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A16 - Medieval Mod (SDX)


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Hi Zombyra,


The log does not show any errors or exceptions so I'm very perplexed as to what could have gone wrong. Do you remember the last quest you completed before it messed up? Did you do a quest involving the Alchemy bench? I don't know if its the problem but someone mentioned a quest not working right so I'm just trying to see if its similar.


Do you have any video of the blank quest log or checking all the quest pages, and also if there is any Active quest in the top left corner of the screen?

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17 will likely be the last version before a17 hits... If we do an 18 it'll just be new prefabs or localization fixes... Emu actually pushed a small .1 update out for servers that fixes horse names being saved on dedi's (I think) so managers may want to grab that.

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Hello, I think I may have mentioned this already but the shift-click to put items automatically into a chest is missing for some reason we have to drag the items over one by one - can you test this? I am so annoying I apologize lol


- - - Updated - - -


Also how do we make fertile ground? thanks!

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I just reinstalled the mod 2 days ago after a fresh install of the base game and the mod launcher, was there an other update?


- - - Updated - - -


I will try on another server, think this might still be a server side issue.


****okay so thank you for that feedback they must've updated the server i play on since i wrote this and its working again thank god - thank you again :)

Edited by ahtawulfa (see edit history)
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OK, another question. Are there pickaxes in this mod? I leveled up Miner 69er skill but realized I haven't seen any pickaxes nor recipe for one so I might have wasted some skill points. I couldn't find the information for it myself. So we have to mine ore with regular axes?

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Did something wrong.


Watched the tutorial. Downloaded the launcher. Downloaded the Mod. Message at the top said to use pre-sync on big mods, so I did. Hit the play mod button and it seems to be cloning, something, then loads up 7d2d vanilla. Help? Just to clarify my level of computer expertise, turn power on, double click game, play game.


Apparently patience was required. After it did whatever it was doing, the game opened and I played 3 120 minute "days". Enjoying it except for the dying part.

Edited by cryocon
Update (see edit history)
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hi! i just discovered the other biomes, i didn't red all notes to have some surprises, really good job. i ran like a tourist towards north and i almost die but thx to a big rock i managed to stay alive. even treasure hunt is becoming interesting now. and the spreaading radiations zone is a good idea, except when it's start at the exact same spot than your defense base for bloodmoon's hordes :p ( i thought i could stop it with a trench but i just bought time)


you've made an awesome work on this mod

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