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Possible work around/ solution to MD5 error


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I had a different idea that didn't work. I have 3 hard drives. I made a entire game file copy to another hard drive. But both still have the same saves checking both even though one I played longer on. So my guess would be the cloud makes both the same saves for time. My only guess would be to save a extra copy to another hard drive. Then unplug that one while playing on another hard drive. That's one trick I didn't try yet. But maybe have to play offline though. Cause most likely the cloud would probably update a MD5 bug error from one hard drive to the other.

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Looked like the start of a MD5 bug if I stuck around any longer. The output boxes in the forge were missing and flickering. So backed out fast. Also been doing that trick by hitting start on 7dtd icon to bring up manage game and apps. Then hit A button on saved data tab of gamer tag. Then only delete console data only. Seems to work. Other then you lose maybe a couple minutes of game time played. But better then a base wipe. So far this happened a couple times. But all is good. Also get the occasional black screen dashboard maybe eachday I play this. Even more frequent with a friend playing.

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  • 5 months later...
On 1/13/2019 at 5:51 PM, PlacidSwine234 said:

Just lost all my content, everything I bult and collected is gone. I tried the delete local and re download but still everything is gone. Is there any way my older game content could be loaded? How do I reach a human that works with the server?


I hate the fact that after a year of game play it crashes (like usual) but takes everything I built away! :(

If this is still an issue go to your setting in game and there's an option to allow distant object rendering, this gets rid of the fog and helps the framerate I did this about a year ago and I still have crashes occasionally but I haven't experienced an md5 glitch. Well no major one anyway, I had a single square reset and delete my junk storage for clothes I didnt need basically free trash service 

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  • 6 months later...
On 26/9/2017 at 8:20 AM, Ozzabong said:
an Archangel said:
IT DOES NOT WORK. base still wiped.

what day were you on?? Its been working for me so far.. I do it after every single crash tho.

For me doesn't work either I been doing what you said since I start my game, im on day 180 and this is the 3rd time I lose my full base

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  • Roland pinned this topic
  • 7 months later...

Ugh wish I known this. I just got kicked and loaded back in to have lost everything my friend and I have done the last 3 days. Built a base with 4 land claims not a huge base but it still took everything we had got like this issue should have been fixed by now . I've played this since it came out. And when this started to happen I quit playing. And decided to come back to see its still happing. SMH if ya can't fix the give xbox players there money back cause this isn't right

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  • 1 month later...

First of all, even before I could comment on the md5 issue I had an issue with your mobile site... As I tried to follow the directions for 'read this before you submit a complaint' the text is cut off and you can't expand it. I can assume what you are trying to say, but still... Secondly, I absolutely love this game. I have since 2015. Awesome concept, great balance in game play, very realistic game physics! But, the console version is almost unplayable. I am playing on Xbox One and every 20 days or so, a whole chunk of the world where I am building completely resets. All my chests, gone... All my buildings, gone... I know it's still a work in progress, but at this point what's the point in playing if I am going to continuously loose all my hard work? I can deal with all the crashes no problem, but if I loose all the resources and effort I put into my build and my stockpile every couple of cycles, is the game even worth playing? I know was first a PC game, but if you don't continuously update it so it is PLAYABLE on consoles, you will loose fans... Because I will tell you what, I won't be buying a new computer just to play your one game on it. That's just facts...

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25 minutes ago, meverettj said:

First of all, even before I could comment on the md5 issue I had an issue with your mobile site... As I tried to follow the directions for 'read this before you submit a complaint' the text is cut off and you can't expand it. I can assume what you are trying to say, but still... Secondly, I absolutely love this game. I have since 2015. Awesome concept, great balance in game play, very realistic game physics! But, the console version is almost unplayable. I am playing on Xbox One and every 20 days or so, a whole chunk of the world where I am building completely resets. All my chests, gone... All my buildings, gone... I know it's still a work in progress, but at this point what's the point in playing if I am going to continuously loose all my hard work? I can deal with all the crashes no problem, but if I loose all the resources and effort I put into my build and my stockpile every couple of cycles, is the game even worth playing? I know was first a PC game, but if you don't continuously update it so it is PLAYABLE on consoles, you will loose fans... Because I will tell you what, I won't be buying a new computer just to play your one game on it. That's just facts...


