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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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Hey Tin!


Installed this last night and ran into the Linux case issue (fixed it ourselves, glad you've got it fixed now). I have some feedback for ya:

  • Constant Attacking: Not a huge fan. Makes the zombies loud (personal preference) and also causes them to attack when "stunned" and knocked down. Not sure if this is on purpose, but for me I wasn't a huge fan.
  • Biomes: Freaking awesome. The forests and towns are all great. I love the layouts and everything feels natural, the forests feel crowded but there was no hit at all to performance.
  • Zombie Spawn Rate: A bit rough for me at the beginning. Was basically constantly under attack and/or being chased.
  • LOS Aggro / following: Again, the following was cool, since if you aggro a zed I feel like it should follow you forever; however, the LOS aggro from super far away seemed a bit excessive. Zombies would spawn in already aggro on me.
  • Difficulty: Number of ferals was a bit out of control. I'd say 50-60% of all the zombies we faced were feral. Also, soooooooo many cop zombies, particularly in POI's. With the issues of POI spawning / killing zeds inside the POI's, having two cops in one POI was really really difficult on day 2. I was able to kill one inside with the help of some wolves I trained in, but then the other from upstairs killed me. Not to mention that one downstairs blew up a bunch of the house since I didn't yet have weapons to deal with it once it went into "charge" mode.


Overall, I really like the changes to the world, and some of the changes to the zombies, but overall, for me, the difficulty passed into the "not fun" area since I didn't feel like it was possible to get ahead of the zombie spawning.


I also want to note -- most of my criticism is really a preference based thing. The mod itself is well built :)

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Hey Tin!


Installed this last night and ran into the Linux case issue (fixed it ourselves, glad you've got it fixed now). I have some feedback for ya:

  • Constant Attacking: Not a huge fan. Makes the zombies loud (personal preference) and also causes them to attack when "stunned" and knocked down. Not sure if this is on purpose, but for me I wasn't a huge fan.
  • Biomes: Freaking awesome. The forests and towns are all great. I love the layouts and everything feels natural, the forests feel crowded but there was no hit at all to performance.
  • Zombie Spawn Rate: A bit rough for me at the beginning. Was basically constantly under attack and/or being chased.
  • LOS Aggro / following: Again, the following was cool, since if you aggro a zed I feel like it should follow you forever; however, the LOS aggro from super far away seemed a bit excessive. Zombies would spawn in already aggro on me.
  • Difficulty: Number of ferals was a bit out of control. I'd say 50-60% of all the zombies we faced were feral. Also, soooooooo many cop zombies, particularly in POI's. With the issues of POI spawning / killing zeds inside the POI's, having two cops in one POI was really really difficult on day 2. I was able to kill one inside with the help of some wolves I trained in, but then the other from upstairs killed me. Not to mention that one downstairs blew up a bunch of the house since I didn't yet have weapons to deal with it once it went into "charge" mode.


Overall, I really like the changes to the world, and some of the changes to the zombies, but overall, for me, the difficulty passed into the "not fun" area since I didn't feel like it was possible to get ahead of the zombie spawning.


I also want to note -- most of my criticism is really a preference based thing. The mod itself is well built :)


Ty for the run down I appreciate it!

I can do some tweaking as I myself have been seeing the cop issue. While I find it fun I can see where it can become a bit much. I'll probably remove the cops from the sleeper list so they only spawn in the wilds or drastically lower their chance to spawn.


Hmmm, I can revisit the some of the settings for the zeds so they don't track from so far away but I don't want to lower it that much as that is one part of the reason why the pathing is so bad in vanilla.

I'll do some tweaking to see how far I can lower it *No promises on this one* as I don't want to lose part of the better pathing.


I will lower the feral probabilities as I have gotten a few ppl saying it's a bit much. I'll have a new d/l sometime tomorrow.


I'll leave in the constant attacking for now but If I get a few more ppl who don't like it ill change it so it's not erratic like it is now. :)

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well a few recipes maybe some new melee weaps bows guns and a recipe for polished steel upgrade material via sham sandwiches


Don't take this the wrong way but I know "Items and buffs" are getting a radical overhaul. I just don't see the value "At this time" to devote on making new ones when I know I am just going to need to scrap it when A17 comes out. So probably won't do any of that till then. Srry they sound like things I want to do but I don't have the energy nor the heart to work on that knowing it's going to be trashed.


I can almost guarantee once I learn the new system for Items and Buffs you'll see additions to them ;)

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So thinking back on it I should probably tell ppl how to change the crazy swiping at everything zeds to a more traditional vanilla attack.

in the entityclasses.xml you'll notice a line in the AI Task and Target areas:

<property name="AITask-2" value="RangedAttackTarget" param1="0" param2="0"/> <- there's a lot of these lines so make sure 

you change everyone to-

<property name="AITask-2" value="RangedAttackTarget" param1="[b][color="#FFFF00"]2"[/color][/b] param2="0"/>

that's it! eazy peazy


Make sure you change them in all the templates: Sleepers/Leaders/Fodder.


