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Animals - Where is all the meat?


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i started a new game 1 day ago. I am really wondering where all the animals are.

I am at day 6 now and i only saw 2 pigs and one deer so far. The last time i played the game there wasnt it that much of a problem hunting animals in a sufficient number to avoid starving.


So, where are all the animals gone?



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Lots less of them since A15 due to too many complaints about food being too easy to get.


Spending a day in the forest picking on Iron-rocks and gathering wood and such will get you a couple kills though.


Typically I find I'm lucky to get one kill in the first week.

After that I've got the minibike and I don't have too much trouble getting meat.


Of course once you hit week three you're killing wolves and that's a fair amount of food.

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If you don't see meat on the hoof in your area, range out a bit, I like to hop up on the big rocks, which has saved me from dog and wolf packs more then once. But generally as you are exploring, do several spin/scans and you'll usually find a deer or 2. I typically hear the boars before I see them, and wolves is just down to dumb luck and hoping you hear them howl before they are aware of you.

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Thank you all for the kind response. Are there any options to adjust the numbers of spawning animals if i run a personal server or in single player?


Go into your entitygroups.xml and search for "FriendlyAnimals".


You'll find one group for each biome.


Increase the probability and you'll have more animals.

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Go into your entitygroups.xml and search for "FriendlyAnimals".


You'll find one group for each biome.


Increase the probability and you'll have more animals.


Or as an alternative, change all snake, chicken, and bunny entries to boar, stag, bear, which are much easier to hit and give you more meat.

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Animals are on a 7 day repop, and usually only 1 or 2 will pop per chunk, explore farther out and you'll run into some. If you sit in/near your base your not going to see any anytime soon.


P.s. even with the animal spawns in a15/16 its still too easy to get meat. Even before I got the minibike I usually have stacks of meat unused. I don't stay in one place for long though, I am very nomadic until I find a spot I wanna build a base at, and that sometimes takes a while. Only time I worry is day 1 when I get crapped on by rngesus and all it spawns is rabbits I can't catch, hitting one with the bow/xbow is a nightmare, I usually pull out the hunting or sniper rifles for them, smg would work too actually, it should have enough range to be able to hit one before it'd run.


I play Fennec mod, and there are animals everywhere, but here's the catch: each animal now has its own meat type, Boar, Deer, Bear, Wolf, Snake, Rabbit, Chicken, and certan recipies require a specific meat, so it balances it out. Even then, with a machete i've gotten 3 meat max off any animal, 3 from Boar/deer/bear/wolf, and 1-2 from the smaller ones.

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