The game on console is not work in progress, it is out of support. It was built by a company called Telltale, but Telltale went bankrupt before they could get the game into an acceptable state.


You will have to wait for the next attempt at porting to console which is planned but not before the game on PC is finished.


Klick on the topmost red banner above for more information.


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2 hours ago, meverettj said:

First of all, even before I could comment on the md5 issue I had an issue with your mobile site... As I tried to follow the directions for 'read this before you submit a complaint' the text is cut off and you can't expand it. I can assume what you are trying to say, but still... Secondly, I absolutely love this game. I have since 2015. Awesome concept, great balance in game play, very realistic game physics! But, the console version is almost unplayable. I am playing on Xbox One and every 20 days or so, a whole chunk of the world where I am building completely resets. All my chests, gone... All my buildings, gone... I know it's still a work in progress, but at this point what's the point in playing if I am going to continuously loose all my hard work? I can deal with all the crashes no problem, but if I loose all the resources and effort I put into my build and my stockpile every couple of cycles, is the game even worth playing? I know was first a PC game, but if you don't continuously update it so it is PLAYABLE on consoles, you will loose fans... Because I will tell you what, I won't be buying a new computer just to play your one game on it. That's just facts...

You have to delete your save data from "Console Only" after every crash before booting the game back up. Also, there's ways to prevent the game from crashing as well. You have to exit out of the game to the main menu, quit the app, and then reboot the game every hour or so. By doing this, it prevents the game from crashing and risking the chances of getting Md5. I've been playing on XB1 since 2020 and have never gotten Md5...EVER!!! With that being said, I highly advise you to check the video out I linked below. And if you follow these methods you should never get Md5, hope this helps, good luck!


Video by; DreadNatty Gaming


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  • 2 months later...

There is a way around the md5 crash.

 go into modded option, set the game time to 40 mins 

All other setting whatever u want 

Jump into the game and play till 4am, at 4am log out of the game and restart the game 

And repeat.

If you watch the weather by 4am, once 4am goes by, the weather stays dark foggy and doesn't become clear skies for the next day.

It's Something with the weather and playing longer than 40 mins that,

The game doesn't want to refresh 


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I know it's been talked about on here, but on youtube there is only 1 video discussing this method (And I do give them credit during the video) But they forgot 1 crucial step. That is making sure you don't re-launch the game before you delete the local save. And with the game coming to game pass, I figured I'd make  a clearer updated video.



Edited by MRMetaIMan
Some context (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
On 7/20/2017 at 3:59 PM, sTokedRecon said:

This is my first post and I am trying to post in the console forums so hopefully it ends up in the right place where it may be of some help to xbox users.


Perhaps someone else has already tested this or posted in regards to this possible work around but I have not seen a similar post yet. I have not been playing for nearly as long as some players here, (only since 6/28/2017) but just recently purchased the game for xbox1 digital download. I purchased the game fully aware of the MD5 error issues that seem to plague some very devoted players. My reason for purchasing a known buggy game was that it has tons of devoted supporters on PC as well as consoles and it has a great number of aspects that I was searching for in a game. I have quickly become quite addicted to the game and was also hit by the md5 error at 38 days in and also 41 days into my first play through. Although I have abandoned (maybe only temporarily) my first play through save, I do believe I have been able to avoid the md5 error on my second play through.


I read through quite a lot of requests from players asking for the ability to 'manually save' because they think the cloud saves are not working properly or becoming corrupted. So I thought... "Did anyone confirm that there was anything wrong with the cloud?".


Since starting my 2nd play through, any time at all that I ever encounter some sort of crash or other similar hiccough, BEFORE RE-LAUNCHING the game, I always go into 'my games and apps' for xbox, manage game, delete the local save from CONSOLE (not the reserved space or the save from everywhere else which would be the cloud), and resume to re-launch the game, then patiently wait for the console to re-sync with the cloud saves. So far at least in single player, I have not become a continuing victim of the MD5 error that so commonly wipes out large portions of player made bases or other 'chunks' from in game.


Please note that I do not currently have a Gold xbox Live subscription (hopefully I will soon), or otherwise I would happily attempt to recreate this possible work around for use during multiplayer.