One other reason I like making the zeds swipe at everything and going into a frenzy while moving, is that you'll hear them coming and very rarely will you get a "Silent Ninja" zed. ;)


At least now I told ppl how to change them so you can set it how you want.


I set a link pointing to this post in the OP. I thinks that's pretty fair since consensus say's to keep it ;) (consensus = Wife) .. and she likes hearing the zeds instead of them being ninjas.

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I kinda like how the zeds swipe at everything. Even when you knock them down they are still swinging, gotta watch that one. You knock one down, walk up to it to deliver the coup de grace (sp), and BAM it breaks your leg. Love it!


Having run through this for a while, the general consensus from my players is that the zed constant spawn/attack rate is a bit high, especially for a new player freshly spawned, naked in the wilderness. Is this a simple setting that we can tweak ourselves? I actually kinda like it but I think the initial setting is a but much, and would love to see it scaled back a bit.


We got so tired of it that we had to build a spike fortress around ourselves just so we could stop to breathe, craft, or loot. On that subject, a U-shaped spike wall, maybe 3-4 thick, stops just about anything, even a zombie bear. And it's fairly easy to lead them into it. LIkewise, we put a moat of spikes around our base as we are getting setup, and that works fairly well at giving us some breathing space. So it's not a game killer, it just takes a bit of effort to survive the first few days. N00b players have a hard time with this, us veterans can adapt.


The scenery is really nicely done. It is a very nice balance, and I especially love how the biomes fade from one to the other instead of having abrupt transitions. And the forests with a lot of trees, like a real forest would be, are great! Great job! We are going to run through it some more today and see how it plays as the days progress.

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I kinda like how the zeds swipe at everything. Even when you knock them down they are still swinging, gotta watch that one. You knock one down, walk up to it to deliver the coup de grace (sp), and BAM it breaks your leg. Love it!


Having run through this for a while, the general consensus from my players is that the zed constant spawn/attack rate is a bit high, especially for a new player freshly spawned, naked in the wilderness. Is this a simple setting that we can tweak ourselves? I actually kinda like it but I think the initial setting is a but much, and would love to see it scaled back a bit.


We got so tired of it that we had to build a spike fortress around ourselves just so we could stop to breathe, craft, or loot. On that subject, a U-shaped spike wall, maybe 3-4 thick, stops just about anything, even a zombie bear. And it's fairly easy to lead them into it. LIkewise, we put a moat of spikes around our base as we are getting setup, and that works fairly well at giving us some breathing space. So it's not a game killer, it just takes a bit of effort to survive the first few days. N00b players have a hard time with this, us veterans can adapt.


The scenery is really nicely done. It is a very nice balance, and I especially love how the biomes fade from one to the other instead of having abrupt transitions. And the forests with a lot of trees, like a real forest would be, are great! Great job! We are going to run through it some more today and see how it plays as the days progress.


Yeah, I'm in the process of lightening up the initial spawning a touch and will have a new update for it Soon tm. I also decreased the cop spawn in most of the poi's as well.


Then after that I'll be working on poi spawn themes, like the Police station having more cops, hospital having more nurses, gas stations having more workers n such but that'll take awhile to go through all the poi's and adding more entitygroups to the xml along with the gamestages changes.


To replace lightening up of the biome spawns some, I'll increase the poi/prefab spawns in return. I want to make entering a poi a touch more dangerous overall and something the players need to prepare for no matter what level they are at (just not heavy on the cops spawns...except the police stations ofc).


These changes shouldn't require a new world as it's just messing with the spawn rates but no promises on that. So stay tuned for new updates ;)


Oh and if you want to adjust the biomes spawn quickly just open the spawning.xml and reduce the "DAY" lines by 1.

<spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="2" time="Day"   entitygroup="ZombieFODLDRActiveMix" />


<spawn maxcount="[b][color="#FFFF00"]1[/color][/b]" respawndelay="2" time="Day"   entitygroup="ZombieFODLDRActiveMix" />


That will reduce the biome spawns by half.

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***Update Dec 31 2017***


  • Lowered Biome spawn for the day time by half.
  • Increase poi spawn rate a touch to offset lowering biome spawns.
  • Lowered Cop spawn chance in poi's.
  • Increased Cop spawn chance in Police and Prison.
  • Changed Spawn for gas stations (more worker entities will spawn).
  • Changed spawn for hospitals (more Nurse entities will spawn).



Enjoy :)


No need to re d/l anything unless you want everything.

