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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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2 hours ago, iWQWi said:

The supercorn can be dropped as loot from entities or containers? I mean, can it be found anywhere exept the "bobs boars and carl's corn" POI? Map: Pregen6k;


I actually dont know tbh. I need to check.


7 minutes ago, TechieZero said:

A couple of knits.


* Is it possible to have some animation to show upgraded Forge activity? Something like fire and/or smoke for example? Heatwaves could be a cool effect if that is possible.


* If you make a dirt block then salvage it --- I think you come out ahead of the game. :)


I did try to attach a particle effect to the forge. For some reason it just didn't want to show. Still not sure why.

Dirt block has been known for a while. Decided I didn't want to mess with it if people really wanna get free clay. :p

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7 hours ago, 蔬菜大杂烩 said:

Sir means to resist the tide of corpses by using dart traps and robots. When the devil appears, use laser weapons to suppress the recovery of the devil

My current problem is that I don't know how to effectively resist the tide of corpses without going to underground bunkers and using floating houses. The main problem is how to prevent the self exploding zombie explosion from damaging the house and players

Google Translate is terrible. A20 is easier than A19, just play it in a new way.




A20 does not need a frying pan, does not need a floating room, does not need to jump off a building machine, does not need to go to an invincible room such as bunker laboratory, and A19 simply makes a matchbox, designs the weakest point for zombies to let them find their way, repair while fighting, and solve it without injury. Military fat manually with a gun to solve, bomberman head do not hit the chest, but there is still a high probability of blowing up, basically at this time at least the steel block, blown up, a bomber will also blow up half of the blood, unless the continuous explosion of two bombermen can be repaired back. When you hear the bomb dripping, you retreat, and you won't blow yourself up at all.




Like I said before, the beginning must be out of the labor class, level 10 can do melting furnace crucible steelmaking, level 20 can do advanced furnace batch forging steel, while doing crazy tasks, using merchants to spend money to unlock skills save a lot of skill points, money is obtained through 4/5 level buried supplies, no need to sell suspension bridges, zombies do not fight excess, suppress their own level, crazy book breaking to learn new classes, at least learn scientists (do anti-radiation drugs)/mechanics (motorcycle speed plug-ins to improve the efficiency of doing tasks), If multiple people hack, the division of labor is simpler, and there is no need for so many skill points. The small laboratory of the burning land can be visited at any time, level 50 has radiation medicine to go to radiation mining, and then level 75 has coilsniper to fight the underground camp, and then do the weapon plug-in to prevent monsters from returning blood, it is OK. If there are many people, the level should be lower, after all, 2 people are 2 times the firepower.


另外我都是单人自己玩,单人才是生存游戏。之前试过和朋友一起玩简直就是欢乐游戏基本没有难度,当然DF mod 最高难度血月也就是默认8僵尸,64的话后面一堆恶魔/魅魔实在太厉害。


In addition, I play it alone, and single-player is a survival game. I have tried to play with friends before is simply a fun game with basically no difficulty, of course, the highest difficulty of DF mod Blood Moon is the default 8 zombies, and a bunch of demons/charms behind 64 words are too powerful.




No, the A20 Blood Moon can be used with vehicles, and it is also possible to ride a motorcycle for a night.

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It is possible to tone down colour of container window? This bright yellow kind of making not visible the loot inside, or is it just me?


Also There was case with clay/wood etc not showing price when try to buy more than "lowest amount" - it just show "not for sale or something like that.


Btw, A20 DF is super cool mate. Good job

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Is there a good resource for the different guns (didn't find it in the journal and obviously not in the wiki)? Trying to figure out where the M4a1 and AR15 stand in regards to AK47 and M60. Is it AR15<AK47<M4a1<M60? Or ak=ar<m4=m60? Did the ar15 or m4al become a replacement for the tactical assault?

Do they all fit under automatic weapons? Thanks for any help.  

Edited by ZombieMikeG (see edit history)
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9 minutes ago, ZombieMikeG said:

Is there a good resource for the different guns (didn't find it in the journal and obviously not in the wiki)? Trying to figure out where the M4a1 and AR15 stand in regards to AK47 and M60. Is it AR15<AK47<M4a1<M60? Or ak=ar<m4=m60? Did the ar15 or m4al become a replacement for the tactical assault?

Do they all fit under automatic weapons? Thanks for any help.  

I believe it's AK - AR - M4 - M60, because M4 is opened with a security mastery, but a machinegun always was an ultimate automatic weapon. And yes, they are all automatic weapons.

