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so i just cleared a space of 50x50


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I do it inside out.

What crafting stations do I want to place and where?

Defenses? Moats?

Then I know how much space I actually need.


A 50x50x3 space sounds weirdly specific when you don't have anything in mind.

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In general I tend to follow the history of castle design but without a motte as hills don't slow zombies down and generally makes aiming harder. Start with a simple wooden keep and progress through to concentric rings of stone wall... complete with battlements, machicolations, and murder holes.




If the AI will go around obstacles instead of just ploughing through them for A17 I'm tempted to build a Broch, the wandering hordes should just go around the cylindrical shape and the angled walls should give you a decent chance of headshots on horde night.



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Interesting that you picked 50x50.


I generally use block strength to determine my exact size.


If you're using creative or a modded server then you can use

Riveted Bridge Metal

Bridge Concrete

[both hold 400 mass]


With those you can build with spans of 9 blocks [provided you put in support at the top to make it a span of 7.


Anyway, that's how I design my place.

I make my foundation based on how far my support beams can reach and that's how I move forward.


If you're strictly Vanilla your spans should never exceed 7 and you should have support block at the top as well to help.

Click this link



The second video [you don't have to watch it all] I talk about SI and stuff.

You probably know all that stuff anyway but I mention right near the start spans and supports.


That's how I build anyway.

I know the rooms I want, I just don't know right off the bat where I'll put them.

I just mark them out with frames and kind of see how it goes.


Have fun!


Large bases are worth the effort.

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i like simple and practical base. mushroom shaped, 2 stories. 9x9 scuare base, going 3 deep undeground. double block thick steel walls. escape tunnel from middle. there is enough room for storage boxes and stuff. i keep my forges outside, so i do not attract screamers directly to my fort. upper level extends 3 or 4 blocks over base, made with half blocks and ironbars, so i can shoot down and repair traps safely.

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The 50 by 50 was arbitrary. I chose it because it should give me the space I want to have.

I liked your suggestions. I will consider my crafting room(s) and wanted storage place, as well as what kind of defences i want.

Right now all I know is that i want an easy access for my bike and a semi sufficient defense network. A fully automated defence, imo, isn't as fun.


What concepts do you use for your defence?

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I keep my forges about 5 chunks away from the base, on the other side of the drop pit.


Then I can lure the zombies over, into the hole they go, loot. Fun for all.


Oh, rebar->reinforced concrete will give you up to 15 for a span, (20/320 wt/load) so I go a max of 10 between supports.

I'm going to try some shenanigans with the bridge supports though. I haz a few idears... :D

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Its all in my head!!! Mostly it's limitations of what and how its going to be built.... Mostly flagstone to cobble then to concrete... And generally it's only a 'starter base' so to speak. But with Vanilla its generally that, if a mod then it depends... Some mods require a tonne of benches, crafting stations etc and require a lot of space!!! It also depends upon POI's - sometimes I'll take them over for a temp base.

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What concepts do you use for your defence?



i dig out 2 layers soil around fort. put down 1 layer concrete or reinforced concrete. then 4 rounds logspikes upside down, also 2 rounds on walls. then round of concrete and then again 3 or 4 rounds pikes upside down. i use shotgun turrets, if i have them, on corners of fort. when horde comes, i walk around and shoot down. pikes never get completly destroyed, unless cop blow up.

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i made one cool fall pit. i got idea from TomGirlGamer videos. put in my touch and changed things a bit. but it is more complicated and takes long time to build. got it ready for 77 day horde. 6x8 blocks and as deep as you can do, deeper is better for further improvements.i did put 8 blade traps on each wall. 2 shotgun turrets just in case, if things get hot. bottom 3high horizontal poles, so i can loot during night. second floor had turrets pointing down. jail gates on second floor as service access, so i can enter pit and repair easily.

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