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Is anyone like me not getting stone from hitting rocks with tools other than a stone axe? Used a sledge hammer and iron reinforced club and getting nothing.


What stone? if it's the landscape stone that I did laying around the biomes, some of them won't have much of a harvest since they are very low on hp and only tools that have a high harvest will produce anything like the pick and stone axe that have perks for extra harvest. Could be the harvest deal for the tool/weapon is not allowing you to get any because of the low hp for that chunk of stone.

Just an FYI though I haven't messed with any of the weapons or tools, they are vanilla.

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What stone? if it's the landscape stone that I did laying around the biomes, some of them won't have much of a harvest since they are very low on hp and only tools that have a high harvest will produce anything like the pick and stone axe that have perks for extra harvest. Could be the harvest deal for the tool/weapon is not allowing you to get any because of the low hp for that chunk of stone.

Just an FYI though I haven't messed with any of the weapons or tools, they are vanilla.


I've tried both the boulders and the large mass of rock. I was using a sledge I found that was about 80 quality, the iron reinforced club was about the same. I used the sledge to break down the boulders 100% and did not get any stone at all. I'd expect low levels at my low level and tools, but zero is really odd.

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I've tried both the boulders and the large mass of rock. I was using a sledge I found that was about 80 quality, the iron reinforced club was about the same. I used the sledge to break down the boulders 100% and did not get any stone at all. I'd expect low levels at my low level and tools, but zero is really odd.


lol have you tried using a basic club and see if you get anything? I guess I never really paid attention myself if I got anything from using them to get stone or whatnot, but yeah, I did no progression, item adjustments, nor perk adjustments so that's all vanilla as far as that goes. Guess that may be something for me to visit if TFP don't adjust it when A17 drops. You should get something maybe not a lot for using the wrong tool for the job but something.

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lol have you tried a using a a basic club and see if you get anything? I guess I never really paid attention myself if I got anything from using them to get stone or whatnot, but yeah, I did no progression, item adjustments, nor perk adjustments so that's all vanilla as far as that goes. Guess that may be something for me to visit if TFP don't adjust it when A17 drops. You should get something maybe not a lot for using the wrong tool for the job but something.


I need to test with vanilla, sorry.. I should've done that before saying anything.

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pretty sure the sledge and clubs give 0 harvest, at least at base levels in vanilla also. you also won't get flowers with them, 0 harvest.


this looks really really nice :)


Thanks for the confirmation on the sledge and clubs :)

.. And Thanks! Hope you enjoy it if you try it :) or if you're already trying it..

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*** Update Jan 1 2017 ***

  • Many prefabs and poi's have had their spawns re tweaked to give high valued places increased threat. Grab your clubs and pull out your guns. If you want the loot you'll need to fight for it.

  • RWGmixer has also been slightly been tweaked to redistribute certain prefabs better around the city/town.


Again. No need to re download unless you want the new stuff as it would require you to re-roll a new map.


..And Happy New Year to all!!

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pretty sure the sledge and clubs give 0 harvest, at least at base levels in vanilla also. you also won't get flowers with them, 0 harvest.


this looks really really nice :)


Thank you sinda... I hadn't ever tried it before in vanilla. I had run out of stone to make an axe but had the sledge from loot, so I thought I could get stone with that.

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started a new game tin took me a full day to find a town and im currently still searching the town going on 2 days now looking the town im currently in is well over 100x100 blocks in circumfrence and i dont think im anywhere near done uncovering it


Not quite sure what you mean on the 100x100 blocks in circ. Sounds like one of the small towns but the way you're talking it sounds like it's a rather big town/city? Either way it sounds like you lucked out on finding a hub in under a day :)


I guess I can't say much because it usually takes me and the wife a full day or so to meet up and then another day or 2 to find a town or back track to one that one of use found while meeting up with each other.


Did you d/l the new version? if so how is the zeds in the biomes? still over the top? to little? or just right in your opinion?


- - - Updated - - -


Thank you sinda... I hadn't ever tried it before in vanilla. I had run out of stone to make an axe but had the sledge from loot, so I thought I could get stone with that.


Just a little tip: some of those small landscape rocks only have a few hp per block so you could probably bust those down really quick and give yourself a nice little stack pretty quick.

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didnt download the update i prefer it the old way lots of z's keeps u on ur toes and do u recall the old hub cities in a15? its nearing teh size of that if not bigger and if ur in guppys discord channel we could talk there would be easier :)


Hit me up or just send me a message under my name on discord, either way.


I don't think you would be disappointed with the new additions... ;)

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I'm confused. I decided to try this mod today and i turned "always run" on. I've encountered only few zombies so far but none of them are running. What aren't i getting?



Oh, i see, they have different walking/running speeds no matter the setting.

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