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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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I can absolutely change the XP bonus. Crazy thing is, even on night seven, the total XP rewarded should be far below vanilla values. It was definitely not the intention for anyone to gain 10 levels in a night! I'll try removing the night bonus for the next build.


And I do have a working, save compatible Backpack tools coded. I will remove the weather experiment. The backpack tools cause no side effects, so can be put in the dll even if not used...

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hi Spider,


I didn't find info about Compact driver-parts issues. Someone said that said that next patch will be solve this problem. When will it be release?


I just checked, those part can be found in the current release.


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One of the players that play on my dedicated Starvation server is not showing any quests at all. The rest of us see them but the one user has zero quests. I have worked with them to reinstall and update the mod on their end but they are still not seeing the quests. Any suggestions as to what we could try. Everything else about the mod works perfectly on their system.




This isnt the Starvation thread. Did you mean True Survival mod? If so, we need more info on why that person might be different. Is he running on a Mac?


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I can absolutely change the XP bonus. Crazy thing is, even on night seven, the total XP rewarded should be far below vanilla values. It was definitely not the intention for anyone to gain 10 levels in a night! I'll try removing the night bonus for the next build.


And I do have a working, save compatible Backpack tools coded. I will remove the weather experiment. The backpack tools cause no side effects, so can be put in the dll even if not used...


@ Jeo - Great news. Jump on Steam chat at some point, have something to run by you.

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If you are on an old save it might be you still have survivors alive from before the change. It will take sometime before you can see the effect from lowering their spawn chance. I have been killing them when i see them to speed it up :)


Should I still be seeing a lot in previously un-generated chunks? I assume those chunks are generating content within the parameters of the lastest build so the spawn rate would be up to date.

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Had problems with two quests in my game today. The Mechanic and Electrician have profession quests to build mechanical parts and electrical parts but i could not find any recipe/workbench/etc to actually build those parts.


Still hoping a fix for barbed wire fences is coming in an update. Repairing them is requiring forged iron instead of normal scrap iron. Repairing them costs more iron than a complete replacement.

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BUGS: With a 444 Shovel I one hit dirt and two hit gravel and that gets weirder because dirt has 200hp and gravel has 150hp.

A damaged wood upgraded rebar frame need wood to fix instead of planks.

Feedback: I know the general consensus is that the XP bonus is too high and I completely agree, I went from lvl 28 to 43 on the 28th-day horde, but I would love to a small XP bonus at night stay. It gives me a reason to go out and play/die instead of sitting safe and sound in my base.

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little trouble


hey guys, first post here. I hope I'm right here for posting this: I started playing true survival SDX mod today and I can't find any sticks, instead I find woodbranches. sticks are not even in the crafting list. there is no possibility to craft arrows. do I miss something? cause I saw a let's player he was able to get sticks instead of branches from the trees...

please help. the mod looks awesome

best regards and greetings from germany

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Question: Tomahawk (Item#1655) Is this craftable or just a loot drop?. Have checked the woodbench, metalbench & anvil and could not see it.

If not craftable could it be?


It used to be craftable, but then Spider changed it to be lootable only and he added three craftable axes instead (stone, iron and steel).


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hey guys, first post here. I hope I'm right here for posting this: I started playing true survival SDX mod today and I can't find any sticks, instead I find woodbranches. sticks are not even in the crafting list. there is no possibility to craft arrows. do I miss something? cause I saw a let's player he was able to get sticks instead of branches from the trees...

please help. the mod looks awesome

best regards and greetings from germany


You get sticks when you scrap any wooden items, so scrap those wood branches.

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It used to be craftable, but then Spider changed it to be lootable only and he added three craftable axes instead (stone, iron and steel).


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You get sticks when you scrap any wooden items, so scrap those wood branches.


after more than 2000h 7d2d experience ... hhmmmmmm embarassed myself :sorrow:

thanx for fast reply

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Ok im lvl 41, day 130. Everytime i turn on a forge, i get screamers. This time i got 1 screamer, i promptly went out chopped her head off, then took on the 2 cops, and 1 fatty she summoned when screaming. i then looked and saw another screamer headed toward my base, she screamed, and brought a feral, and 2 cops....Is this the intended idea? This was during the daytime. I find this to be to difficult, i cant craft, i cant smelt, with out zombies constantly attacking. The ferals run during the day too

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hey guys, first post here. I hope I'm right here for posting this: I started playing true survival SDX mod today and I can't find any sticks, instead I find woodbranches. sticks are not even in the crafting list. there is no possibility to craft arrows. do I miss something? cause I saw a let's player he was able to get sticks instead of branches from the trees...

please help. the mod looks awesome

best regards and greetings from germany


You watched an older video :) it was updated to scrap wood parts into sticks, instead of making planks out of wood than scrapping the planks! A little better balance from start to end. If you really want a great source of branches, hit the dead bushes and the azalea!