I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by Kirilles (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, Eltore7days said:

It would be nice to add some gatling for the highest levels, Coil-gatling, as a weapon it only lacks that


They already have level gating.


4 hours ago, Grinding.Jake said:

It is possible to tone down colour of container window? This bright yellow kind of making not visible the loot inside, or is it just me?


Also There was case with clay/wood etc not showing price when try to buy more than "lowest amount" - it just show "not for sale or something like that.


Btw, A20 DF is super cool mate. Good job


Turn up the UI opacity. I use 90% as that makes it look more like A19.


4 hours ago, ZombieMikeG said:

Is there a good resource for the different guns (didn't find it in the journal and obviously not in the wiki)? Trying to figure out where the M4a1 and AR15 stand in regards to AK47 and M60. Is it AR15<AK47<M4a1<M60? Or ak=ar<m4=m60? Did the ar15 or m4al become a replacement for the tactical assault?

Do they all fit under automatic weapons? Thanks for any help.  


AR-15 is more like a side-grade to the AK, excpet it uses 9mm ammo.

M60 and M4A1 are both similar. M60 has higher mag capacity and I think higher RPM, but also slows you down a bit. The M4A1 has lower mag capacity, lower firing rate, but can take more mods so you could technically use it in a variety of situations (like as a sniper rifle with a scope if you wanted)

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7 hours ago, chiefoforc said:

Google Translate is terrible. A20 is easier than A19, just play it in a new way.




A20 does not need a frying pan, does not need a floating room, does not need to jump off a building machine, does not need to go to an invincible room such as bunker laboratory, and A19 simply makes a matchbox, designs the weakest point for zombies to let them find their way, repair while fighting, and solve it without injury. Military fat manually with a gun to solve, bomberman head do not hit the chest, but there is still a high probability of blowing up, basically at this time at least the steel block, blown up, a bomber will also blow up half of the blood, unless the continuous explosion of two bombermen can be repaired back. When you hear the bomb dripping, you retreat, and you won't blow yourself up at all.




Like I said before, the beginning must be out of the labor class, level 10 can do melting furnace crucible steelmaking, level 20 can do advanced furnace batch forging steel, while doing crazy tasks, using merchants to spend money to unlock skills save a lot of skill points, money is obtained through 4/5 level buried supplies, no need to sell suspension bridges, zombies do not fight excess, suppress their own level, crazy book breaking to learn new classes, at least learn scientists (do anti-radiation drugs)/mechanics (motorcycle speed plug-ins to improve the efficiency of doing tasks), If multiple people hack, the division of labor is simpler, and there is no need for so many skill points. The small laboratory of the burning land can be visited at any time, level 50 has radiation medicine to go to radiation mining, and then level 75 has coilsniper to fight the underground camp, and then do the weapon plug-in to prevent monsters from returning blood, it is OK. If there are many people, the level should be lower, after all, 2 people are 2 times the firepower.


另外我都是单人自己玩,单人才是生存游戏。之前试过和朋友一起玩简直就是欢乐游戏基本没有难度,当然DF mod 最高难度血月也就是默认8僵尸,64的话后面一堆恶魔/魅魔实在太厉害。


In addition, I play it alone, and single-player is a survival game. I have tried to play with friends before is simply a fun game with basically no difficulty, of course, the highest difficulty of DF mod Blood Moon is the default 8 zombies, and a bunch of demons/charms behind 64 words are too powerful.




No, the A20 Blood Moon can be used with vehicles, and it is also possible to ride a motorcycle for a night.




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17 hours ago, 蔬菜大杂烩 said:

Sir means to resist the tide of corpses by using dart traps and robots. When the devil appears, use laser weapons to suppress the recovery of the devil

My current problem is that I don't know how to effectively resist the tide of corpses without going to underground bunkers and using floating houses. The main problem is how to prevent the self exploding zombie explosion from damaging the house and players

I am low skill, Darkness Falls is a challenge. A simple 'killing corridor' base still works if you are having trouble with early hordes. The one I'm using is 5 levels high and two wide (4 wide at my fighting position) with a corridor of at least 6 blocks before a ramp to ground level (mine is solid blocks end to end). Build yourself a nice safe place to be protected from birds, spiders, and vomit (about 4 blocks wide and 4 or 5 deep, 3 blocks tall (inside area would be two wide by two tall and two or three deep) doors on the sides). Use bars on the roof so you can shoot the birds, plus use spikes and turrets if you have them. (optional) Use electric fence posts starting at your position outward to slow them down (consecutive stuns are nerfed, but still buy you time). Side walls on the corridor are optional but if you do use them make them 3 blocks tall and put a roof on it.


