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[Mod]Secure Storage Contaner - With Player Input Text Labels


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This mod requires SDX

A storage box with custom labels. Works like any other storage container, except when the container is opened there's a user interface to the left of the info window where you can update the label text. There's still 2 fonts but their set in xml until I get the toggle sorted out.


Updated for A17

** Requires 1920x1080 Resolution **

** Until SDX is updated you will need to manually copy the mods XUi folder into gameInstall/Mods/Storage Container With Custom Labels/Config **


Download Link


Demo Video:


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Just made a few small changes and updated the link. I worked out how to open a xui window after taking a look at the rebreather mod. (Thanks Carlzilla)


So I added a window behind the interface to make it blend into the loot window a bit better. I also moved the whole interface down as I was worried that some of the quests might of overlapped with it. Lastly I added a XML option to adjust the max character limit of the input field just in case I made it to short.


btw I've only tested this in 1080p if it doesn't look right on the other resolutions let me know and I'll fix it up.

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I'll see what I can do about posting the unity project up, I just have to check if I can post it with the crate model included since it came from the asset store. For now here are some basic instructions on how to setup the unity project so you guys can use the script on your own models.


-StorageBoxCustomLabelPrefab -Empty GameObject
   -Crate                              -Empty GameObject
      CrateModel                     -Model
      TextOutput1                   -TextMesh
      TextOutput2                   -TextMesh
      TextOutput3                   -TextMesh
      TextOutput4                   -TextMesh
      TextOutput5                   -TextMesh


You can add extra text meshes if you want, the script will find all the text meshes no matter what you call them. Just put your text meshes and model inside the Crate object. The script needs the empty object called "Crate" to attach to and will null ref if it cant find it. Tag your text meshes, model and top level game object with T_Block and add a new blank C# script called RootTransformRefParent to each of them as well as a box collider(dont use mesh colliders). If anyone gets stuck let me know. Oh if you going to use it without the downgrade to insecure you should go into the xml and change DeleteOnRemoved to true.

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Okay I wasn't happy with the font so I changed to a new one and added a second font that can be changed using a check box on the interface. If you delete to old version and put the new one in the same place on the mods list as the old version it will upgrade you to the new version and keep the stuff you have stored. You cant run both versions at once as the model names and class names are the same. The unity project setup has changed too, I'll put together an example project for those that want it as soon as I get the chance.


See first post for the link and video.

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  • 1 year later...

I have no idea how this works but I am assuming that when you use this mod you have to start game with EAC off?

The servers I play on have EAC enabled so am guessing this won't work on it. Would be a shame because this would fix the sign

issue where you keep accidentally overwriting your text on your signs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Has there been a fix to this mod to allow for it to work properly on MP last i used it on MP it would only show the txt to the person who placed the box and wrote on it, hoping its fixed that once placed and name put on box that everyone sees is not just the person who places it...

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  • 11 months later...

copied onto dedi server, failed to load: no modinfo.xml

renamed mod.xml to modinfo.xml : failed to load missing info line 2 or something.

edited a copy of alloc fixes modinfo.xml with your info...


mod loads but breaks map, kicks all sorts of poi missing item errors etc.


HALP!! this mod looks wonderful and i would love to run it on our server, am sure its just some minor tweaks needed somewhere.

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copied onto dedi server, failed to load: no modinfo.xml

renamed mod.xml to modinfo.xml : failed to load missing info line 2 or something.

edited a copy of alloc fixes modinfo.xml with your info...


mod loads but breaks map, kicks all sorts of poi missing item errors etc.


HALP!! this mod looks wonderful and i would love to run it on our server, am sure its just some minor tweaks needed somewhere.


This is a SDX mod, it needs to be loaded by SDX and to run on a server the server will need to be running SDX as well as the players.

You can get SDX here

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Thank you, was not using SDX. Won't be able to use this mod, we are using a paid hosted server whom are not fans of us running extraneous stuff to install things on their machines. Half surprised they give us full FTP to our files.


Thanks again for the quick reply and the mod looks great.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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