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True Survival


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Github has branching; Spider could give you a branch that you commit your changes to and he can later decide to merge them with the master branch or not.


The catch is that I'm not sure 7D2D launcher allows pulling from non-master branches, so if any of your changes are needed client side, those files would still have to be done manually.




Hi Kungfu_baba, long time no see.


The server is PvE now if you wanted to come check it out again.


Be warned though, it is extremely tough now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

uninstall all mods, then verify files going through 7 days to die game properties local files hit the verify files button let it run, then do it again, then see if game is vanilla by doing a test a world, once you find its working in vanilla again reinstall only jz mod true survival make sure you are on 16.2 if just true survival not sure about jz version although i think it is current. then it should work.

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uninstall all mods, then verify files going through 7 days to die game properties local files hit the verify files button let it run, then do it again, then see if game is vanilla by doing a test a world, once you find its working in vanilla again reinstall only jz mod true survival make sure you are on 16.2 if just true survival not sure about jz version although i think it is current. then it should work.


Aye, I've done this like.. 4-5 times now I believe. Its still a pitchblack screen.

https://pastebin.com/meyrP2gX pulled from the error log. Something's missing, I'm doing manual install.


Edit: Real strange issue, I installed it through the launcher in a separate folder and it works without any issues. I moved all the folders from the working mod folder to the original one, and I get the same issue. Black screens. Although both of the installations got the same files.

Edited by Blindguard (see edit history)
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Hydra error


I keep getting this error in my command prompt when I try to play.


Missingmethodexception: method not found: ‘easyanticheat.server.hydra.easyanticheatserver<clientinfo>.handleclientupdates.


I have tried reinstalling,installing manually instead of launcher,turning eac on and off. Useing disable Unet I tried even both of them on and nothing works at all. If I use eac I just get a black screen so what am I missing lol

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Me too.


Can anyone assist?


I fixed my own issue. If your having the error on startup, try what I did: Delete complete mod, button under install area to right. Download game copy from steam (you'll have to use your username and password) and install mod. With big mods Spherii warns to pre-sync mod so I did (mostly with Starvation) Wah-la! True survival working fine!


Now go get your butt kicked by this mod!

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  • 2 weeks later...

missingmethodexception easyanticheat


Hi, I have completly deleted and re-installed/pre synced the mod about 5 times and everytime i just get the missingmethod expection:easy anticheat error, i installed it through the 7d2d mod launcher, every other mod seems to work fine, even doing a manual install i still get the same error, not sure what im doing wrong but really want to try this mod, thanks

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I keep getting this error in my command prompt when I try to play.


Missingmethodexception: method not found: ‘easyanticheat.server.hydra.easyanticheatserver<clientinfo>.handleclientupdates.


I have tried reinstalling,installing manually instead of launcher,turning eac on and off. Useing disable Unet I tried even both of them on and nothing works at all. If I use eac I just get a black screen so what am I missing lol



I just had this issue.


Installing Oxide mod on my Server cleared it up.



I am however having a new issue.

I am getting

ERR Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' (Model '#TomatoSprout?TomatoSproutPrefab' not found on block with id 1566)


I have all the DLLs installed, i have all the files installed in fact. both locally and on the server. It just WILL not work.

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Impossible game.



I really hoped that this Mod would revive the game for me, but after about 25 atempts Ive just gotten to the point where i feel this is the end of 7 days to die for me. true survival is completely and utterly impossible to beat. The perma death removes the enjoyment of the game completely! All starts out well, but as soon as you leve the confines of the building you've taken over, you die once, then never get back to your backpack, chased down every time and killed, before you know it, your down to 10 wellness. There is no way to regain any realistic amount of wellness. It's not fun investing days into the game, doing most quests then just dying then rinse and repeat. oh yeah, and when do you get to build your own base? Oh thats right after you've done all these so called quests, but to do these quests you have to traverse insane amount of the map, where you die and can then never get back without being chased down and killed, good luck finding Blue spruce in the desert! Also, as soon as you get close to a trader, the game starts to bug out, the console screen pop up over and over til you get out of the traderbuildings range. If your very lucky you dont get killed. Nope Spyder made a good attempt and enhanced many thing compared to the boring vanilla game, but unfotunately it is just to frustrating and gets boring since you never advance. 10 for effort though! too bad, it seemed fun, but without a reworking of scaling and balancing, it just dosen't work.

Edited by kamakazi (see edit history)
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Hey Kamakazi, the game is hard, but it can be beaten. Changing play style is key. A few of us struggled, but we learned, and then mastery kicked in. TS kept us playing every day for months so it certainly revived the the game for us. Check out McBovrils server (I think it is still up). A few tips:

- Run away if you need to. Its nothing to be ashamed of in TS. In fact it is critical.

- Kabobs is your answer to regaining wellness after a few deaths

- MiniBikes are somewhat easy to find. Traversing the map early in game without one would be dangerous.

- Playing alone is hard. If you can, join a group of other players. TS encourages co-op.


Patience too. End game is a lot further away than vanilla. It will take time to build your skills, but a few if us agreed that once you hit that end point, the game kind of lost its flavor... so we often started a new map at that point to go back to that constant 'on edge' feeling.

