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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Good day KhaineGB,


Quick question .. New Game or is Save game still good ??


Looked to be a lot of changes and was just wondering.


No problem either way .. I don't mind ...... the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:


Should be fine without. I just increased the size of the world but left the rad zone starting at the same point, so everything SHOULD be ok.


But... y'know... cross your fingers and hope. :D


Having a bit of an issue here. Downloaded and extracted the new version on the computer i play on (server is doing fine, and running great!) but when i load the game, it just sits at a black screen, never loads, only way to bypass is to verify integrity, when i do that, i get string errors in the command console, looking like an issue with the textures. Is there something that normally causes this, maybe a specific file i can pull out and not include?


On another note, even with the errors the lag is reduced when you encounter a new zombie, much improved!


That sounds like it's getting rid of the UMATextures folder for whatever reason, because that's normal if it's missing when you boot up. I'd make folder manually, let the game do it's thing (because it WILL be slow and laggy), reboot and see if it's fixed.


If it is, rename the old folder and download the new one from GitHub and see if that sorts it. If it doesn't, at least you have a backup. :)

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Should be fine without. I just increased the size of the world but left the rad zone starting at the same point, so everything SHOULD be ok.


But... y'know... cross your fingers and hope. :D




That sounds like it's getting rid of the UMATextures folder for whatever reason, because that's normal if it's missing when you boot up. I'd make folder manually, let the game do it's thing (because it WILL be slow and laggy), reboot and see if it's fixed.


If it is, rename the old folder and download the new one from GitHub and see if that sorts it. If it doesn't, at least you have a backup. :)


Just did some testing! Whatever is breaking my game is something in the prefab folder, i moved the textures and data folders over, and have no issue at all, and im happy to report the lag from zombies loading is 10% of what it was before, or less! Awesome work on everything so far Khaine! Thank you for the wonderful mod and support!

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I was gonna say, I just redownloaded 7DTD, copied it out of steam twice and patched it with both versions of the mod and have 0 issues...


I did tweak some prefabs, but not massively so. :) This game can be such a bugger sometimes.


gotcha! Yeah i figured my solution was not the end all, just figured i could help someone else who was looking for the same answer :)

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OK KhaineGB and a Good day


Just ran a bit in game and seen some of the new Z's .. nice job and the Version is working nicely when you use "ESC" mode to check for version .. nice ..


The Only issue is (7) Z's spawned into the New base I was working on .. Now I didn't have a bed down yet here and need to go back to first base to check out that has the bed and will do later ........ getting ready for 14 day horde night and with the Update my town grew to a city more or less .. LOL .. plus I'm in the middle of 4 other towns it looks like, SO my map has become a really Nice MAP.


Other than those couple of things .. Everything is going good ... Have fun and Enjoy .. the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:

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OK KhaineGB and a Good day


Just ran a bit in game and seen some of the new Z's .. nice job and the Version is working nicely when you use "ESC" mode to check for version .. nice ..


The Only issue is (7) Z's spawned into the New base I was working on .. Now I didn't have a bed down yet here and need to go back to first base to check out that has the bed and will do later ........ getting ready for 14 day horde night and with the Update my town grew to a city more or less .. LOL .. plus I'm in the middle of 4 other towns it looks like, SO my map has become a really Nice MAP.


Other than those couple of things .. Everything is going good ... Have fun and Enjoy .. the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:


They were just throwing you a housewarming party. ;)

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Hey khaineGB and everyone, Enjoying the mod as always... Just wondering if anyone else having any issues with towns/city areas spawning? i have gone through a few different names to get it, But nothing. So i am either having the worst luck ever or something went abit wrong with the creating the world.. I get maybe a handful of buildings in a town, and even some of those are disappearing when you get towards them. I created one world and flew around looking about, and it was pretty much the same all over the world.. If anyone has any suggestions i am ears open. Thanks again..

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Seems to be working to me...




I got that while looking for an error a streamer has been having.


EDIT: If anyone is getting Invalid Cast Exception errors, it seems to be related to the electricity system. Basically I had tried to be smart to save myself some blockID's, broke a ton of prefabs (which I didn't realise) so had to put the original file back.


So you'll either have to get out of the area you are in to fix it, or start a new world.

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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Hey khaineGB and everyone, Enjoying the mod as always... Just wondering if anyone else having any issues with towns/city areas spawning? i have gone through a few different names to get it, But nothing. So i am either having the worst luck ever or something went abit wrong with the creating the world.. I get maybe a handful of buildings in a town, and even some of those are disappearing when you get towards them. I created one world and flew around looking about, and it was pretty much the same all over the world.. If anyone has any suggestions i am ears open. Thanks again..


