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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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More info, perhaps in PM if you dont mind too much? We really are losing new players to it and it is disheartening.


Gazz has an inverted day/night zombie mechanic, zeds walk at night and run at day. This makes it much more balanced gameplay. In vanilla days are childish easy, nights are nightmare impossible. On Gazz server it is balanced. It is safer at night (zeds walk), but it is dark and scary. At day they run, but you have good visibility and can spot them from afar and have better chance at fighting. I think this gives much better gameplay and would suit True Survival perfectly, but will require much work balancing the existing zeds and I doubt Spider likes this idea.

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Gazz has an inverted day/night zombie mechanic, zeds walk at night and run at day. This makes it much more balanced gameplay. In vanilla days are childish easy, nights are nightmare impossible. On Gazz server it is balanced. It is safer at night (zeds walk), but it is dark and scary. At day they run, but you have good visibility and can spot them from afar and have better chance at fighting. I think this gives much better gameplay and would suit True Survival perfectly, but will require much work balancing the existing zeds and I doubt Spider likes this idea.


No, i dont think he would, i dont even like it lol. Oh, and thanks for watchin over the server, good job. Frees me up to play on jaxes true survival server:smile-new:

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I think one of Spider's favourite features is that the zombies can run in shadows, so I can't see him liking the walking at night either :)


I think the horde issue is more of a base game issue, and can't really be fixed by a mod. Having a player-oriented horde is a great start, with regards to the game stages.


I hope they continue to expand on that level of focus, and make it more player-focused on multiplayer servers, allowing for different horde nights for each player.

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I'd be more interested in the run:day/walk:night model if the length of night could be increased to that of the current day length. In TS and Valmod Horde have large spawn numbers, and even during the day it can take a long while to clear an area of zombies so you can do some scavenging. It would take longer if the zombies could run and make gathering rare items very difficult at early levels.

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On a farmer char I can craft the "seed nursery", but I cannot craft the "iron hoe" without unlocking the appropriate perk, which happens to be "seed nursery"


Kind of makes the iron hoe recipe cost 40 points which is pretty overkill. So farmer quest of 'make an iron hoe' then rewards 1 point but ends up costing 39 points.


How about crafting a stone Hoe? It won't advance the quest but you will still get those seeds planted.... But your point is well taken, and there are other quest issues like this one.

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How is that a problem? A modder can manage the day/night length. In Gazz's server day was 11 hours and night 13 hours long.


I agree if you can increase night to more than the 12 hours allowed in the startup menu, but I have not tested it. As long as a min/max value isn't hard coded then that would solve that issue.

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I posted this in the commonsence mod thread, but it more so applies to this mod. While felling (harvesting) a tree here you get sticks and then wood on the destroy event. It would be more immersive to get "woodLogPillar100" which is an existing block. It would be great if a pillar50 block was added for smaller trees, but the pillar100 would be more realistic than dropping sticks. These pillar logs then can be chopped into sticks using an axe (you chop off the limbs before you buck-up the logs) then wood (destroy event/final product of splitting the log). You would make planks by using a saw on the woodlogpillars. It would be cool if you could leave a stump on the destroy event as well.


I know this is a bit of work to edit as there are a lot of trees to change but please consider this when the mod has to change in A16.

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It would be more immersive to get "woodLogPillar100" which is an existing block. It would be great if a pillar50 block was added for smaller trees, but the pillar100 would be more realistic than dropping sticks. These pillar logs then can be chopped into sticks using an axe (you chop off the limbs before you buck-up the logs) then wood (destroy event/final product of splitting the log). You would make planks by using a saw on the woodlogpillars. It would be cool if you could leave a stump on the destroy event as well.


I would like if the stump regrow into a tree after some time.

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To make the 7d horde easier to new players, best solution would be that the horde size would reflect player level. That might not be possible though, but another solution would be to include some sort of invulnerability potion or similar with the starting equipment. It would give you immunity for the length of one night or so, so you would be guaranteed safety for the first 7d horde. Or you could use it if you log in during the night when you start out. For example, the potion/item could give you very high hp regen, stamina regen, stun immunity, and immunity to wounds/virus.


When fighting zombies int he night, i find that there's mainly 2 things that make it dangerous. First thing is that the zombies run really fast, faster than the player, so they always catch up to you. On spiders server however there's alot of lag, which slows the zombies down, so even ferals can be outrun. Second, and probably the deadliest thing is getting stunned. I'm not a big fan of stun effect based on luck. Just taking a single hit while being chased by 5 or so zombies could easily get you killed. If the stun was changed, perhaps it would motivate people to fight more. I like to fight during the nights, mostly cause i like killing zombies, and some challenge, and also the drops from ferals are nice.


