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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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A19.1 is now stable... as promised, DF V3.1 is now out! Changes as follows.

- Updated for A19.1b8
- Rebalanced M60 and Rocket Launcher so they aren't quieter than a pistol.
- Edited gun heatmap so screamers aren't called as often.
- Edited gamestage so MP doesn't ramp up quite as fast.
- Changed Quality Degradation so items of quality 5 or lower no longer break (they degrade to 1).
- Reduced harvest amount of both augers by 50%.
- Slightly reduced XP from mining.
- Slightly lowered the cost of 44 Magnum AP/HP rounds.
- Slightly lowered the cost of BOTH gunpowder recipes.
- Killing a boss zombie SHOULD now remove it's buff on all nearby zombies.
- Removed the supply crate mod for now since supply crates were buggy in 19.0 anyways.
- DFalls-XLarge renamed to DFalls-XLarge2.
- New DFalls-XLarge added with Compo Pack POI's.
- Increased toolbelt to 15 slot.
- Impact driver fixed so it can upgrade doors/hatches.
- Auto turrets now have an unlockedby.
- Fixed Master Mechanic localization.
- Fixed amount of health aloe cream heals.
- Blood Draw Kit now has the 25% chance to remove poison that it was supposed to have in the first place.
- Removed the supply crate patch since it was iffy, and added contents to the main supply crate instead.
- Converted all forge recipes to use a new crafting system that doesn't require smelting.

- Most titanium stuff should now be able to take burning shaft mods.
- Lowered healing amount of first aid bandages and first aid kit.
- First aid bandages and first aid kit now instantly add health.
- Sterile bandages and paramedic kit should now heal other people.
- Paramedic kit now heals less (but still a good amount).
- Removed bicycle as a quest reward from the scavenger as a few folks commented that makes it a little -too- desirable as a starting class.
- Fixed Hugh's "Scrap Tools Crafting" to actually level scrap tool crafting instead of Electric Traps Ranged.
- Adjusted the Stun Repulsor mod to last a little longer and have a little more force.
- Lowered "Numnber to Spawn" and "Max Spawned" of the body bags in the small bunker slightly to help prevent hitting max zombie limit.
- Removed 4x4 and Motorbike parts from the general drop lists.
- Removed 4x4 and Motorbike parts from trader lists.
- Removed duplicate and unintended 4x4 and Motorbike recipes.
- Fixed wooden bow scrapping to iron.
- Removed TFP's armor encumbrance nonsense that I didn't notice previously.
- Increased mobility penalty of all armor by 1.
- Lowered the fittings mods from 2/3 to 1/2 for mobility.
- The two fittings mods cannot be installed in power armor.
- Added an Armor Specilization perk to the Security class.
- Taking "The Completionist" perk will now stop items degrading, if those items are quality level 71 OR HIGHER. Lower still degrades.
- Increased upgrade/repair speed of the Laser Multi-tool.

- Laser Multi-tool fixed so it can upgrade doors/hatches.
- AP/HP coilrounds now use the correct tips.
- Re-enabled ability for animals to drop baby animals.
- Potentially fixed the rapid food drain associated with average/good food/drink buffs.
- Made the new bookshelves less @%$# for loot.
- Potentially fixed players being able to take "Open Trade Routes" several times.
- Taza's Spear should be able to take the burning shaft mod.
- Legendary items (Taza, Msgt Porkins Shotgun, Eriks Hammer, Black Sky) should no longer degrade on repair regardless of skill.
- Added anvil as a requirement to most iron-level recipes (steel+ still needs crucible).
- Removed smelt time bonus from the bellows as it is no longer useful.
- Removed craft time bonus from the anvil as it now has another use.
- Bellows now reduce craft time.
- Reduced duration of splinted/cast buffs.
- Added Myth's patched spawner.
- Increased bonus damage from mods from 3% to 5%.
- Pummel Pete should now properly do knockdown on primary attacks.
- Lowered the noise value of the silenced marksman and sniper rifles so they should be more useful for stealth.
- Sprains no longer get worse if you run/power attack/aim a weapon.


Due to quest changes, forge changes and the fact we're going from 19.0 to 19.1, A RESTART/WIPE IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED! You have been warned.


Client (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SNRqpsfbE0HtOsDfuFPyNZjpIRaAyTRq/view?usp=sharing
Server (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n3BEElWeCwSeLUnae76pm-6rjqw59z9M/view?usp=sharing


Client (Git/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19client/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19client-master.zip
Server (Git/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19server-master.zip

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Hi Khaine, thanks for all your hard work. 


