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Prefab Editor (Alpha)


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Req: clicking on layers activates scroll wheel for layers.


Clicking on zoom activates scroll wheel for zoom.


Same with rotation.


...if you're still doing gui updates. :)


You can zoom in and out either by holder the control key or the right mouse button and using the wheel (using the right mouse button is buggy though because I was too lazy to fix it^^). However, your suggestion is a bit more consistent... I am not sure which way is better ... have to put on my thinking cap. :D


Maybe have the label change from remove rows to remove layers when in side view?

Yep. I think you and most of the users do have another definition of the word 'layer' (different from my definition^^).





That means the editor cannot read the version number. So it assumes there is an update. Either you've clicked on 'force update' (this will intendedly delete the currentVersion.txt) or this is a bug. If the latter, it would be very helpful for bugfixing to have a copy of the whole editor folder (No problem if that's too laborious). :)


It's not very important. However, you will be permanently informed about non-existing updates.^^

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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1. Please add Ctrl+Click multi-select function for the rectangle shape. I had to select multiple lines to move to another layer, and i thought i would just Ctrl+right click and drag with the normal select tool. Unfortunately if you are not a machine then when the mouse slides over something you're not trying to select...instead of waiting for you to adjust and let go of right mouse button...it instead includes everything you even briefly moused over.


2. nice work


3. how do i get sleepers to actually do something? i can't even hit them right now.


4. is there any possible way to see what the rotation of a block is in the editor?


5. is the "remove" row's/colums still a work in progress? i don't know what i'm doing k, but when i tried to use it either did nothing or got wonky and then crashed.


6. i haven't looked at you hotkeys yet, but i wish 1 button could cycle through some selection tools of my choice, and another key to cycle through 3 blocks of my choice, and yet another to cycle through the last 3 blocks i recently used.


7. seems to work great with Hal's BBB .dll prefab thingy.


8. it was mostly easy to pick up and go, some of the basics took only a little bit of guess work before i was off and doing my own thing. nice.


alright, i've been up all night. let's hug! oh wait...now i gotta stop and go to work. i probably shouldn't have stayed up all night long, but i had to update my training arena. bad choice i made man, gonna be tired all day, and the misses will bitch about me taking a long nap.

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Thanks and welcome to the forum. :)



could you add a confirm on quit if there is unsaved work please :)


Ok, no problem. I like suggestions that are very easy to implement.^^





1. Ahh thanks that's a bug that needs to be fixed. Ctrl + click should work.



2. Thanks. :)



3. I assume you're using Hal's bbb commands to import the prefabs and I think we both made the same mistake. Just have a look at Hal's comment:


Hey Pille,


There's a new flag introduced with the A16 update


Update Time!


bbb ip now has a flag of [sleepers] to turn the sleepers into actual zombies. Not including this flag will spawn the sleepers in as blocks so you can work on the prefab.




bbb ip !test 0 0 0 [sleepers] will spawn the prefab in with the sleeper volumes filled


bbb ip !test 0 0 0 will load in the placeholder blocks so you can add/edit where sleepers could spawn



4. Unfortunately, not yet. I consider to implement a 3d or isometric view which would allow you to see the rotations but that will take awhile.



5. Yes it's unstable:

- "Remove rows" and "remove columns" may cause crashes. Save your prefab before using these features.


Actually it should work or crash. So one way or the other, the function should do something.^^ Perhaps you didn't watch Guppy's second video. Here is an explanation how to use it:



6. Ok, makes sense. Thank you for the suggestion.


alright, i've been up all night. let's hug! oh wait...now i gotta stop and go to work. i probably shouldn't have stayed up all night long, but i had to update my training arena. bad choice i made man, gonna be tired all day, and the misses will bitch about me taking a long nap.

Lol. Hang in there!

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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oh now that i remember:


9) when i mouse over the grid, i can see the cordinates (this is block 0, 74, 1 - for example) but i would have really appreciated if somewhere i could click, drag, and see (in numbers) the width and height of my selection or item i'm about to add. for example, i was trying to measure a 60 by 60 prefab, and i wanted to add a special block at intervals of 10, and 20 so that in-game i could easily measure the distance by eye.


With your editor i had to place a block in increments of 2, and on every 10 add a concrete block, and on every 20 add a polished steel. At first i thought this would be easy, i would just do 1 set of ten, copy, and paste...but the strangest thing kept getting in my way. I would copy the marker at block 0 and the marker at block 9 (measures 10), copy, and paste, but no matter how i copied or pasted it...the next paste would be 1 block shorter than the last, and the next set would be yet another block shorter.


so to sum it up, i couldn't rely on copy and paste, and i suspect it's operator error but i can't see it. so i had to create my own ruler, and then delete said ruler when blocks were in place. This was slow, if the rectangle paint selection tool or the paint device just had a built in height and width thing like this: http://i.imgur.com/nUFBqWY.png it would have been much easier. that's paint.net,


10) also, if i could adjust a selection rectangle like i can in paint.net that would be useful


11) i didn't watch more than i had to of his vid because i wanted to jump in and get my arena made. i personally feel that he needs to narrow the scope of his videos or break them town into more on point "topics" so that we can look for a title that suits are current need, and just watch that instead of him going on about other stuff i had no interest in. The quality was good, on voice and visuals...but when i see "22 minutes" and it's not telling me how to "dive" in, much less cover the install (install was simple, but that error threw me off) then i don't really want to watch it. He just needs to focus in on more specific topics i think. maybe i can make one too just to "get people started" even if it's a bit barebones.


the guy did good, just too long a watch time for something that also talks about things i'm not trying to do right now.