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Update your files for the descriptions



I haven't messed with the heat map or when and how Screamers spawn but I have seen the problem. I think its the Survivors. They seem to be winning and gathering forces lol. I think all their commotion is raising the heat map everywhere and then when a player does anything it boils over and summons a screamer. I think Xyth and I have licked this problem of limiting Survivor spawns. In the next up date they will only spawn once every 250 days. So when the Survivors that spawn at the start die they are gone and will not re spawn till around day 250 and then till day 500. I think this will help with them being around to much, help with fps and performance because they will not be everywhere and make them feel more valuable and maybe even make you want to try and save them knowing they will not be back for a very long time


Preparing a bug fix patch for later today so if you have any bugs get them posted.



Skippy build one of the new bridges in the mod for your base so you dont have to jump the gap every time and they look cool. lol

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Where does the recipe for duct tape drop? I don't see it listed in the tier list. I've been stuck for over a week in-game time because I can't find any duct tape, driving me crazy. So close to the mini-bike


Why does duct tape have a separate RNG recipe rather than unlocking via skill points?

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Had problems with two quests in my game today. The Mechanic and Electrician have profession quests to build mechanical parts and electrical parts but i could not find any recipe/workbench/etc to actually build those parts.


Still hoping a fix for barbed wire fences is coming in an update. Repairing them is requiring forged iron instead of normal scrap iron. Repairing them costs more iron than a complete replacement.


You can scrap some items for mechanical and electrical components. Without the recipe this is impossible. That's what those recipes are for, not really crafting them from scraps.


- - - Updated - - -



Update your files for the descriptions



I haven't messed with the heat map or when and how Screamers spawn but I have seen the problem. I think its the Survivors. They seem to be winning and gathering forces lol. I think all their commotion is raising the heat map everywhere and then when a player does anything it boils over and summons a screamer. I think Xyth and I have licked this problem of limiting Survivor spawns. In the next up date they will only spawn once every 250 days. So when the Survivors that spawn at the start die they are gone and will not re spawn till around day 250 and then till day 500. I think this will help with them being around to much, help with fps and performance because they will not be everywhere and make them feel more valuable and maybe even make you want to try and save them knowing they will not be back for a very long time


Preparing a bug fix patch for later today so if you have any bugs get them posted.



Skippy build one of the new bridges in the mod for your base so you dont have to jump the gap every time and they look cool. lol


I will have the lower XP bonus version uploaded in a few hours, in time for the patch. Same as last time, plus the possibility of making backpack recipes require tools (no special slots, just if you have the required tools also in your pack), and without any experimental weather code (still needs work)


Also, if you want I can look into or even modify some heat map stuff. As it stands, it's definitely the Survivors causing it, because their shotguns and what not are adding to the heat map. I could increase the amount of heat needed, or we could make new sounds for NPC guns that don't add to the heat map.

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after more than 2000h 7d2d experience ... hhmmmmmm embarassed myself :sorrow:

thanx for fast reply


Don't be embarrassed. None of your experience prior prepared you for this. We have changed a lot, and some very basic ways of playing simply are different in TS.


I might look into adding a few more lists. Scrapping and Tool lists. I'm getting pretty comfortable with the UI code.

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Spider, I still starting the mod from Mod Launcher, but there is not change on server IP and when I enter the game, connect to server still have the old IP on list. I played many times, check in and out, but still not have the new IP address. I always have to type manually.


Can you give me advice? modlauncher re-installed, but maybe I missed something.


Second problem is the audio. Now all sound is very low, but at menu everything is on 100%. How can this fixed?

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i Have not played on the newest update yet so i dont know if it effects this but didn't seem to on the changelog


Basically it seems like the cars aren't worth looting for me most of the time almost 75% they are empty and then half the time i actually get something it's a corpse or a zombie corpse which is pretty much useless. Seems like i get more alarms than i ever get any loot maybe i am just unlucky lol

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I know this may not be the easiest question to answer given the variation in content between the two, but I want an unbiased set of opinions from people on which mod they think is the better mod for enhancing base experience as well as the most content and progression. War of the Walkers vs this mod. I like War of the Walkers because it adds some very solid progression and more end-game items such as Tungsten tools.


Haven't played this mod at all yet however. Really looking forward to hear people's opinions!


EDIT: Also, what about this Starvation mod? I've only played War of the Walkers, Valmod, and a couple others, but man this and Starvation look unbelievable with content!

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I know this may not be the easiest question to answer given the variation in content between the two, but I want an unbiased set of opinions from people on which mod they think is the better mod for enhancing base experience as well as the most content and progression. War of the Walkers vs this mod. I like War of the Walkers because it adds some very solid progression and more end-game items such as Tungsten tools.