Just having some issues with the guards, either the ones from the traders or the ones I spawn... They shoot at the zombies randomly, after a few shots they just completely quit shooting and stand still even if they´re hit by the zombies. Not sure if that´s gonna be fixed but it´d be cool if it does. 

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Hello. I can't understand why the game started working so terribly slowly. Constant drops in fps below 10. System rysen 3800x, gf 2070s, 32 gb RAM. We play together in a local network, when you go to a biome other than green-very slow. Saves dynamic resolution. But this greatly worsens the picture. Is this a problem with the vanilla version of the game? Or something can be configured in this mod?

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20 minutes ago, OverKot said:

Hello. I can't understand why the game started working so terribly slowly. Constant drops in fps below 10. System rysen 3800x, gf 2070s, 32 gb RAM. We play together in a local network, when you go to a biome other than green-very slow. Saves dynamic resolution. But this greatly worsens the picture. Is this a problem with the vanilla version of the game? Or something can be configured in this mod?

I can't say for sure but I think this has more to do with the vanilla version than anything. I've been switching back and forth between vanilla and DF and I've encountered the same issues in vanilla. It seems random too. I can play 2 hours with no problem then suddenly my FPS will drop to unplayable and I have to close the game entirely (not only exit main menu). In fact, I'm here now because I had to close the game while playing 19.1 exp. 


Edited by Sal
Opps, didn't mean to edit this post. (see edit history)
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A couple of possible exploit/bugs to report -- you know you love these type of reports Khaine :) (SP only, stable 19.0 -- didn't know about the 19.1 release until now)


1) Open trade routes can be selected as many times as you want and you will gain 500XP for each when you get to the trader.


2) (may be intentional?) All turrets will increase your pistol experience but you don't receive overall experience points



I tried the vanilla and modded turrets. In the video link, the modded turrets are on the left of the battery bank and the default turrets are on the right.  


Edit: just a heads up is all. Keep up the great work. 

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8 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

Is it possible to change this?  I keep changing to slots that aren't the ones I want when I'm running.



6 hours ago, Sal said:

A couple of possible exploit/bugs to report -- you know you love these type of reports Khaine :) (SP only, stable 19.0 -- didn't know about the 19.1 release until now)


1) Open trade routes can be selected as many times as you want and you will gain 500XP for each when you get to the trader.


2) (may be intentional?) All turrets will increase your pistol experience but you don't receive overall experience points



I tried the vanilla and modded turrets. In the video link, the modded turrets are on the left of the battery bank and the default turrets are on the right.  


Edit: just a heads up is all. Keep up the great work. 

Was pretty sure I fixed 1 but i'll look into it.

2 has been an issue for a while. Deployed turrets seem to level whatever is in your hand. No idea why.

2 hours ago, Booral King said:

I really love your additional contents.

BTW i can't throw spear or pick up arrows is this normal? just asking


Yep. That's normal.

1 hour ago, XaLeX12 said:

How can I enter the wasteland with all the radiation there is?


Get a hazmat suit.

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first off, have to say this mod is amazing, me and my friends have had a blast playing it :) 


Just for info I did the update from v19 to 19.1 and our saved game do appear to load and work ok, but I've not explored for any great distance so there might be huge holes in the map I've not found yet :D So if you do update I'd say its worth at least having a look!


couple ideas I had, though I have no idea if even possible since I've never looked at the coding stuff, feel free to shoot me down in flames:

1. with the constant 'where do my arrows go when I shoot stuff' questions, would it be possible to add a loot bag drop for shot zombies with a chance to add each arrow you have fired into them? Though as you've said like 20 billion times, not exactly hard to make more. I'm not fussed personally but a though I had


2. any way you could pinch the turret AI and apply to the guards, if the turrets are working better? if you decided to delete them instead I wouldn't be bothered because they are completely useless as they are and if you're relying on a trader outopst for protection at night you're asking for trouble :D


3. some thoughts I had for tinned food. the way I see it most if not all tinned food should have a very low chance of food poisoning, becasue you know, its tinned food. However it should be a rare-ish drop, as if you nerfed the poisoning chance it would make the game way too easy. but what if we could increase the rarity as the stage/days/level progress? That way when you start as a fresh naked chap in the wilderness you have a bit more chance of finding decent food supplies, then you can worry a little less about starving to death and concentrate more on scavenging/building. As time passes tin drops get more and more rare but by then you should be able to fend for yourself, as you will have built up the skills and tools to do so. This also kinda makes sense in a realism setting, as the days go on all the tinned food would be looted by other survivors already...  Maybe there could be a slight wellness increase for cooked tins over cold so there is still a benefit to cooking it? plus would be nice if you could just cook the stuff in the tin on a fire, though its not hard to dig up some clay to make a bowl I guess.


