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[06/06] Message from the Team


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The ram on the pro and the X are probably ok I mean they could probably do with a little extra but could probably manage where they are. The CPU for both are still under specs for this game. The processor I think on console is a I3 or something and this game recommends at least the I5 but the I7 would be better.


This is inaccurate. It took me five seconds to Google this: https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/30/16569422/sony-ps4-pro-vs-microsoft-xbox-one-x-spec-comparison

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The ram on the pro and the X are probably ok I mean they could probably do with a little extra but could probably manage where they are. The CPU for both are still under specs for this game. The processor I think on console is a I3 or something and this game recommends at least the I5 but the I7 would be better.


This is inaccurate. It took me five seconds to Google this: https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/30/16569422/sony-ps4-pro-vs-microsoft-xbox-one-x-spec-comparison

That doesn't even cover details about how the RAM on the XB1-X runs slower than it's predecessor due to the new memory management architecture.

Both the PS4 Pro and the XB1-X are pathetic excuses for an upgrade. Especially considering how old and outdated the original hardware was when it released.


I also post the link to the sticky thread with detailed hardware specs explaining precisely why the consoles are too slow to have the fun things that exist on the PC.


Optimization in the update they are currently working on is really the only thing that's going to allow much to be added to the console version.




Oh, and just for those who are waiting for the next next-gen consoles.....

Things are looking a tab bleak atm.

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We don't care about content. I just want the game to not crash after every 2 hours. And the sad part is me and two friends are on the one x and it seems to run better on the og Xbox and Xbox s.


I play the game on PS4 and it crashes only once a week when I play it for 3 or 4 times per week for some hours. So I can't confirm this amount of crashes on PS4.

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I play the game on PS4 and it crashes only once a week when I play it for 3 or 4 times per week for some hours. So I can't confirm this amount of crashes on PS4.


My wife plays this 3 to 5 hours per day, 7 days a week on PS4, and it only crashes about once a month.

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So, if I decide it's not worth the wait, does that mean I get a refund?


Didn't think so.


The fact is, IG, TT, and TFP have decided they've made all the money they're gonna make on console, so console development and bug fixing is their lowest priority.


Telling us that, "there will be a patch at some later time" is just farting in the wind. Of course there's always going to be patches eventually; that's how it's always worked. We already expected that.


This isn't an announcement. This is a PR ruse to tell console players to STFU.


I'll stop complaining when the devs give us an actual rough timeline. Until that happens, the devs have done nothing to inspire any confidence they care about the console experience.


I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this buggy, unfinished game for more that $5. At the $39.99 price I paid, I got ripped off, and unfortunately I have no recourse but to keep insisting they make the game I paid $39.99 for worth $39.99.


I started to respond to this, got abot a sentence and a half in when it hit me. I just don't care anymore. People gonna bitch, whine, and complain as they like. I said my peace already, so I'm good.

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My wife plays this 3 to 5 hours per day, 7 days a week on PS4, and it only crashes about once a month.


I've been playing this copy of the game on PS4 for about 2 years now. It has crashed maybe three times in that amount of time. I've had one "base reset" thus far, and I use quotes because the reset was just a door. Nothing else. So I've either been very lucky or had an exceptionally rare game with fewer bugs. And bear in mind, I'm talking 5 hours or more evertime without major issues. So not sure what the deal is. I have experienced the disconnection issues, but have a feeling those were mostly due to unstable internet not a bug. Since I was able to play entended periods with those same people.

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That doesn't even cover details about how the RAM on the XB1-X runs slower than it's predecessor due to the new memory management architecture.

Both the PS4 Pro and the XB1-X are pathetic excuses for an upgrade. Especially considering how old and outdated the original hardware was when it released.


I also post the link to the sticky thread with detailed hardware specs explaining precisely why the consoles are too slow to have the fun things that exist on the PC.


Optimization in the update they are currently working on is really the only thing that's going to allow much to be added to the console version.




Oh, and just for those who are waiting for the next next-gen consoles.....

Things are looking a tab bleak atm.



He was completely wrong about the processors. They aren't even Intel. He was just blatantly talking out of his ass, couldn't bother to take five seconds to Google something before blathering completely inaccurately.

