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What is your dumbest achievement ingame, that you are proud and ashamed of?


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Now, I do not mean steam achievements, I mean things you have done in the game, that you are both proud and ashamed of.

My biggest achievement, and also my biggest failure in this game, is processing and obtaining brass.

How I (we, me and 2 friends on a server), managed to achieve this, is done by understanding the given game mechanics.... And abusing them to the max.

I will add a screenshot of my Brass collection last in this post, but first, I will start out by explaining how we abuse the given system.

When you get decent weapons, like AK, tactical and M60 tier 4 or higher, you can start adding ertain mods into them, that will assist you greatly. Like rad remover, drum mags etc etc. Now, lots of people just go around, collect bullets, and from time to time, they also make their bullets. That is, they make/use bullets with 47 damage (7.62mm). Which is the wrong way to do it. especially, if you do higher tier missions, where zombies literally line up in a long row.
While me and my friends definately farm for those bullets, we only use them, up untill we can craft AP bullets. Now, why on gods green earth, would we craft super expensive bullets? There are a few reasons. Especially, when it comes to bulk crafting them.

So, about the AP bullet. the 7.62 version has 57 base damage. which is a decent increase, but it does not justtify the heavy craft cost increase. Neither does the +2 damage to blocks. But it gets way more interesting after that. The AP bullet also provides built in penetration, meaning they will pass through the first zombie and into the next one, doing damage to both. so now, we shot once, but damaged 2 zombies. BUT WAIT, THERE IS MORE! it also comes with a handy -50% reduction to target armor. Kind of @%$#, if you shoot big momma with it, but throwing that bullet into the face of a soldier? Now THAT is where the armor negation comes in handy. the bullet ignores half of armor on the zombie. Which is basically @%$# on a normal zombie, but at higher levels, it comes in handy. you basically get more than double the damage for less than double the cost. 1/3/1 vs. 2/5/1 is to me, a really good trade.

The only downside, you need to farm twice the amount of lead, to maintain bullet production. while also factoring in the amount of clay you need. both are in abundance in the game, and should not provide hardmanship in regards to getting it.

So, back to topic. About my proudest and most ashamed achievement. Here it is.. (I wont go into detail about the steel chests full of 9mm and 7.62mm)


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Getting a million dukes for the first time, back A15.


Ridiculous exploits my group has found over the years that needed fixed, but were hilarious fun while they existed. 


Forcing through the geometry with drawbridges to hide inside solid blocks, used to create a horde base that was basically a swimming pool filled with concrete and you spend the entire horde night shooting straight up through the geometry into digging zombies with zero risk.


Shooting/walking through solid blocks by abusing rotations (of office chairs), and using that to create 1-way wall kill boxes or escape paths.


Creating permanent floating support with doors, and using that to create a huge floating plane up near the skybox as a base.  It was so high even vultures didn't attack it during the horde.


Creating teleport-elevators by forcing through the geometry to fall under the world and having the game teleport you to the highest "solid" ground.  Used to get into the plane base.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the dumbest achievement I have ever seen is "taking your first step" in a survival game. You literally get it 1 second into your first game. It's just dumb to even waste the time to code that. An achievement is intended to be something not every player can do without trying. That certainly isn't it.

Edited by warmer (see edit history)
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On 9/20/2024 at 11:21 PM, warmer said:

I think the dumbest achievement I have ever seen is "taking your first step" in a survival game. You literally get it 1 second into your first game. It's just dumb to even waste the time to code that. An achievement is intended to be something not every player can do without trying. That certainly isn't it.

Maybe the developers just decided to see how many of those who bought/received the game decided to play it? According to global Steam statistics, only 78.2% of players placed a sleeping bag or bed.


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On 9/23/2024 at 7:35 AM, Suxar said:

Maybe the developers just decided to see how many of those who bought/received the game decided to play it? According to global Steam statistics, only 78.2% of players placed a sleeping bag or bed.


There are much easier ways to do this than coding in an achievement. I used to work for a company that tracked user behavior in app. There is zero reason to make it visible via an achievement other than inflating the achievements total for your game.

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On 9/24/2024 at 1:00 PM, warmer said:

There are much easier ways to do this than coding in an achievement. I used to work for a company that tracked user behavior in app. There is zero reason to make it visible via an achievement other than inflating the achievements total for your game.

Ever since there have been achievements, games have had pointless achievements.  Most games have achievements for basically playing the first 30-60 minutes of the game.  Given how utterly pointless achievements are in general, I really don't think it's something worth caring about.

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1 hour ago, Vaeliorin said:

Given how utterly pointless achievements are in general, I really don't think it's something worth caring about.

Yeh, they're mostly used as a "progression log", to call them "achievements" is a bit of a misnomer. While I tend to get annoyed by corruption of language, this isn't exactly grinding my gears...


For the thread; my stupidest achievement is .. well. Way early on in the alphas, playing duo, digging stone. My friend wanted to help, so he hung behind me in the tunnel I had dug, trying to hit the same rock I was - or at least "forwards" in the same tunnel. He kept hitting me with his stone axe instead, which annoyed me a lil. After telling him a couple times to stop, find another spot or something, he kept digging.


After enough hits, I turned around, drew my bow, aimed at the head and released. Instant death, I had no idea the bow would manage that. We stood there silently for a moment and I burst out laughing.. the friend wasn't as amused :D   But I got my first player kill, and prolly still my stupidest moment in the game... yet.

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