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I got full MP4 movies to play just by switiching it, granted i switched them to the TV mod and not the radio. It DOES play, but yes if i get too far away it resets. the ratio is pretty good but i wish i could turn the audio up. I made a drive through Movie POI and it plays deadpool but the volume is so quiet Is there a way to do this? im also working on a "best buy" like store and am using the cctv tv etc etc mods to make it more emersive so would love volume controll


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Are you using the A19 version?  The sound rolls off with distance and didnt seem too quiet to me.  The volume has to be edited in Unity, or on your .mp4 file.  Just crank up the volume by recoding that .mp4 until its how you like it.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm trying to change the URL for the URL Billboard and can't seem to open the VideoTVs.unity3d file in any way.


I've tried Unity - Does not open file.  If dragged and dropped it just fails to load

I've tried AssetBundleExtractor - Opens file, but cannot do anything with it afterwards.  It says there are 3 files included CAB-{GUID}, CAB-{GUID}.resS, and CAB-{GUID}.resource.  Don't know if that's the right path or not.

I've tried to use Unity Studio, but that crashed porbably because it is no longer maintained.


I used to use unity all the time, and I don't remember what a .unity3d file is/was and can't remember how to import it or use it or whatever.  Is this the way to change that URL for the billboard???

Thanks for the hel

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A unity3d file is a compressed bundle.  UTinyripper is the best tool to uncompress those, but you dont get a ready to use model doing that, just all the parts and often you need to make edits before reexporting the package.  The URL needs to be edited inside Unity then reexported if you want to change it.  

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Alright so I have the video component of the URL board.  There is not script or anything attached to it to change a URL.  All there is is an Audio Clip component. 



I would assume there would be some sort of value I would just change to a working URL, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  I don't think this should be over my head at all.  It should just be decompiling, editing, and recompiling right?  

Is there any documentation for this?  Not just a step by step, but something that explains it in detail?  Or I guess if the step by step is what the documentation should be then I think I might be stuck.  

So my process right now is Decompile with UTinyripper > Open up asset folder inside unity > locate URL Billboard > ?????? > Recompile? > have new asset with new URL on Billboard


Thanks for the help again.

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Wanted it to be a twitch stream or something like that.  I didn't get the idea until you stated it in your video explaining the URL billboard.  If its too crazy for me to do or whatever I can just stick with the MP4 video.  

I have some problems with that too with skipping audio, and video not showing up.  Is there a maximum resolution for video or bitrate for audio when getting a file?

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19 minutes ago, MysticNynja said:

Wanted it to be a twitch stream or something like that.  I didn't get the idea until you stated it in your video explaining the URL billboard.  If its too crazy for me to do or whatever I can just stick with the MP4 video.  

I have some problems with that too with skipping audio, and video not showing up.  Is there a maximum resolution for video or bitrate for audio when getting a file?

The component in Unity will only stream .mp4 files, so you would need some method to convert whatever format twitch streams in to .mp4


As far as the video format, look at the ones provided.  There was a post discussing it as well above but here is the recommendations:


First, big thanks very much for this mod! This is really great!


Second, you can play a full long movie but you must encode it well! I do this & I don't have any problem to load it:

- 640x400 (16/10)

- x264 (H264 baseline profile level 3.0) 512kbits it's enought for best encode speed/quality because it's not like we really want to see a movie

- aac 128 kbits & must reduce the volume by -50% because in game the video's audio volume it's not scale with the game's audio volume who are very low (I play many other game & my sound volume is set to +/-33% but when I play 7DTD, I must up to +/-66%)

- 23.976 fps

- & the more important thing for a long movie, the option FastStart must be actived, that can be help... I'm not a expert but what I read & understand, it's like a loading of a picture in progressive or not... If we don't set the video to load progressive, the full video will be load in memory who that can explain bug/lag for a long movie...


Third, a little thing to place the TheaterScreen, it's better with this:

<property name="ModelOffset" value="0.5,0.5,0"/>


Fourth, when I active it (any block), all video can be read but I don't know why sometime the picture of the video don't want to show up but the song is here...


Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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OOOOO ok so streaming isn't just like a Browser Source in OBS, it is just literally streaming an mp4 file from a URL endpoint?

Thanks for the help on encoding also.  We are going to have a movie night when the horde is coming!  Thinking of doing the old school Night of the Living Dead :) I'll let you know how it works out!

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I am new to using mods, I want to download the lightsaber mod for my game I am making for me and a friend, does he have to download the mod too?  how do you know which mods are needed by both people?


sorry for the dumb question just learning how great this game is and now I want to mod it for more fun!

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If the mod is just XML then it should only be needed by the server and no need to download it for both, I think these are called Modlets.  If there is a new model, texture, animation, or things like that usually those are needed by both server and client.  When in doubt just get have them on both all the time.  

The light sabre mod would need to be on all machines.  A good rule of thumb is that if you see a .unity3d file there that would need to be on everyone's machine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its important that the video be formatted so the game wont choke on it.  There are tips on that a few post up on this thread.  I could fairly easily increase the number of clips in the rotation but there wasn't much demand for that in the time this mod has been out there.  I think most folks use it for movies during the nighttime to help pass the time but if there is a specific use case for more I would entertain making the upgrade.

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i mean someone asked for the clip increase on Nexus and you basically said it was a done deal with A18 already so its possible ppl thought it was too much work or you didn't wanna do it. There is certainly demand for it. I have several shorter collections of clips that i'd like to watch. stuff for the day and stuff just for the night if you get it.  SO i'd really appreciate it, if you find the time, if you could increase the number to 12 or maybe even add another mod version that has another 12 so 24 total (more than 12 on a tv would be too much).


And i am a tech idiot, barely know how to tell my Pc whivh player to use to play videos so i don't know about formatting.


But i tried several videos now, differnent sources, selfmade, DLs from youtube and other sites different sizes, 720-2160p all worked fine as long as they were initially mp4. maybe VLC just screws up the format change

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  • 2 weeks later...

The more demand for something the further up the backlog it goes 🙂 .  I really should release mini projects for each thing like the radios, CCTVs, etc so folks can have fun with those.  Working on new fun things always gets top of the backlog though. 🐵



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On the radio mod, im playing with other people who's hosting a server for 3-4 people and two of which who is hosting lives in the same house relevant or not, has the mod installed on the server and they can hear the music just fine but i cannot even tho i have the mod installed also on my pc in the mods folder. It does not play or when i do hear it, its horrible sounding like 2 or more songs overlapping like something you would gear from a porn horror movie gone wrong. I tried to re download and reinstalled and that did not fix it. Is there a fix? Oh but the two people i play with did say they can hear the music from the radio from across the map as if there is unlimited range. We are playing stable A19.1 or w/e the latest ver is.

Edited by Hoochi (see edit history)
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