I'm not sure there's a very good solution to motivating people to fight the horde though. I'm not a big fan of the zombies completely destroying your base.. once your base collapses you would be more likely to just quit the game. Or you would just build a massive bunker, with the same result except being forced to keep repairing your base every day which would just be boring. It would be better if they could get inside your base, but i'm not sure that would work well either. There are some situations when you need to be able to hide in your base. If your leg is broken, you stand no chance to fight. Also if you are out of stamina drinks, or low on hp and running out of first aids, you'd better hide away in your base. So in general i'm against forcing the player out of their base, but rather use a carrot than the stick. It would make sense for example to penalize a player staying indoors by lowering their wellness, or make them weaker in some other way. Perhaps the 7d horde could trigger a quest, and if completed by killing zombies, it would give a nice reward, and if not, it could add some penalty.

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We would like our own server - just my family who are scattered around North America. We prefer to log in together, play together, then log out without time passing.


Thanks for the recommendation - I was not sure Bluefang supported True Survival - seemed like they only supported Starvation.

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We would like our own server - just my family who are scattered around North America. We prefer to log in together, play together, then log out without time passing.


Thanks for the recommendation - I was not sure Bluefang supported True Survival - seemed like they only supported Starvation.


All SDX mods have the same requirements: the ability to over-write DLL files. So if Starvation is supported, then True Survival SDX will also work. They may not have an "easy" installer, but you just need to upload the files, probably through FTP, as you would any other mod.

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All SDX mods have the same requirements: the ability to over-write DLL files. So if Starvation is supported, then True Survival SDX will also work. They may not have an "easy" installer, but you just need to upload the files, probably through FTP, as you would any other mod.


Awesome, thank you!

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Bug: Made a garden with an opening of 2 blocks in the center for water. Poured a bucket of water in. Perfect. Use bucket to remove water, get this error message:


2017-03-31T14:17:17 907.218 ERR BlockLiquidv2::DoExchangeAction() - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at BlockLiquidv2.MF (.WorldBase , Vector3i ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at BlockLiquidv2.DoExchangeAction (.WorldBase _world, Vector3i _blockPos, BlockValue _blockValue, System.String _action, Int32 _itemCount) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Reproduced it a few times, same error. Nice bonus is on the second try it created a water spout to the sky about 50 blocks away from the garden.Screenshot.thumb.jpg.55d017bc18fac052cd4639d0756a90c2.jpg

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How about crafting a stone Hoe? It won't advance the quest but you will still get those seeds planted.... But your point is well taken, and there are other quest issues like this one.


Yep, already crafted one, I was just raising it as another one of the quest issues that should be looked at. Just separating the recipe from the seed nursery and reassigning point cost is probably all it needs.

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WoW thats a lot of pages to read. Ya'll have been busy. First Thanks to everyone that helped out on the server and in the forums while I've been gone sipping on Pina Coladas and Tequila. I'll try and run through some of it in this post.



If you use the Profession Perk to give a player another Perk that has a requirement it will check to make sure the player meets those requirements before it awards the recipe and if you are a new player you would not meet those requirements and it would not give you the recipes. That is why the profession perks do not show the individual perks attributed to their profession as unlocks but DO unlock them for you. If you have a better way of doing it I'm all ears./ Build a Stone Hoe. Just because you have a quest doesn't mean you can complete it right a way. Some of your quest can not be completed until end game.



Yes the double tap for instant opening of a loot container is a known bug that I have no idea why its there. It was in vanilla I dont know if it still is. I dont know if its only on servers and not SP(though would be interested in that info) and I'm open to any help on the matter. Whats a PC Wheel controller?



WOW man that sounds awesome. So whats the word on your findings? If you have the bugs worked out I would love to add(and understand) your fixes to the base mod. It would really help me complete some things that I have had to remove and not work on because of the workstation/crafting lag./ I would also be interested in you Steel sound hack also if you are willing to share



Workstations only give Xp if you are in the UI when it completes. Thats not my doing just how the game functions. I dont particularly like it but I can understand the reasoning. If you got xp for things being crafted that you did not have to be watching a player could make 100 campfires and boil water in all of them and be level 100 in a night. That being said if Jeoshua's Crafting Lag fix works more items could be moved back to the player. The only reason its set up like it is was to help with crafting lag. The more items crafted on a workstation the more lag and lag in the player backpack was a death sentence so it was streamlined to help you not die every time you opened your backpack running. The campfire does not give XP because there is no "cooking" skill and chemistry was removed from it. This makes for one less workstation a player has to worry about looking at to level. This conversation on Workstation XP need to be put on hold untill I can talk more with Jeoshua. I may be able to make things better if crafting lag is improved.



That is how the crafting UI is made. Not my doing. I too would like it to tell you what workstation that hammer or whatever is beside it but thats not how the UI works. I have tried to help though, if you click on the item and read the description I am going through and adding all the required Workstation and Tools. They are not all done but I am getting to them when I have time to mod adding a little with every patch. This mod does not support Navezgane. It re purposes some of Navezganes terrain code to use in RWG so I have no idea what Navezgane would even look like if you loaded it up. I have no wish to support a Navezgane mod at this point.



Those are found in the destroyed buildings surrounding some towns or citys. Its a bug it should turn into random loot containers specific for that location. If its the spelling error as posted I'll get it fixed in the next update./ Yes the Farmer has the unique ability and knowledge to cultivate some seeds. Yes you can gather Profession Pages to learn all the professions one at a time. If drop rate on Pages needs to be increased we can look at that . It shouldn't be impossible.