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I've been playing this copy of the game on PS4 for about 2 years now. It has crashed maybe three times in that amount of time. I've had one "base reset" thus far, and I use quotes because the reset was just a door. Nothing else. So I've either been very lucky or had an exceptionally rare game with fewer bugs. And bear in mind, I'm talking 5 hours or more evertime without major issues. So not sure what the deal is. I have experienced the disconnection issues, but have a feeling those were mostly due to unstable internet not a bug. Since I was able to play entended periods with those same people.


Combined, my wife and I have probably played upwards of 1500 hours of 7 Days To Die on PS4 since the day it came out , probably right around half of it in split-screen, and we've also only had one base reset. That was nearly a year ago too.

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I definitely agree that a better job could be done on informing the console community on information. But I don’t put all the blame on Clare she only can tell us what she is told. But I definitely think a new approach needs to be taken. I’m curious how big the console team is. I’d assume it’s pretty small based on how slow the updates come. But any and all upgrades changes are appreciated.


- - - Updated - - -


I’m curious if console is going to get some other things that pc doesn’t have weapon variations etc. the main hope is md5 fixes performance boost new zombies and town generation.

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Bug free on PS4


Had it since launch, play on weekends (6 hours on sat/sun); and it has never crashed. Play in random gen, nomad difficulty (not that it matters).

Looking forward to the new update! Bring new buildings and new zombies: everything else can wait.

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I'm happy that you are happy southern boy from Georgia. But it us hard to believe that out of all those years you have only had those problems.


Believe what you you want. Aside from a couple of bugs that got fixed quickly, like blocks not being able to be placed in empty air spaces and one issue that turned out to be due to a faulty controller, it's true. When I first got this game it had some issues, or things I thought were issues that weren't. This was before my wife got the game for me again for Chistmas after I had to sell my first copy a few months after I got it to help pay for her diabetes medication.


This is my second copy of the game, and I have had none of the issues I did with my firsr copy. Whether that's due to them fixing bugs between copies or simply due to having a stable copy of the game this time. Which was why I said perhaps I have just been lucky, because this time around I have had few issues with it despite hours of extended game play.

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- - - Updated - - -


I’m curious if console is going to get some other things that pc doesn’t have weapon variations etc. the main hope is md5 fixes performance boost new zombies and town generation.



I'm not sure if the MD5 error can be eliminated entirely on XBOX, their MD5s has something to do how Microsoft chose to save game files if I'm not mistaken. Unless Unity can some how be optimized to compensate for that, it won't be possible if it's the system itself causing the error when the game auto saves.

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I definitely agree that a better job could be done on informing the console community on information. But I don’t put all the blame on Clare she only can tell us what she is told. But I definitely think a new approach needs to be taken. I’m curious how big the console team is. I’d assume it’s pretty small based on how slow the updates come. But any and all upgrades changes are appreciated.


- - - Updated - - -


I’m curious if console is going to get some other things that pc doesn’t have weapon variations etc. the main hope is md5 fixes performance boost new zombies and town generation.


TFP need to own up to botching the support and continued development of the console version of the game. I've e-mailed Iron Galaxy to ask that they be more responsive about the content and timeline of console updates. They've said that was on Telltale. I emailed TT regarding the same issue, TT blames TFP.


Ultimately, responsibility should fall on TFP. They are the ones who made the game and struck the deal with TT and IG. They need to either do a better job keeping console players aprised of the status and development plans for the console game or admit that they don't care about the schmucks who paid $40 for an unfinished, broken port.

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That doesn't even cover details about how the RAM on the XB1-X runs slower than it's predecessor due to the new memory management architecture.

Both the PS4 Pro and the XB1-X are pathetic excuses for an upgrade. Especially considering how old and outdated the original hardware was when it released.


I also post the link to the sticky thread with detailed hardware specs explaining precisely why the consoles are too slow to have the fun things that exist on the PC.


Optimization in the update they are currently working on is really the only thing that's going to allow much to be added to the console version.




Oh, and just for those who are waiting for the next next-gen consoles.....

Things are looking a tab bleak atm.


lol so you are actually going by what the internet is telling you??? Come on man you are acting like you barely started using the internet. We still dont know what the specs of the next gen consoles are. You should always take rumors with a grain of salt. Also on a side note if you dont like consoles you shouldnt be a mod in the Console section of the game. You should stick to the PC side and let someone else that isnt biased mod this section. Just saying.