12) the icon to the left of "invert current selection" has no name or tooltip


13) would be nice if the tool tips explained a bit (or a lot, after all...we don't have to read them) more


14) what does Dev Test button do? and insert prefab? kinda ties into #13


thats all, i think.

Edited by layarion (see edit history)
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9) Yeah, should be feasible to implement. However, that's not very easy since you can select multiple separate areas at once but I have an idea how to do it...


I don't think that copy and paste is bugged. I use this feature quite often and wasn't able to produce any bugs so far. If you press and hold 'V' (after copying some blocks) while your cursor is over the grid, you can see the current copied blocks (see screenshot bellow). Maybe that helps you to find out what's going on.


10) Ok, I'll have a look at paint.net


11) Well that's a matter of taste. :) The more videos the merrier.


12) 13) Yeah right. The tooltips aren't complete yet. I am a non-native speaker. So I try to avoid long texts. lol


Thanks layarion for your detailed feedback.











14) The insert prefab button can be used to import prefabs. So it's identical to Hal's import prefab function.

(see https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?62501-Prefab-Editor-(Alpha)&p=670878&viewfull=1#post670878 ).


The Dev button (or developer's button) is my personal test button and should be deactivated in your version. :)

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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9) Yeah, should be feasible to implement. However, that's not very easy since you can select multiple separate areas at once but idea how to do it...


I don't think that copy and paste is bugged. I use this feature quite often and wasn't able to produce any bugs so far. If you press and hold 'V' (after copying some blocks) while your cursor is over the grid, you can see the current copied blocks (see screenshot bellow). Maybe that helps you to find out what's going on.


10) Ok, I'll have a look at paint.net


11) Well that's a matter of taste. :) The more videos the merrier.


12) 13) Yeah right. The tooltips aren't complete yet. I am a non-native speaker. So I try to avoid long texts. lol


Thanks layarion for your detailed feedback.











14) The insert prefab button can be use to import prefabs. (see https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?62501-Prefab-Editor-(Alpha)&p=670878&viewfull=1#post670878 ). So it's identical to Hal's insert prefab function.


The Dev button (or developer's button) is my personal test button and should be deactivated in your version. :)

I'm critical because i care :p

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I'm critical because i care :p


I am fine with that. :) But I don't know Guppy's approach to criticism. Let's hope that he doesn't know where you live.^^





Ok, I've found a bug. Looks like copy and paste don't work properly if you're using the rectangle mode / if the rectangle tool is selected. All other modes seem to work. So use another tool/mode for copy&paste until the bug is fixed.

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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eeyy gads... another program to buy sigh . use to be zip was a free ware. now I have to pay for it. welp wait another month or two to try this one out too. (not your fault. school clothes and supplys come before game stuff.)


just get 7-Zip

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Pille you are a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ed saint. For more than one reason.

Are you sure? ;)



eeyy gads... another program to buy sigh . use to be zip was a free ware. now I have to pay for it. welp wait another month or two to try this one out too. (not your fault. school clothes and supplys come before game stuff.)

Zip is free and part of Windows. I assume that you use an expired winrar or another non-free, third party software. I am not sure what goes wrong on your machine.

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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Mhh maybe here:



Resizing via right mouse button doesn't work properly if you click on the left or the top side of the volume while those sides are outside of the prefab area. So those two sides are buggy atm.






(You cannot use the left side of the volume to resize it because this side is outside)

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Mhh maybe here:



Resizing via right mouse button doesn't work properly if you click on the left or the top side of the volume while those sides are outside of the prefab area. So those two sides are buggy atm.






(You cannot use the left side of the volume to resize it because this side is outside)

if that's what i think it is, even if i must be sure to never let the box leave the "area" defined by the prefab, it would still be super useful in the right situations.

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if that's what i think it is, even if i must be sure to never let the box leave the "area" defined by the prefab, it would still be super useful in the right situations.


Boxes that leave the area defined by the prefab are valid and often used in the vanilla xml files. So you can do that and the game can handle it.

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suggestion: 1) File - Load Recent.

2) you should have hotkeys in the file, or edit, or help tabs i would think

3) the About button should also include your 7 days name, and a link to this thread. just because someone downloaded it doesn't mean they won't forget where, how, or when.

4) maybe put "known issues" in the help tab as well, or make it a popup until user selects "don't show me this again"

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6) ability to copy multiple levels. In hals editor if i made a 80 block tall tower, and levels 0-78 were all identical, i could open a window that would let me input "copy level 0" and "paste in levels 0-78". i need something like that here. So far i just hit control V one at a time as i click up on the levels, but this sucks ass for 79 times.


7) button to shoot through multiple levels. this is kinda like 6, but very different none the less. I don't want to copy entire levels, on level 79, looking top down, i decide i want a hole for a ladder in this tower. Currently i would have to put the hole in floor 79, then in 78, and then copy and paste on each level from 78 down to 0. I would like the ability to hold a modifier key or something that shoots through all layers. As in, if I'm on level 79, looking top down, and i place an air block. It would then place an air block in the same position all the way down.


Maybe even have it ask how many layers deep it wants me to go before doing it, and even what layers to skip. Every odd layer, every other layer, skip these and every odd layer. skip these, every odd layer, but must include layer X.

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8) would be cool actually, if the program could keep a separate auto-save, and have it keep as many copies as space will allow.


a) name them by time, and

b) at the end of that name put what iteration it's on (as in, this is backup number 1246 of this project.)

Edited by layarion (see edit history)
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