Again, I do not know if anyone else has attempted this method or any other that is similar for avoiding whole or partial world resets but I do hope to hear some constructive feedback on how this might be of use to the devs at TFP as well as fellow 7dtd survivors! Good luck survivors!



I just started playing (a month or so in real life). I have had 2 crashes that each took portions of a house I fortified. Took so much stuff kept in the secure chests. TONS! I tried deleting the reserved space but that didn't work. I stayed in the game only a short time after the second crash last night. I will give your suggestion a try. I hope it will load before the crash. I found the game on Game Pass, but after the first crash found someone selling an actual disc and hoping that will allow manual saves so I can reload from a certain point. This bug is rough. Hope I am able to recover. Does it make a difference as to how much stuff you have in chests or how fortified you try to make your home base? Or is this just random? I read torches can make it glitchy and took most down, but that was when the first strike happened. 

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  • 3 months later...

I've been telling people about this since I figured it out on Xbox about 5 years ago, I've even posted it on Reddit. It works on multiplayer as well as single player. I wish more people knew.


It also helps to set a timer and manually back out and save every hour or so. It might seem like a pain, but had saved me hours even weeks of work lost. 


Also in multiplayer, whenever we get thrown out we have the other people clear their local save data as well, just as a precaution.

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  • 5 months later...
On 10/4/2017 at 1:29 PM, Damselx1 said:


There is a link to the bug reports section on the main page of the forum. There is a sticky thread in the bug report section detailing how to make a bug report, including the format to use so that all the relevant information is included. It's easy enough to follow, but sadly people join up, rush in instead of checking the sticky and don't provide their details, then ignore the requests for more information - hard to fix the bug if they don't have all the facts. The more information they have, the faster things get fixed.


They don't expect players to be bug testers either, but just like any other game forum, if a player notices a bug it's good sense to report it. You don't need to know anything about programming or game design, just explain what is happening/should be happening but isn't. The team can then investigate and fixes are forthcoming. Of course, the MD5 is a major issue, mostly on Xbox, but they are working on it. This is why reporting is so important - report the bugs, reduce the crashes and there'll be less MD5s.

I reported my bug but left out something that may be of importance. MD5 error seems to happen to me whenever we press the xbox button in the center of the controller to briefly pause the game while grabbing a drink or using the bathroom. 9 times out of 10 it crashes within 5 minutes of returning to game play. This on a random gen map playing with my son split screen as a guest.

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  • 1 month later...

So I know this game has been around for years I just started playing it 5 months ago 1 save and all solo on my xbox series X . I spent god knows how many hours creating a tunnel /bunker system from the center of the map to all 4 corners . Mini horde bases on all the bridges on the map . A giant castle in the north . Hundreds of thousands of resources , coins , weapons ,parts , forges , work tables , cement mixers 90% OF EVERYTHINGGGGGGG I BUILT VANISHED along with all my chests with all of my loot . Not a single one survived  and i wasted months of my time and over 100 in game days . I only learned about this crash problem after it happened to me i tried following a video of deleting a save and clearing cache but everything is still gone .. you are telling me I wasted all this time and energy for nothing?? There is absolutely no way to get my stuff back?. If that's the case don't bother sending me anything about updates or new games . I'll never trust this company again to buy anything new 

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20 hours ago, CowboyKillr said:

So I know this game has been around for years I just started playing it 5 months ago 1 save and all solo on my xbox series X . I spent god knows how many hours creating a tunnel /bunker system from the center of the map to all 4 corners . Mini horde bases on all the bridges on the map . A giant castle in the north . Hundreds of thousands of resources , coins , weapons ,parts , forges , work tables , cement mixers 90% OF EVERYTHINGGGGGGG I BUILT VANISHED along with all my chests with all of my loot . Not a single one survived  and i wasted months of my time and over 100 in game days . I only learned about this crash problem after it happened to me i tried following a video of deleting a save and clearing cache but everything is still gone .. you are telling me I wasted all this time and energy for nothing?? There is absolutely no way to get my stuff back?. If that's the case don't bother sending me anything about updates or new games . I'll never trust this company again to buy anything new 


You do realize that it wasn't The Fun Pimps that made the console version, but TellTale Games?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I still play on Xbox to this day. The solution of deleting your local saved game and restoring the "cloud" version does work. I've used it repeatedly for a while now. It doesn't always work, but I would say it works about 95% of the time.


