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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Sorry if I am asking in the wrong place, I am new to 7DTD modding, It looks like several versions of this mod are floating around, or maybe they are mods that just look similar. What is the difference between, True Survival mod, True Survival mod SDX, True Survival mod, JZmod and Starvation SDX?

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I'm usually the carebear on this dev team so I am surprised folks are finding the aggressive versions too much. When they charge, one iron arrow shot directly into the charge will drop the meat at your feet. Sure, if you go toe to hoof then you are probably going to die, but why not kite them or melee while running, both make their attacks ineffective. It's the one single combat in this mod that's interesting (well, bears and Brutes can be fun too). Compared to crazed rabbits and chickens, it's not such a reach as to imagine they are animals in mating season defending their territory and mate in an extinction event.


I could see making them do a little less damage or have a slightly longer attack delay but they should remain a true survival threat.


I love the aggressive animals. Soldier class rifle head shot. Done!


Seriously though there's a telltale sign when you are hunting a stag or a boar.... They don't run away when they spot you...

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Very easy. Just change the texture number on block id #1965 (hardstone) in the blocks.xml file to whatever existing texture you want. If you want to add a new texture to the game, that is also doable but tricky and is described in some modding posts in the modding section of this forum.


Sometimes it's the easiest solutions! I was thinking on trying to load in an external texture, but you gave me the idea to use the asphalt texture (#10) for normal stone, and have hardstone use the regular stone texture (#1) and now it's looking quite ahellof a lot better! \o/

Might even change bedrock texture to asphalt to get rid of that ugly texture in full!



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Here are some items to look at/fix :


Hunting experience- I think the exp for crafting the hunting materials (tails, claws, feet, teeth, etc) should be increased. Animals are few and far between and you get very few of these items. I am level 52, have about 600 meat in storage, have lost count of the number of animals i have harvested, but am only level 22 in Hunting skill.


Mechanic Chainsaw and Auger quests : I cannot complete these quests as the Chainsaw and Auger are assembled items and they never trigger the quest completion when i build them.


Spear +50 Javelins and the Fertilizer quests: These both take 15-20 minutes of staring at the workstation to complete. You do not get quest credit if you leave the workstation while the items build. Either speed up the build times or lower the number of items needed.


Mid game grind- The grind from about level 30 to level 75 is extremely tedious with nothing to look forward to during that entire slog. I am all for increased difficulty to enhance the experience but this period of the game has no incentives. I am curious just how many people playing this mod actually ever stuck it out all the way to level 75. My personal best is level 52 (my current game) but i am running out of will to continue.

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My personal best is level 52 (my current game) but i am running out of will to continue.


perhaps they're just modeling the tedium of long term survival? :wink-new:


I've come across a pale blue or cyan block that's labled "loot forrest" when I destroy it with a pickaxe, it moves to my inventory and its label changes to "loot wasteland". What's up with this item? Have I fallen thru the looking glass and finally become exposed to the underlying quest state machines???


"Those whom the gods would destroy, first first drive mad."


should I be concerned?


What should I do with this cyan block?

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You will be happy to know all that's fixed for the A16 build :)


Good to hear.


I thought of a couple more:


According to the first page notes you are supposed to be able to pick up Barbed Fence but i cannot figure out a way to do it. Bare hands does nothing, hitting with Axe or Pickaxe just destroys it, none of the repair tools work. So if its possible to pick up a Barbed wire fence i would like to know how it's done.


Are the Power Drill/Compact driver parts still in the loot table because i have yet to see any in my current game (2 players level 55 now).

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I came across a cyan block that's labeled "loot forrest". When I destroy it with my iron axe, it drops into my inventory and becomes a different cyan block relabeled "loot wasteland". What's up with that? Has my blue pill worn off and allowed me to see the inner workings of some sort of true survival quest state machine? I assume it's mod related, as I've played over 1000 hours in vanilla and never saw one before.


"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."


Should I be worried? :shocked:


What are these blue/cyan blocks used for?

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No its a bugged loot block that should turn into a random lootable container like a backpack or trash pile but its messed up. Shouldnt be a problem in the next build and you cant use it for anything

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On dedicated it under your user profile: username/AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/


I found that one thank you. Still looking for the saves server side. On hosted server.