OK .. If you playing a SP game and would like to try my Map .. which is a really nice map if it works on another computer Try without (") marks " SallyO_DFBBM " .. you spawn in a forest with 2 traders near by .. Spawn area about 3295S - 4W .. But you will have to go west to find the BIG towns/cities and if the map works 1st big city should around 2309S-5097W with 4 other large towns/cities around it.


And if it works .. let me know, please. Have Fun and Enjoy ...... the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:


- - - Updated - - -


Seems to be working to me...




I got that while looking for an error a streamer has been having.


That looks like one of the cities near me off to the NW. ;)

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OK .. If you playing a SP game and would like to try my Map .. which is a really nice map if it works on another computer Try without (") marks " SallyO_DFBBM " .. you spawn in a forest with 2 traders near by .. Spawn area about 3295S - 4W .. But you will have to go west to find the BIG towns/cities and if the map works 1st big city should around 2309S-5097W with 4 other large towns/cities around it.


And if it works .. let me know, please. Have Fun and Enjoy ...... the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:


- - - Updated - - -




That looks like one of the cities near me off to the NW. ;)


This was down in the south east (1600 S, 5600 E) on the PatientZero seed. :) Quite a good sized town.

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OK .. If you playing a SP game and would like to try my Map .. which is a really nice map if it works on another computer Try without (") marks " SallyO_DFBBM " .. you spawn in a forest with 2 traders near by .. Spawn area about 3295S - 4W .. But you will have to go west to find the BIG towns/cities and if the map works 1st big city should around 2309S-5097W with 4 other large towns/cities around it.


And if it works .. let me know, please. Have Fun and Enjoy ...... the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:


- - - Updated - - -




That looks like one of the cities near me off to the NW. ;)


Thanks muchly to both of you, i will give them a go and see what happens. Its probably just my rotten luck at the moment lol..

Will update once i have had a chance to try it.


Happy playing

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OK .. If you playing a SP game and would like to try my Map .. which is a really nice map if it works on another computer Try without (") marks " SallyO_DFBBM " .. you spawn in a forest with 2 traders near by .. Spawn area about 3295S - 4W .. But you will have to go west to find the BIG towns/cities and if the map works 1st big city should around 2309S-5097W with 4 other large towns/cities around it.


And if it works .. let me know, please. Have Fun and Enjoy ...... the Old Gamer ... :02.47-tranquillity:


- - - Updated - - -




That looks like one of the cities near me off to the NW. ;)


Thanks again, managed to find a few more buildings so far, seen a city off in the distance so i will check it out. So far so good, clearly my crappy luck lol... Thanks again!!

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Hi guys, sorry for my English, first congratulate them for the incredible work you are doing, I love this mod.

My question is, if there is any way that electric cables can not be seen, for example a fuse box or something like that.

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Hi guys, sorry for my English, first congratulate them for the incredible work you are doing, I love this mod.

My question is, if there is any way that electric cables can not be seen, for example a fuse box or something like that.


There is a YouTube gamer called Z Nation that did a show on wireless connections: Here ..


But I still have not figured out how he did it .. I'm missing something .. but give it a look see .. Hope it helps. the Old Gamer :02.47-tranquillity:


But you can hide the wires inside walls as long as you can connect them.

Edited by gpcstargate (see edit history)
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v1.5.1 - Content Creator Appreciation Update!


This is only a minor update, couple of new blocks and a new feature, but it's mostly putting things in for some of the content creators who have been streaming or recording the mod. Thank you guys, it is massively appreciated. :) I know there are at LEAST 3 others who have been supporting the mod, and I do intend to get in touch and work something out for you folks as well.


  • New items and quests added for: Games4Kickz, Max_Fox, TheMightyChops and Crackpot_Texas! You guys rock!
  • Items are a little OP and not easy to get OR keep. It's just a little fun for everyone who plays the mod. The new quests are not repeatable, but give a good chunk of skill points.
  • Steel Bars and Stainless Steel Bars added. (upgradeable from Iron, and both types)
  • Unarmed skill and appropriate perk added! Wanna punch zombies to death? Now you can!


All om github and ready for you all to play. :) Enjoy!

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v1.5.1 - Content Creator Appreciation Update!


