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Lord Neophyte

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Everything posted by Lord Neophyte

  1. @xyth is there any tutorial about Weapon Animations......for the reload animation etc..... ??? greatz Lord
  2. any plans on performace improvemtens for A21 ?
  3. no, it works....just need another name to load after ALL the SMX files (ZmxutoBots_A20_2021Dec12) (have just made some chances to the recipe ^^)
  4. OH yeah this is what i mean.........thats bad
  5. hey could u help get his ready for ur amazing SMX ?
  6. Rename AutoBots folder to TheAutoBots. Dont work for me......since i interact with the terminal......it looks like this
  7. yes, an version for SMX would be great ;.) hope for it
  8. alright...i take a look yeah the point is to replace the ammo with the new 50 Cal thank u sir for the hints
  9. Hey i try to give a few guns other ammo with the xpath not sure if this is the right setup <set xpath="items/item[@name='gunRifleT3SniperRifle']/property[@name='Magazine_items' and @value='ammo762mmBulletBall,ammo762mmBulletHP,ammo762mmBulletAP']/@value">,50 Caliber Ammo</set> will this work or is there some kind of error ?
  10. mesh collider....this make a 100% perfect hitbox for an object
  11. i use this code <append xpath="/items"> <set xpath="items/item[@name='meleeToolPickaxeSteel']/property[@name='Meshfile']/@value">#@modfolder:Resouces/meleeToolPickaxeSteel.unity3d?meleeToolPickaxeSteel</set> </append> but it dont work, i have NO error in the log but ingame is still the same old model
  12. so the "toolsPickAxe" part in this code is the name of the item, right ? so if it is called "meleeToolPickaxeSteel" the code has to be this : <set xpath="items/item[@name='meleeToolPickaxeSteel']/property[@name='Meshfile']/@value">#@modfolder:Resouces/meleeToolPickaxeSteel.unity3d?meleeToolPickaxeSteel</set>
  13. is there a way to "replace" an old mesh from a tool with a new only per xpath ? So maybe i have made a new steel pickaxe model and will use it as a replace for the vanilla one possible to change : <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/pickaxe_steelPrefab"/> to <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/meleeToolPickaxeSteel.unity3d?meleeToolPickaxeSteel"/> only ? via modlet ?
  14. so we need a new ExportAssetBundles.cs ? how to get it ? and can we use a new version of unity or still 5.3.8p2 ?
  15. how i get the "export as obj" plugin ?
  16. hey if i made a new chest for me how get i a custom window on it ?
  17. yep that`s a last piece i needed...thank u alot :-) now it works, only rotation and position is ingame a bit silly^^ but it works so far
  18. @PAcco i will try it @Spider it`s the same ID only changed it from 700 to 2045
  19. nope, no part with this xml is like this ........................... <block id="2045" name="AmmonationBench"> <property name="Class" value="Workstation" /> <property name="Material" value="metal" /> <property name="MaxDamage" value="800" /> <property name="StabilitySupport" value="false" /> <property name="Model" value="#AmmonationBench?AmmonationBenchPrefab" /> <property name="MultiBlockDim" value="2,1,1" /> <property name="ImposterDontBlock" value="true" /> <property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacerInverted" /> <property name="OnlySimpleRotations" value="true" /> <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" /> <property name="HeatMapStrength" value="0.5" /> <property name="HeatMapTime" value="1200" /> <property name="HeatMapFrequency" value="25" /> <!--<property name="RecipeList" value="backpack, workbench"/>--> <!--<property name="CraftTimeMultiplier" value="0.5,1"/>--> <property name="Stacknumber" value="1" /> <property class="Workstation"> <property name="Modules" value="output" /> <property name="CraftingAreaRecipes" value="AmmonationBench" /> </property> <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="forgedIron" value="25" /> <property name="mechanicalParts" value="20" /> <property name="wood" value="50" /> </property> <drop event="Harvest" name="scrapIron" count="200" tool_category="harvestingTools" /> <drop event="Harvest" name="wood" count="20" tool_category="harvestingTools" /> <drop event="Harvest" name="forgedIron" count="10" tool_category="Disassemble" /> <drop event="Harvest" name="mechanicalParts" count="8" tool_category="Disassemble" /> <drop event="Harvest" name="wood" count="20" tool_category="Disassemble" /> <drop event="Destroy" count="0" /> <drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="0.75" stick_chance="1" /> <property name="TakeDelay" value="15" /> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="AmmoBenchDesc" /> <property name="EconomicValue" value="776" /> <property name="RequiredPower" value="20" /> <property name="Group" value="Building,Science" /> </block> ...........................
  20. hey i made my first "custom block" but ingame i get this error https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/232848/158082080.2bf/0_1a58b4_53f3051e_orig maybe any one can help me fix this ? not sure why this happens
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