The idea with the clothes is you find old (low quality) in loot and can wear it, scrap it or use it to learn how to make it. In doing so you destroy it. So its kind of like examining/studding an item to learn how to craft it.



Random Hordes are as described random. I havent seen some of them but I see they spawn in the logs so I know they are working



I uped stack sizes on crafting/building supplies to 5000K. In a survival situation the room you had to carry items and the items you chose to carry would be the difference between life and death. Inventory management is part of the game. I do look forward to starting with very few slots and crafting or looting larger back packs but giving a fresh player a HUGE back pack kills the survival part of the game.



This mod is designed to be balanced in a MP PVP setting. So you dont want any average joe running up and wrenching your Bullet Press and all your workstations. I have plans on making this better but I have to wait until A16 because I'm out of block id spaces :(



Thanks I'll fix those. The food system is as intended. You do get bonuses for combining "cooked" foods and you do get better bonuses the more you combine. There are special foods like Brain Schnitzle and Wellness Juice that give much more. You have to work for your wellness.


unlike them-

Thanks for all your help and the detailed feedback. If Jeoshuas Crafting Lag fix works I can make that leveling gap feel more natural and less grindy work. Ya i have the Followers set to spawn less than 1%. Im going to try their spawning a different way. Should fix it. I'll work on a better poison buff, the one we have is probably from A10 and could use a refresher. Again if Jeoshua's Crafting Lag fix works I can put back in all the recipes I took out. When A16 came out I had a recipe for every block in the game but the lag was unworkable so it was removed.



Night Loggers!

What if instead of that stuff we just make every night a horde night to some degree but only the 7th day horde a feral(knows your location) night?

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Welcome back! I'm still testing Jeo's assembly on dedicated. Seems to be working, but had one hard game freeze in the forge that I am trying to reproduce. Even if that is a rare event it is worth moving to though.

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Maybe this has been reported before, but I just spoke with a new guy on the server, first time I'd seen him, and he was level 84. I asked how he leveled so fast and he said "killed bandits. 2 bandits = 1 levelup". Pretty sure that should be tuned? :))

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Maybe this has been reported before, but I just spoke with a new guy on the server, first time I'd seen him, and he was level 84. I asked how he leveled so fast and he said "killed bandits. 2 bandits = 1 levelup". Pretty sure that should be tuned? :))


Good catch. Most enemies give 20-100 exp. bandits give 1275-4500 Bobcat also seems out of line @500

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Hey man, good to see you are back! Hope you had a good time!



Yes the double tap for instant opening of a loot container is a known bug that I have no idea why its there. It was in vanilla I dont know if it still is. I dont know if its only on servers and not SP(though would be interested in that info) and I'm open to any help on the matter. Whats a PC Wheel controller?


Hahah the second time I get this question "What's a PC Wheel controller". God damn you guys, it's a Wheel controller! :D

I play American/Euro Truck Simulator here and there. The Wheel is always plugged in, I never unplug it.



WOW man that sounds awesome. So whats the word on your findings? If you have the bugs worked out I would love to add(and understand) your fixes to the base mod. It would really help me complete some things that I have had to remove and not work on because of the workstation/crafting lag./ I would also be interested in you Steel sound hack also if you are willing to share


This guy is great. The devs should take a look at this thread.


Night Loggers!

What if instead of that stuff we just make every night a horde night to some degree but only the 7th day horde a feral(knows your location) night?


That actually isn't a bad idea. A proper balance and testing is needed, but seeing how many people like your mod, testing won't be an issue hehe

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So i'm having some fps drops (single player) and i was wondering if it could be the huge quantity of traders. There's 3 of them super close to my base. I checked the rwgmixer and i find trader prob=20. That's like quite high for SP isn't it? I guess for MP would be interesting but if it's gonna make my game ugly to play at some points it might reduce it. I think my pc should work fine but maybe there's a certain setting that should be changed when running this mod? Just curious how you guys work that out

btw i'm running a i5-6600K @3.50GhZ / 16 Gb DDR4 3000 MhZ PC-24000 / Gygabyte GeForce GTX 1600 6 GB

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Night Loggers!

What if instead of that stuff we just make every night a horde night to some degree but only the 7th day horde a feral(knows your location) night?


I don't see how that encourages me to face the night horde. I'm lvl 81 and I'm scared to step outside at night (yes I'm a pu$$y). Maybe I can, but why? Risk/reward? You can invent all the clever ways to get to the player, but a smart player in a open world sandbox will always find a way to avoid the horde if he doesn't want to face it (logging off as a last resort).


But a good reward (as EsTygo proposed) would motivate me. Something good for both starting/mid game/high level players. Something worth dying for. Profession pages maybe?


- - - Updated - - -


So i'm having some fps drops (single player) and i was wondering if it could be ...


We all have it, both SP and MP. My guess it is NPC survivors. If anyone could disable them for testing and report us the result.

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