This is only a minor update, couple of new blocks and a new feature, but it's mostly putting things in for some of the content creators who have been streaming or recording the mod. Thank you guys, it is massively appreciated. :) I know there are at LEAST 3 others who have been supporting the mod, and I do intend to get in touch and work something out for you folks as well.


  • New items and quests added for: Games4Kickz, Max_Fox, TheMightyChops and Crackpot_Texas! You guys rock!
  • Items are a little OP and not easy to get OR keep. It's just a little fun for everyone who plays the mod. The new quests are not repeatable, but give a good chunk of skill points.
  • Steel Bars and Stainless Steel Bars added. (upgradeable from Iron, and both types)
  • Unarmed skill and appropriate perk added! Wanna punch zombies to death? Now you can!


All om github and ready for you all to play. :) Enjoy!


cool update cp going to be happy

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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


This is a mod I originally created to fix a few "issues" myself, my wife and some friends felt the game had. Turns out I really enjoy modding so I've expanded on it quite a bit. The intent is to drag out the early game, so it will take you longer than usual to get to Iron and Steel. I've also tried to inject a little realism by locking away quite a few recipes behind perks, since most normal folks wouldn't know how to do/make those things.


Not only that, I started playing in Alpha 8, so I wanted to try and bring back a few things from that era. Hub city, sharp rocks and sticks are pretty good examples of that, and I will be doing my best to try and incorporate more features from that era of gameplay. I will also be trying to add in new zombies/enemies to make the "end game" more difficult.




  • 9 Classes to choose from, with 6 quests each! (Class quests take approx 60 mins to finish if you grind hard)
  • Skill points per level decreased to 4. XP required to level increased to 1000.
  • 35 slot minibike storage!
  • 10 slot crafting queue!
  • SimpleUI added! Temperature, food and water displayed on the HUD for your convenience. XP Bar above your hotbar.
  • Hub City 2.0! 0,0 is now wasteland, and there's a high chance of a large city spawning there, or close to it. There is also a chance for a second city not in the wasteland. (think A15 rules, but the city is based off new random gen cities)
  • All zombie spawns doubled in the cities. 50% increase in other areas.
  • Night time is now dangerous. The ferals come out to play...
  • Spears added! Damage isn't great, but they have good range.
  • Scrap Iron Tools added.
  • Iron cannot be unlocked until level 50.
  • Titanium added! You can find it underground and in biomes on the surface. You should also find scrappable trophies. Smithing perk unlockable at level 150.
  • Titanium weapons and tools added!
  • Forge Ahead book is back! (can also be purchased as a perk)
  • Leather Tanning book is back! (can also be purchased as a perk)
  • Wrench is now a perk and a schematic, but crafted and repaired with Iron.
  • All common books added as perks, so you have the choice of finding the book or spending points.
  • Skill books added for all 100 level skills.
  • Lots of "standard" stuff is now perks. Make sure to check the list!
  • Generic skill point book added so you have ways to get skill points.
  • Skill notes! Find a recipe you already have? Scrap it into a skill note and craft that into something more useful.
  • Extra crops! Grow apple trees, wheat and carrots! (Apple and Wheat from Valmod)
  • More food! Way too much to list, but bread is now an option. So are sunday roast dinners. YUM!
  • Animal Coops and Snares from Valmod added.
  • Fishing added! Fishing Pole is based off War of the Walkers, while fishing nets are my own creation.
  • Clay bowls are back, and used for more than just pretty plants!
  • Craftable Small Engines and Lead Batteries!
  • 4 new guns! P225 Pistol, AR-15 Automatic Rifle, Winchester Rifle and CAWS Automatic Shotgun (Has a sound bug, but not much I can do about it atm)
  • New ammo! Hollow Point for 9mm, .44 and 7.62mm rounds. Dragon's Breath for the Shotgun.
  • Gun crafting! Recipes for all parts added to the appropriate perks/books/schematics, but good luck finding the CNC machine you need to make them!
  • Gun mods! Pistols have silencers, rifles have silencers AND scopes and shotguns have chokes. Find the MacDyver book to craft your own mods! (mods can be applied to any gun you know the recipe for if you find them)
  • Unload option added to all guns! No need to disassemble to remove ammo.
  • Arrows (all types) can now use cloth fragments instead of feathers. Sticks and Sharp Stones have also made a return!
  • Tree sap is now a thing! Try left-clicking on non-dead trees with jars or bowls...
  • Sterile Bandage! New healing item to fill the void between normal Bandages and First Aid Bandages.
  • Working sinks and ovens! Both types craftable, so pick whichever matches your kitchen.
  • 5 new workstations. The Advanced Forge (required to smelt steel, but no fuel needed!), the Mortar and Pestle and two workbenches! There is also the rare, loot-only, CNC machine!
  • Water butts! Make your own barrel to catch rainwater (currently fills up every 2 in-game days, must be placed on dirt and outside).
  • Bandit's and Survivor's added to the world! Also there are new zombies! Bandits in the wastelands ALWAYS use guns, so tread carefully!
  • Trader's are no longer protected! Take care of your local business! (NPC is immortal, but the POI can be destroyed. This is necessary to fix the NRE bug with NPC's)
  • Guards added to the trader, with a Guard Captain NPC! Talk to them to buy quest starters, which can earn you skill notes!
  • Reworked rwgmixer.xml. Now you have a world with less mountains, lots of rolling hills and less water! Cities are also larger (using Tin's city generation code, added to my own rwgmixer edits)
  • Compo pack added! This also includes Tin's POI's from his A16.3 rwgmixer thread, so make sure you give him some well-deserved love! (original rwgmixer file is under the Data folder. Copy this to your config folder if you do NOT want to use the compo pack POI's)
  • Guppycur's Bloodmoon Trickle has also been added! 7 day hordes should now be more fun.