just my 2p :)

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28 minutes ago, rubjonny said:

first off, have to say this mod is amazing, me and my friends have had a blast playing it :) 


Just for info I did the update from v19 to 19.1 and our saved game do appear to load and work ok, but I've not explored for any great distance so there might be huge holes in the map I've not found yet :D So if you do update I'd say its worth at least having a look!


couple ideas I had, though I have no idea if even possible since I've never looked at the coding stuff, feel free to shoot me down in flames:

1. with the constant 'where do my arrows go when I shoot stuff' questions, would it be possible to add a loot bag drop for shot zombies with a chance to add each arrow you have fired into them? Though as you've said like 20 billion times, not exactly hard to make more. I'm not fussed personally but a though I had


2. any way you could pinch the turret AI and apply to the guards, if the turrets are working better? if you decided to delete them instead I wouldn't be bothered because they are completely useless as they are and if you're relying on a trader outopst for protection at night you're asking for trouble :D


3. some thoughts I had for tinned food. the way I see it most if not all tinned food should have a very low chance of food poisoning, becasue you know, its tinned food. However it should be a rare-ish drop, as if you nerfed the poisoning chance it would make the game way too easy. but what if we could increase the rarity as the stage/days/level progress? That way when you start as a fresh naked chap in the wilderness you have a bit more chance of finding decent food supplies, then you can worry a little less about starving to death and concentrate more on scavenging/building. As time passes tin drops get more and more rare but by then you should be able to fend for yourself, as you will have built up the skills and tools to do so. This also kinda makes sense in a realism setting, as the days go on all the tinned food would be looted by other survivors already...  Maybe there could be a slight wellness increase for cooked tins over cold so there is still a benefit to cooking it? plus would be nice if you could just cook the stuff in the tin on a fire, though its not hard to dig up some clay to make a bowl I guess.


just my 2p :)

1) I don't think I can make arrows drop after a zombie is shot. Could look into it but VERY unlikely.

2) Believe it or not... the turrets actually don't HAVE any AI. This is their code in entityclasses.

<entity_class name="junkTurretGun">
	<property name="Tags" value="turret,turretRanged,deployed"/>
	<property name="Class" value="EntityTurret"/>
	<property name="Parent" value="NPC"/>
	<property name="Prefab" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/JunkTurret/junkTurret_Prefab.prefab"/>
	<property name="ModelType" value="Standard"/>
	<property name="SurfaceCategory" value="metal"/>
	<property name="IgnoreTrigger" value="true"/>
	<property name="LootListAlive" value="0"/>
	<property name="IsEnemyEntity" value="false"/>

	<property name="WakeUpTime" value="0.5"/>
	<property name="FallAsleepTime" value="10"/>

	<property name="YawRange" value="90"/> <!-- horizontal swivel range. Keep under 180. -->
	<property name="PitchRange" value="70"/>
	<property name="TurnSpeed" value="22.5"/>
	<property name="MaxDistance" value="15"/>

	<property name="RaySpread" value="5"/>
	<property name="BurstRoundCount" value="1"/>
	<property name="BurstFireRate" value="1"/>
	<property name="CooldownTime" value="1"/>
	<property name="OvershootTime" value="0"/>
	<property name="MaxOwnerDistance" value="16"/>

	<property name="TargetingSound" value="turret_retarget_lp"/>
	<property name="OverheatSound" value="turret_overheat_lp"/>
	<property name="WakeUpSound" value="turret_windup"/>
	<property name="FireSound" value="junkturret_fire"/>

	<property name="ParticlesMuzzleFire" value="gunfire_junkturret"/>
	<!-- <property name="ParticlesMuzzleSmoke" value="nozzlesmokeuzi"/> -->

	<property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="0"/>
	<property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="6"/>
	<property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="1"/>
	<property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="1"/>
	<property name="RotateToGround" value="true"/>
	<property name="Faction" value="none"/>

	<!--<property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_electric_turret"/>-->
	<property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_map_player_arrow"/>
	<property name="NavObject" value="junk_turret" />
	<property name="TrackerIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_assemble"/>

So their code is.... somewhere in the DLL. Makes it a nightmare to find.

3) Already done. Food/water obey the gamestage loot system so you find more when you start, less as time goes on. :)

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