In my experience, the game crashes and resets your progress after playing for long periods of time. The larger your save game file gets in size, the more likely the game will crash and reset. The Xbox console doesn't appear to be powerful enough to handle the game.


When I start a new game, I can play for about 4-5 hours straight with no issues. Once the save game file starts to get larger, the game starts to crash and the time I can play before it crashes again becomes less and less. If I start a new game and my saved game file is about 1MB in size, then once the size gets to say 25 - 30 MB, the game will start to struggle to load areas and graphical glitches are more apparent before it crashes. Once the save game file gets to be about 40 - 50MB, I can only play for about an hour or hour and a half before it crashes.


So because I enjoy the game so much, I start a new game and play for about 4 hours straight, quit the game, delete the reserved space and restart the game again. I don't even have to delete the local save game file (I only have to delete the local game file if I play too long and the game actually crashes). Once the save game file gets larger, I play for about 2 hours, quit, delete the reserved space and restart the game and I'm good for another 2 hours. Once the game file size gets to about 40 - 50MB, I usually play for about an hour and a half, quit, delete the reserved space and restart the game. I've been playing like this for at least the last 2-3 years with no issues while waiting for the new game to be released. Hope this helps.


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On 10/11/2023 at 3:02 AM, Lax said:

I still play on Xbox to this day. The solution of deleting your local saved game and restoring the "cloud" version does work. I've used it repeatedly for a while now. It doesn't always work, but I would say it works about 95% of the time.


In my experience, the game crashes and resets your progress after playing for long periods of time. The larger your save game file gets in size, the more likely the game will crash and reset. The Xbox console doesn't appear to be powerful enough to handle the game.


When I start a new game, I can play for about 4-5 hours straight with no issues. Once the save game file starts to get larger, the game starts to crash and the time I can play before it crashes again becomes less and less. If I start a new game and my saved game file is about 1MB in size, then once the size gets to say 25 - 30 MB, the game will start to struggle to load areas and graphical glitches are more apparent before it crashes. Once the save game file gets to be about 40 - 50MB, I can only play for about an hour or hour and a half before it crashes.


So because I enjoy the game so much, I start a new game and play for about 4 hours straight, quit the game, delete the reserved space and restart the game again. I don't even have to delete the local save game file (I only have to delete the local game file if I play too long and the game actually crashes). Once the save game file gets larger, I play for about 2 hours, quit, delete the reserved space and restart the game and I'm good for another 2 hours. Once the game file size gets to about 40 - 50MB, I usually play for about an hour and a half, quit, delete the reserved space and restart the game. I've been playing like this for at least the last 2-3 years with no issues while waiting for the new game to be released. Hope this helps.



Hey Lax, glad you're still enjoying the console version! Thanks for sharing this, that was awesome of you. Thankfully, this should be non-existent in the new console releases, hope you get to enjoy that version too :)

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12 hours ago, Jugginator said:


Hey Lax, glad you're still enjoying the console version! Thanks for sharing this, that was awesome of you. Thankfully, this should be non-existent in the new console releases, hope you get to enjoy that version too :)



Jugginator, thanks, I appreciate that. I have at least three games I consider my "go to games", games I always seem to come back to and play over and over again: Subnautica, Green Hell and 7 Days to Die. 


7 Days to Die really is a very unique game that I really enjoy. Especially the building aspect of the game. I like the fact that I can explore an open world with  a completely destructible  environment from the trees to the rocks, the ground, the buildings all the way down to the bedrock! I never get tired of experimenting with new builds each time I play. Throw in the looting, farming/planting crops and the constant sense of dread because of the Zombies and I'm hooked.


I seem to find new creative ways to build new bases each time I play. I rarely ever use any of the preexisting POI's as a base. I love just building from scratch and finding new ways to defend it. I'm really looking forward to playing the new version of the game. Particularly new features console players never got to experience like electricity. I also like the fact that The Fun Pimps are looking to provide console players with some kind of a discount to the price of the game because of the poor handling by Tell Tale Games. So in the meantime I just keep coming back to the original version. Thanks again!



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