of posts about fixes, so I would think it will be soon, but not this sunday (do they work weekends? I really hope they take a few days off after the hard work in the last days).

But that is just a wild guess from my side.

We will know it when it's out.

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I would believe tommorow (Monday). Saw a lot of posts about fixes, so I would think it will be soon, but not this sunday (do they work weekends? I really hope they take a few days off after the hard work in the last days).

But that is just a wild guess from my side.

We will know it when it's out.


I really hope they took off the weekend and were able to spend Thanksgiving with their families, not sure what nationality the team is but hopefully they had a relaxing weekend even if they are from an area that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. We all know they deserve a small rest.

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I'da thought today.


My guess is monday or tuesday, hopefully alot of the major issues get fixed. I am particularlly hoping the night vision goggles get fixed, as in b197 they were great, b199... might as well not even use them as they didn't do anything.

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