Haven't played this mod at all yet however. Really looking forward to hear people's opinions!


EDIT: Also, what about this Starvation mod? I've only played War of the Walkers, Valmod, and a couple others, but man this and Starvation look unbelievable with content!


I couldn't tell you anything about War of the Walkers, I've never played it. It does seem, to me, that they tackled the problems with the vanilla game in a different way than we did, by extending the game outward instead of changing the progression curve that already existed.


But, between this, Valmod, and Starvation, you're not going to get a fair comparison. All of those mods have different goals, take different ends to achieve them, and play completely differently. I think, just about every mod you're going to play is going to be somewhat more difficult than Vanilla... I mean how could that not be the case? Vanilla is insanely easy, and I've seen people get up to Steel fortresses and 80th level with top-tier gear by the first week.


Suffice to say, True Survival is a hardcore mod. It is difficult, erring on the punishing side. Nothing is easy. Everything is dangerous. When possible we have attempted to inject some realism into a game which seems to lack the concept. We have attempted to balance risk vs reward here, but owning to the fact that the original game is so damned easy and abusable, there is a lot more risk than anything. Some people view this as a bit sadistic. Some might not like it. But it cannot be denied that when it's as hard to progress as we have tried to make it, and the challenges are so steep, that when you do succeed in this mod you will feel a sense of accomplishment that the vanilla game doesn't really have. True Survival is not a skinner-box design. It's not a clicker game. It's not "Minecraft with more zombies". It's a Survival game.

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Update your files for the descriptions



I haven't messed with the heat map or when and how Screamers spawn but I have seen the problem. I think its the Survivors. They seem to be winning and gathering forces lol. I think all their commotion is raising the heat map everywhere and then when a player does anything it boils over and summons a screamer. I think Xyth and I have licked this problem of limiting Survivor spawns. In the next up date they will only spawn once every 250 days. So when the Survivors that spawn at the start die they are gone and will not re spawn till around day 250 and then till day 500. I think this will help with them being around to much, help with fps and performance because they will not be everywhere and make them feel more valuable and maybe even make you want to try and save them knowing they will not be back for a very long time


Preparing a bug fix patch for later today so if you have any bugs get them posted.



Skippy build one of the new bridges in the mod for your base so you dont have to jump the gap every time and they look cool. lol


sounds like a great solution for the survivors

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I couldn't tell you anything about War of the Walkers, I've never played it. It does seem, to me, that they tackled the problems with the vanilla game in a different way than we did, by extending the game outward instead of changing the progression curve that already existed.


But, between this, Valmod, and Starvation, you're not going to get a fair comparison. All of those mods have different goals, take different ends to achieve them, and play completely differently. I think, just about every mod you're going to play is going to be somewhat more difficult than Vanilla... I mean how could that not be the case? Vanilla is insanely easy, and I've seen people get up to Steel fortresses and 80th level with top-tier gear by the first week.


Suffice to say, True Survival is a hardcore mod. It is difficult, erring on the punishing side. Nothing is easy. Everything is dangerous. When possible we have attempted to inject some realism into a game which seems to lack the concept. We have attempted to balance risk vs reward here, but owning to the fact that the original game is so damned easy and abusable, there is a lot more risk than anything. Some people view this as a bit sadistic. Some might not like it. But it cannot be denied that when it's as hard to progress as we have tried to make it, and the challenges are so steep, that when you do succeed in this mod you will feel a sense of accomplishment that the vanilla game doesn't really have. True Survival is not a skinner-box design. It's not a clicker game. It's not "Minecraft with more zombies". It's a Survival game.


I can see that. I'm about an hour in to this mod and already frustrated at its difficulty. It does seem to make the experience a lot more challenging and more terrifying than what the base game offered. In this mod I see a zombie and want to hide (though I usually just die and get swarmed very rapidly) whereas most other mods I get brave enough to try to attack all of them. I find this mod particularly heavy on content (at least that I can see) but it's very difficult to get established. I feel this mod would be much better played with a couple friends rather than alone, as alone unforgiving is not the word. Very difficult and deliberate progression. I can see this mod not being everyone's cup of tea.


Also good mention of War of the Walkers in that they decided to tackle progression differently. War of the Walkers made for more content using a similar progression system to regular 7D2D except slowed down. For example, I'm on day 14 in my save (regular difficulty and 50 minute day/night cycles) and still only have Iron tools, as higher level equipment is locked based on level. This mod seems to slow the pace down to a crawl and make every decision meaningful. So from what I can see is that some people probably wouldn't like this mod unless they are ready for a real difficult and frankly hardcore experience. I'll be sticking to it, but it's not something for everybody. I am not sure how Starvation is however.

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