Mine was made with cobble for the first two hordes and it worked well. I put a sledge turret  just in front and it knocked down the zombies and I was able to shoot them very easy.


If you are playing multi-player, the same principle can still be used, just make it wider.



  1. Your first week is getting food and water in line (clay bowls and canned food is an easy way to do this) and preparing for day 7. Make a plan on how you want to handle the first horde. Start your base on day 4 or 5 if you have to. Better to be low level and live than high level and dead.
  2. Make a double layer of protection in front of you. I usually have two rows of bars or railings (BTW: you can reach through railings) with horizontal 'pole' blocks on top. This keeps my legs out of reach of spiders and crawling zombies.
  3. Melee is less than optimal, use shotguns and machine guns, melee when you have stamina and not a lot of targets. The pistol is almost useless in my opinion, but if its all you have its better than nothing. Shotguns are really good at penetrating bodies, even the double barrel (2 rounds) is surprisingly effective, the pump shotgun is excellent (8+ rounds).
  4. After you kill a wave of enemies, make repairs to your front position. Make repairs during a wave if you have to, it will keep you alive. Use the stone hammer you start with, it is faster than a hammer, but only works up to cobble.
  5. Demos: do not use shotguns or melee or you will likely set them off. Use a machine gun and aim for their legs. Make demo's a priority as they do a lot of damage very fast. Only risk headshots if you have the skill. Two or three demos will take down even concrete bases if you keep setting them off.
  6. On the two days leading to the horde, Spend your perk or skill points on what you will benefit from the most for beating the horde. Example: shotgun perks or machine gun perks. More damage from you means they die faster.
  7. Upgrade your fighting position to concrete once you can, start with the blocks directly under you (your foundation), then your 'front counter', then the top of the corridor then the rest.
  8. Have more than one weapon or gun ready to go on horde night and a repair kit or two. Healing items too.
  9. HEAD SHOTS: does the most damage per bullet, when combined with electric fence posts head shots are easy.
  10. Whatever base design you use, give the enemies one easy way to get to you so you know where they will be and they won't just smash your base around you.
  11. Upgrade your weapons with mods before the horde arrives for maximum damage output.
  12. USE AP ammo if you have enough. Use any or all the ammo you have if you are low.
  13. Use vitamins, even if you are not sure you need them, it helps recovers lost health and stamina if you die or take too much damage.

Good luck.


Edit: After posting what I did I saw 草莓味软心糖i (Strawberry Fudge) next post and realized he is just playing on very difficult settings.

Only advice I have is to not detonate demos. All the turrets are safe now I believe, so use them perhaps.

Edited by walkingwounded
correction (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

AR-15 is more like a side-grade to the AK, excpet it uses 9mm ammo.

M60 and M4A1 are both similar. M60 has higher mag capacity and I think higher RPM, but also slows you down a bit. The M4A1 has lower mag capacity, lower firing rate, but can take more mods so you could technically use it in a variety of situations (like as a sniper rifle with a scope if you wanted)


The M60 also has a longer reload compared to the M4A1 or AK-47 (M60 is double the time to reload I think). Only reason I don't use the M60 when looting is the reload speed. It is a solid option on horde night or for planned battles with an extended mag (even better: advanced mag extender). Makes you a mobile mk2 turret.

The AR-15 is a good looting weapon (9mm stacks to 300 vs 150 for 7.62mm, so you can carry more ammo per slot). Though I do push for coil weapons when I can.


Level 70, and still having fun (stalkers and rads during the day now...fun).

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1 hour ago, 草莓味软心糖i said:





Nail bomb is not that effective as vinalla and Undead Legacy Mod.



A20 is easier cause you can drive during bloodmoon.


我后来就一直没有试过DF MOD 64血月了,这版本大章鱼我还没发现哪里强,我之前担心的是如果出几只魅魔的话该如何处理。之前的版本由于我不造浮空和跳楼机,所以哪怕是初期血月夜行者多了我也搞不定,物块伤害太高了。A19的时候我是用3个机器人大锤过血月基本没什么压力,A20的话第一个7天需要用刀锋陷阱( 所以我其实不知道后期血月64会不会出一堆魅魔?如果不会我还真想试试64血月了)

Didn't try 64Zombies in bloodmoon cause succubus is too powerful.



A19 insane level was hard beacuse the demons came up too early.If you reach lv30+ in day 8th, you dont have effective weapons to deal with them until you are lv50/75.



A20 is much better, buried supply 4/5 give you dukes,so there is no need to sell bridges for duke and exp.


