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4 hours ago, splitscreenplease said:

If call of duty, baldurs gate, and borderlands can all do split screen local co-op so can this game. The real reason is because they want crossplay and PC and console to be uniform, @%$# PC. 

Those are very different games.  Those games are GPU intensive.  This game is CPU intensive.  Completely different beast.  Even PC doesn't get split screen because of the requirements of the game and PC is usually going to be more powerful than console unless someone has a low end PC.


It is unfortunate, but not all games can be played split screen on console.  It all depends on the game.

29 minutes ago, Roland said:

All of the consoles can only have one save file active at a time.

There was a post recently asking about why they only had 2 saves and the dev response suggested a way to increase saves a little by reducing chunk persistence, so I think at least certain consoles can have more than one active save.  But it is definitely limited.

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7 hours ago, splitscreenplease said:

If call of duty, baldurs gate, and borderlands can all do split screen local co-op so can this game. The real reason is because they want crossplay and PC and console to be uniform, @%$# PC. 

You mean a PC company emphasizes the PC game over console?  The horror.  How dare a PC game developer do such a thing?

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12 hours ago, splitscreenplease said:

give us refunds then if you aren’t going to listen to costumer feedback

Nothing on the info screen pre purchase says anything about it having split screen. Refunds should only be over missing features or game not working.


As another guy who wants to keep wife happy I also complained here, but before release I faced reality and purchased a second Xbox series X. I miss being able to look at wife's screen and answer her questions, now I have to get in a safe hide spot and run to other room

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14 hours ago, splitscreenplease said:

give us refunds then if you aren’t going to listen to costumer feedback


No one is saying that TFP isn't listening. They know you want it. They tried to make it happen.


The problem is that people like yourself aren't listening to why it doesn't exist. You are acting like TFP chose to leave the feature out on purpose to spite you. Completely ignoring the reality of the situation.   The reality is that it is not possible at all on an Xbox Series S, and TFP is forced to offer the game on that console even with its limited hardware. It is not currently possible on the Series X or PS4 either as they do not have the RAM or CPU power required to support the feature.


And you can sit there all-day shouting "but the TellTale version had it!".  The TellTale version had much fewer requirements. Way back in Alpha 14 we were just leaving an era of 32-bit processor support, and Windows 7 was still very active. The game had quite a bit less complexity and required a lot less overhead. Even the base hardware requirements have changed more than a few times since then.


I can't make you wake up and face reality, but I will tell you that sitting around acting entitled is not going to get you anywhere. It isn't winning any points. 

And as jyd85224 stated, your request for a refund would be invalid. It isn't TFP's fault that you did not do any research before making your purchase. Sony and Microsoft aren't going to give you a refund just because you imagined it had some capability it did not. Especially if you have already exited their window for software returns.

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13 hours ago, splitscreenplease said:

If call of duty, baldurs gate, and borderlands can all do split screen local co-op so can this game. The real reason is because they want crossplay and PC and console to be uniform, @%$# PC. 

Just tell us you don't know anything about game development without actually saying it. Stop comparing this game to those others. They're NOTHING alike.

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I used to play splitscreen a lot with a buddy if mine too, but it's not a good enough reason for me to pass on the new Console Edition. I'd much rather play the new version all by myself solo for the rest of my life, than have to spend another minute playing the old console version in splitscreen lol. Voxel space games isn't like other games or everyone would be making them.


With that said, after experiencing the new Console Edition running on current-gen consoles, it's truly an impressive milestone all on its own because 1.0 is absolutely amazing. At the end of the day, I was one of those people who enjoyed playing local splitscreen on the old console version as well, but I'll always choose performance and quality over features that may hinder the overall experience.

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2 hours ago, Krougal said:

I know, the nerve of the that filthy casual right?

They should only speak when spoken to.

 That was not my issue with the post. 


Maybe another time after a few Captains.

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