Same place.



Ah thanks very much. Found it after searching for files modified by date. For some reason it did not save it under current server name.


Well, this turned out to be false. I deleted everything in this folder. It had me recreate the profile etc., but when I logged back in to the server, my old save was still active. Only thing that changed is all my textures is now missing.


So still looking for where save files is stored server side, please.


According to the server Admin, the default/Vanilla Save location is empty. He searched through all the server side files and found nothing resembling Save files. So we at a bit of a loss here.

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Well, this turned out to be false. I deleted everything in this folder. It had me recreate the profile etc., but when I logged back in to the server, my old save was still active. Only thing that changed is all my textures is now missing.


So still looking for where save files is stored server side, please.


According to the server Admin, the default/Vanilla Save location is empty. He searched through all the server side files and found nothing resembling Save files. So we at a bit of a loss here.


what system are the server running on? if it's Linux it's another place under /home/user/.local/share (orsomethinglikethat)

it might also be a custom path in the serverconfig.xml used i suppose?



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Good to hear.


I thought of a couple more:


According to the first page notes you are supposed to be able to pick up Barbed Fence but i cannot figure out a way to do it. Bare hands does nothing, hitting with Axe or Pickaxe just destroys it, none of the repair tools work. So if its possible to pick up a Barbed wire fence i would like to know how it's done.


Are the Power Drill/Compact driver parts still in the loot table because i have yet to see any in my current game (2 players level 55 now).


The compact driver parts are in the loot table, just fairly rare.


Yes, it is possible to pickup the barbedfence, but its not easy. You have to degrade it down to close to destroyed then finish destroying it with a wrench or screwdriver. I'm not sure if this is how Spider intended it, as it is very annoying, so I will check if it can be changed to pickup with a crowbar or some other easier method.

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Here are some items to look at/fix :


Mid game grind- The grind from about level 30 to level 75 is extremely tedious with nothing to look forward to during that entire slog. I am all for increased difficulty to enhance the experience but this period of the game has no incentives. I am curious just how many people playing this mod actually ever stuck it out all the way to level 75. My personal best is level 52 (my current game) but i am running out of will to continue.


I'm at L49 in my play-though and I agree about the midgame. In my modded version, I lowered all L75 skill requirements (like steel) to L50 which gave me a realistic goal to get to. This felt about right playing from L25 to L50. Spider does not agree with this change, so if you want it you need to do a find/replace in the progression.xml file. Look for all instances of this string: required_player_level="75" and change all to: required_player_level="50".


This change will probably keep me in the current play-though until A16 to drops.

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Problem with SDX class gear...


I seem to have a problem with the class weapons not being in the briefcase as they should be. Every character I create has the same issue. All other class items are there except for the weapons, even the ammo is there. Thank you for any help.

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No its a bugged loot block that should turn into a random lootable container like a backpack or trash pile but its messed up. Shouldnt be a problem in the next build and you cant use it for anything




Sorry for the double post.

I thought the first one got lost.

But I was probably still in noob limbo waiting for a mod to grant me post privilege.

my bad.


thanks again for a great mod!


I'm at level 41 beginning that great slog to level 75.

Do you guys have an estimate of how long it'll take to upgrade your mod to alpha 16?

I'm sure there's a lot of things to change and figure out.


TrueSurvival's slower progression thru the skills has definitely changed the way I play this game.

It feels more rewarding to have accomplishments spread out like this.

Way to go and great mod! :eagerness:

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It might take a long time depending on how much of my master plan I can get into this new build. Just to give you an idea the current build has maybe 40% of my complete mod plan in it. With the new block code and rwg I might be able to add another 40% of the plan and that would be a huge undertaking and take a long time, months maybe depending on how much help I can mustard. But not to worry during all of the development process the current most stable build will be up on my server open for people to play on, test out and give feed back.




I have been taking a much needed break from 7D2D and playing some other games like Skyrim (my first play through), Rim World and a few others. Been getting some real good game play ideas to try and transfer over to the mod for A16.

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