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Don't get me wrong, I like consoles. I am also familiar with how limited they are. I'm not going to sugar coat things and tell you the console may get things it can't handle because the hardware was out of date when it was released.


As far at the next-gen consoles, no one has hard information. That article was pretty detailed, and had information from Sony and Microsoft on what their personal expectations are. If they follow suit, then then next generation will not be that much more powerful than the current. Simply because it doesn't need to be for the direction they are intending to go. Overall that's probably a cheaper choice for console market consumers in the long run. Games that require beefier specs are again going to struggle on them.


Even Minecraft had to implement limitations to the game in order to port to the consoles, and it runs on Java. This isn't a new concept for console editions of games.

A lot of console players aren't PC or hardware savvy though, so I do my best to give you guys all the information possible. That way you're aware of exactly why the console has the limitations it does. Exactly why it doesn't have the same content the PC has. It's also one of the reasons that the MD5 issues have prevailed for so long.


Also, just FYI. I play on the console also. Usually split-screen, and on my PS4.

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I only once have had one crash very early on, and I'm pretty sure it was my own fault.


The reason we don't get MD5 on the PS4 is because the file system is completely different. The XB1 has the MD5 issues primarily because of the way the file system is, and how it saves the game data. The issue has more to do with the software on the console itself, than it does with the actual game client.

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Really cool to see that an update is coming ! Bought the game yesterday and I like it, really feel the Walking Dead vibe with the right settings :excitement:


Does upgrading the game engine to Unity 2017 mean the visual is going to change heavily ?

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Really cool to see that an update is coming ! Bought the game yesterday and I like it, really feel the Walking Dead vibe with the right settings :excitement:


Does upgrading the game engine to Unity 2017 mean the visual is going to change heavily ?


Ummm, honestly? No one but the console development/porting team really knows what the update will bring for the game. It's a waiting game at this point to be frank. Expectations seem to be rather high, which isn't inherently good or bad in and of itself, but I have strong doubts this engine upgrade is going to see much improvement in graphics quality.

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Really cool to see that an update is coming ! Bought the game yesterday and I like it, really feel the Walking Dead vibe with the right settings :excitement:


Does upgrading the game engine to Unity 2017 mean the visual is going to change heavily ?


According to the original post of this thread, the unity update will allow better optimization, helping to track down some persistent bugs (hopefully for our poor xbox brothers & sisters) and to add more features from A15 & A16. Its purely a guess from us as to what all we'll see. It sure is exciting though.


Anyway, welcome to 7 Days to Die WAR1LOCK. Glad to have you aboard with this amazing game!!

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I only once have had one crash very early on, and I'm pretty sure it was my own fault.


The reason we don't get MD5 on the PS4 is because the file system is completely different. The XB1 has the MD5 issues primarily because of the way the file system is, and how it saves the game data. The issue has more to do with the software on the console itself, than it does with the actual game client.

Hey boss, A few quick questions


I have both Xbox and Ps4 Pro= Which console runs better, looks better and with less crashes?


Will update improve graphics?


Will update improve stability?


Is it too soon or possible we could possibly see new vehicles or gyrocopter?


Will we get the infamous Comboud Bow


Thank you for your time and patience!

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Hey boss, A few quick questions


I have both Xbox and Ps4 Pro= Which console runs better, looks better and with less crashes?

PS4 hands down in every category. Been this way for years. XB1-x might get a couple of exclusive titles with very slightly better graphics than the PS4, but historically PlayStation wins almost every time.


Will update improve graphics?

I cannot say for certain, but I would hope that the added optimization will allow the console to use the same resolution textures as the PC.


Will update improve stability?

It absolutely should.


Is it too soon or possible we could possibly see new vehicles or gyrocopter?

On this I'm going to say "too soon". I don't see them bringing them to the console until they are stabilized on the PC version. We don't have them yet on the PC so...


Will we get the infamous Comboud Bow

If we get anything in the next update, this is the one thing I am hoping for the most. Only time will tell though, as we don't really know anything more about the upcoming patch than what Claire or myself have provided already.

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