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11 minutes ago, deibat said:

Good day guys! Been playing alpha 20 darkness falls for a couple of weeks, but i dont seem to be able to find any lead mine. Been hitting boulders in the forest and the snow with no results. Any tip someone can give me?

I guess maybe in desert? I just bought lead from trade Rekt

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2小时前,Chiefoforc 说:







我后来就一直没有试过DF MOD 64血月了,这版本大章鱼我还没发现哪里强,我之前担心的是如果出几只魅魔的话该如何处理。之前的版本由于我不造浮空和跳楼机,所以哪怕是初期血月夜行者多了我也搞不定,物块伤害太高了。A19的时候我是用3个机器人大锤过血月基本没什么压力,A20的话第一个7天需要用刀锋陷阱( 所以我其实不知道后期血月64会不会出一堆魅魔?如果不会我还真想试试64血月了)










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2 hours ago, deibat said:

Good day guys! Been playing alpha 20 darkness falls for a couple of weeks, but i dont seem to be able to find any lead mine. Been hitting boulders in the forest and the snow with no results. Any tip someone can give me?

I seem to find it most frequently while mining in the forest and snow biomes iirc, since I no longer make ammo outside of iron darts.

I could be thinking of coal in the snow biome.

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17 hours ago, KhaineGB said:


I actually dont know tbh. I need to check.


Will wait for answer, cause we are already in titanium suits with coilguns, but it seems there is no "boars and corn..." POI on the map, to get supercorn in regular way

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Since people are talking about horde night bases, I can confirm the killing corridor works. Even just a normal cobblestone one works. Also, zombies like doors, so you can use it to funnel zombies.


7 hours ago, deibat said:

Good day guys! Been playing alpha 20 darkness falls for a couple of weeks, but i dont seem to be able to find any lead mine. Been hitting boulders in the forest and the snow with no results. Any tip someone can give me?


It's in the Snow and Desert biomes.


4 hours ago, Chivalric said:

The duster (biplane) seems to be pretty useless, couldn't get it to go more than about four feet off the ground. I use the gyrocoptor daily with no issues, either don't know how to fly the duster or it's just garbage. Save your money.


I was able to get it to take off. Landing though? Not so much.


2 hours ago, iWQWi said:

Will wait for answer, cause we are already in titanium suits with coilguns, but it seems there is no "boars and corn..." POI on the map, to get supercorn in regular way


It is NOT in loot. I will be adding it for 4.01.


1 hour ago, MDS79 said:

Hi Everyone! Im having issues growing mushrooms, ive tried indoors, outdoors and underground but they never grow. Any ideas? do they need water?


They need water.

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9 hours ago, 草莓味软心糖i said:




A19的时候一直用coilsniper+silencer+trigger mod auto一般一梭子都能搞定,没用过弩。不过A20好像消音器不完全潜行了,或许后期弩有用了。



3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Since people are talking about horde night bases, I can confirm the killing corridor works. Even just a normal cobblestone one works. Also, zombies like doors, so you can use it to funnel zombies.


Yes,A20(v4) seems like easier than A19(v3.6), killing corridor still works ,even get better thanks to frame has more shapes(1/2 center and  bar and LADDER which save a lot of iron)

btw,I think the DF mod did a great work , which is make early stage easy,  than get harder and harder,and not boring in end game stage. Just like most games did.

Vanilla and other mod is very difficult at the beginning, than get easier and easier. It is like in real world, not a game.

DF is the best mod I've played so far.


there are oceans in V4 DF maps NoCP(Vsmall and small),treasure quest  is hard to finish,I can hold breathe for 100seconds, but dive into the bottom takes 40s, I have to give it up, make me sad :(

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8 hours ago, chiefoforc said:



A19的时候一直用coilsniper+silencer+trigger mod auto一般一梭子都能搞定,没用过弩。不过A20好像消音器不完全潜行了,或许后期弩有用了。



Yes,A20(v4) seems like easier than A19(v3.6), killing corridor still works ,even get better thanks to frame has more shapes(1/2 center and  bar and LADDER which save a lot of iron)

btw,I think the DF mod did a great work , which is make early stage easy,  than get harder and harder,and not boring in end game stage. Just like most games did.

Vanilla and other mod is very difficult at the beginning, than get easier and easier. It is like in real world, not a game.

DF is the best mod I've played so far.


there are oceans in V4 DF maps NoCP(Vsmall and small),treasure quest  is hard to finish,I can hold breathe for 100seconds, but dive into the bottom takes 40s, I have to give it up, make me sad :(


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