Edited by naxter60 (see edit history)
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Still can't figure out why the heck I can't play with your mod. Tried on Dedicated and Rented server. Both times I get the same issue, that other people have gotten and seem to have never fixed.


This is the error I get.


like I said, Rented and Dedicated Linux VPS. Both same issue. It seems i cannot get any mod working that requires a modified AssemblyC# dll. Always missing Anti cheat.


Anti cheat is also disabled both Locally and on the Server.


Very frustrating. I just want to play your mod on my Server!! The guys would love this. Got a good 15 people waiting on it.



Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Client.Hydra.Runtime::Initialize(EventHandler`1<LoadCompletedEventArgs>,EventHandler`1<LoadProgressEventArgs>) in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Client.dll, referenced in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
IP address:
IP address:
Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Server.Hydra.EasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>::HandleClientUpdates(EasyAntiCheatServer`1/ClientStatusHandler<!0>) in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Server.dll, referenced in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Server.Hydra.EasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>::HandleClientUpdates(EasyAntiCheatServer`1/ClientStatusHandler<!0>) in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Server.dll, referenced in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Server.Hydra.EasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>::HandleClientUpdates(EasyAntiCheatServer`1/ClientStatusHandler<!0>) in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Server.dll, referenced in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Server.Hydra.EasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>::HandleClientUpdates(EasyAntiCheatServer`1/ClientStatusHandler<!0>) in assembly

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Hi Nax!

I actually figured out exactly the points you brought up!

There is no way to play the way one used to play in vanilla.

i have a no confrontation policy for my self now, only kill walkers, that

are in the way of progress, like zombies in a house you want to explore, but if it is a puker, just call of the mission and run!

Yes the kabobs are great gives you one entire wellness. And only drink Goldenrod tea nothing else!

The scooter was amazing, however gas, is really hard to find.

I survived til day 9 this last try. Then at 20 wellness I restarted.

I havent reeally figured out the skill progression, an exaple of this is, you cant make nails

til you have gotten to the second stage of woodworking, but you need nails to make 100 woodframes!

And the use of the different molds for instance.

The most brutal part of the game apart from dead is dead, is the need to leave your compound to

get supplies, like grain alcohol and hunting for sinew, having a gash and slowly die is grim!

But this was definetely the mod needed to make the game fun, I dont think alpha 17 will beat it at all, I do hoe that Spyder incorporates the new stuff to a new version of his mod though! I guess this is still a work in development?

Thanks for the tips =)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


After 48 in game days in True Survival I have found a game breaking bug.


Has anyone experienced the 'arrow hit/trip' sound/audio track, like when you get stuck jumping on terrain, that repeatedly loops like machine gun fire. All other sounds are muted by comparison. It makes the mod utterly unplayable and I do not know how to fix it.


I've tried restarting the mod launcher, dying, hitting anything and everything but it appears it is a mod bug that has saved into my game. I am playing MP random gen with my husband and I am hosting. He isn't experiencing the issue.


Can anyone tell me if they have experienced it? Is it possible to remove the audio track for that sound? Any solutions? This is massively frustrating.

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Grain alcohol?


I built a still have the ingredients, but I can't make Grain alcohol, and there is NO recipe neither in the skills or in any books?

i though maybe the chemist or doctor had it, but they dont seem to start with this recipe either??

Any one had any luck?

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I built a still have the ingredients, but I can't make Grain alcohol, and there is NO recipe neither in the skills or in any books?

i though maybe the chemist or doctor had it, but they dont seem to start with this recipe either??

Any one had any luck?


The Chef profession has the recipe. I think that is the only way to get it, either that or level up your cooking to like 156, lol! Good luck!

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About the server


Hello to all.


I try to find a GOOD mod to this game, now i find this, and i must admit it looks great.

The reason i write here is because i really try to make a server with this mod and make it PVP, but without any luck.


I try to install it into the game, and it work just fine, but the server, nope.


So is there a friendly soul there can say what i should do to make it work, i use steamCMD to make the server.

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  • 1 month later...

The game is literally unplayable, frame rates are erratic between 10-58 fps, until this is fixed, Im not playing anymore.

Alsp perma death makes it too frustrating.

I hope someone makes a better MOD for A17.

But I give Mr Spyder a 10 for effort!

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Download and install the True Survival 16.2 files manually here-


Player Install Instructions-


Open the modded 7DaysToDie_Data Folder then open the Managed Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your game files.

In the main directory of the modded files open the Data Folder and copy the Config Folder and and overwrite the folder in the same location in your game files.

Then go back to the same location in the modded files and open the Prefab Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your game files.

Then in the main directory of the modded files copy the Mod Folder and the Config.xml and paste them into the main directory of your game files.


Dont work for me. Become Blackscreen with a stoneknife as mousecurser but than nothing.

(new clean version installed, downgradet at 6.2. started without anticheat)


(Bye the way, its easyer if you write copy and overite the folder an files from the zip into you're game folder. Its the same like all do seperate, becouse the structure is the same)


Some tipps for me?

(Launcher dont work, windows 8 dont like the newest version from the NET.Framework what it needet)



EDIT: mhh after i have feeled 5x delete the complete game i have download the pack new and unzip it NOT with windows and know its work ^^ Dont now why. But after houres it work, im lucky smile

Edited by FritzHugo3 (see edit history)
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