Known Issues.

  • First boot takes a while and the menu is laggy. Let the mod load to build the UMA textures, then spam-click "Exit" once the menu is loaded and reload the game. Load times are still long, but the lag is gone. If you get a ton of console spam at the menu, your UMATextures folder is missing (one is included in the mod).
  • The "Take All" button doesn't work for looting on the BBM version. Keyboard shortcut works fine.
  • Sound stops playing for the CAWS shotgun if you hold the fire button down.
  • Forge and Advanced Forge instantly consume the first item, and add the units to their inventory. The last item is not consumed. This only seems to happen if you leave the forge window open. Closing the window and letting the forge do it's thing works normally.

To-do List.

  • General bug fixing and balancing as needed.
  • Throw in some rare zombies/npc's.
  • Base-breaker zombies (rare spawn/horde only)

Potential Future Features.

  • Require water for crops to grow.

Alpha 16.4 Download (EAC Friendly, also works for servers)

Alpha 16.4, 45-slot BBM Version Download (Not EAC friendly, also includes 45 slot minibike and dropped backpack increase)

Alpha 16.4, 45-slot BBM Server Version Download (Server version of the 45-slot backpack mod)

Both versions are now available on the mod launcher!


Installation Instructions. (If you don't use the mod launcher)


Make a copy of your 7 Days to Die folder first!!!


Download the zip file at the link above. Unzip the Data and Mods folder to your 7 Days to Die folder and overwrite when prompted. The mod is entirely XML based and extra icons.


Feedback would be appreciated! My current intent is to make nights dangerous, early-game should take a while and even getting to end-game should be a slow process. Zombie HP and Damage have not been altered, yet. ;)


PC Used to Create the Mod.


Original Machine (RIP February 2018)


CPU: i7-2820QM (2.3ghz Quad Core, Hyperthreading enabled CPU)

RAM: 8GB DDR3-1600

GPU: ATI Radeon 6650M

O/S: Windows 10 Pro


This machine barely ran 7 Days to Die, but it was getting 20-25fps with the mod (at 1366x768, everything on low). Mod also works at 1280x720, but I wouldn't go any lower than this.


Social Media Stuff.


I do check this thread several times a day, but there are other ways you can get in touch with me. There's Discord server located here, but it is mostly used for my streaming. There is a dedicated channel for the mod though. You can also find me on Twitter and over here on Twitch.


Buy Me A Coffee!


My wife and friends suggested I add this, so I did. I don't expect anyone to donate, and it took a lot of nagging from folks to make me add it. But I do drink a lot of coffee while coding... so... buy me a coffee? ;)


I am having issues with adding this mod to a fresh server. I copied the files data and config, but the server is not showing up in the list at all. thanks in advance

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I am having issues with adding this mod to a fresh server. I copied the files data and config, but the server is not showing up in the list at all. thanks in advance


Server's won't show up in a list because they're modified. You need to remember the port and IP address to connect.


KhaineGB Not updated via launcher. Gives out:

Peforming Full Cloning of https://github.com/KhaineGB/DarknessFallsBBM45

Error Downloading... Clearning corrupted data.



I'm not in control of the mod launcher, so don't ask me. :p I know people were playing the mod last night with the updated version via mod launcher.

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