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Scrapping legendary item made from crafting

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 If we make a crafted legendary (purple) item such as gloves, this item requires a "legendary part" to craft.

If you scrap the crafted gloves, does the game return the "legendary part" used craft the gloves?

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Not sure, but you could test it easily.  Use Creative Menu to give yourself the legendary part and components to craft something, then scrap it and see if you get it back.  You can trash the stuff you gave yourself afterwards if you don't want to have stuff from the Creative Menu in your game.

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It does not, and this screwed me over just recently when I accidentally crafted a legendary stone axe because I didn't click to downgrade the tier first.


I think either you should get legendary parts back when scrapping legendary items, or they need to bump up the drop rate of them and increase the number needed to craft high-level gear.


As it currently is, why on Earth would I ever be incentivized to make a legendary stone axe? It is a massive waste of a super rare resource.


But if they tripled the drop rate and I only needed one to make a legendary stone axe and four to make a steel axe, well... I still probably wouldn't make a legendary stone axe, but I wouldn't be as angry about making one by accident.

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2 hours ago, Nmenth said:

It does not, and this screwed me over just recently when I accidentally crafted a legendary stone axe because I didn't click to downgrade the tier first.


I think either you should get legendary parts back when scrapping legendary items, or they need to bump up the drop rate of them and increase the number needed to craft high-level gear.


As it currently is, why on Earth would I ever be incentivized to make a legendary stone axe? It is a massive waste of a super rare resource.


But if they tripled the drop rate and I only needed one to make a legendary stone axe and four to make a steel axe, well... I still probably wouldn't make a legendary stone axe, but I wouldn't be as angry about making one by accident.

It isn't all that rare.  I had about 10 of them in the first week on 2 hour days (2 player) and about 7 in the first week on 2 hour days (1 player).  If you are looting everything and not ignoring things you didn't used to loot, you should find them regularly.  They appear in clothes on the floor, clothes on shelves, boots or shoes on the floor, trash piles, etc.  Places you might have ignored before. 


I don't think they should be more common than they are and I don't think they should be returned when scrapped.  Instead, just have a warning before using them or set the default build quality to 5 for max and require manually picking quality 6.

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You could try asking over on the mods section of the forums, maybe someone can figure out a mod that also returns the legendary parts, assuming you don't mind using mods in your game.





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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Riamus said:

It isn't all that rare.  I had about 10 of them in the first week on 2 hour days (2 player) and about 7 in the first week on 2 hour days (1 player).  If you are looting everything and not ignoring things you didn't used to loot, you should find them regularly.

You have been very lucky.


I do not skip over any lootable locations and have not found anywhere that many that quickly in any of my games. I have found a total of five of them by day 30.


That is way too rare to use on anything other than endgame items.

Edited by Nmenth (see edit history)
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31 minutes ago, Nmenth said:

You have been very lucky.


I do not skip over any lootable locations and have not found anywhere that many that quickly in any of my games. I have found a total of five of them by day 30.


That is way too rare to use on anything other than endgame items.

And yet how long do you stay on early or mid-game items and want to have Q6?  I mean, if you can have that and can't yet go to the next tier, sure... but is it something you'd really care much about?  Armor is only one tier ( :( ) so it's already endgame at Q6.  That's 4 legendary parts for armor unless you want to min/max and swap armors around.  For weapons, you're probably trying to move those to the next tier as soon as possible, so not that big of a deal to skip Q6 of low tier weapons.  I mean, even with all the parts I've found, I still haven't crafted a Q6 item because I see no reason to stick to lower tier items long enough to be worth it.

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Riamus said:

And yet how long do you stay on early or mid-game items and want to have Q6?

Then you are making the case that T6 on any item that isn't endgame is not worth crafting.


Yes, that is what I am saying too.


Legendary parts are too rare to spend them on any item that isn't endgame, so T6 is completely useless in most cases.


I'll craft a T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 stone axe as I advance, but I would never intentionally craft a T6 stone axe because legendary parts are too rare.


If legendary parts were far more common, and a T6 stone axe required one legendary part while an iron axe required three, then crafting a T6 stone axe might actually be worth the price.



9 minutes ago, Fisher said:

I got 8 legendary parts from a single tier 3 savage country.

I haven't gotten any quests to a Savage Country yet and so haven't had any reason to go into one. That isn't a bad plan.


Doesn't change my point at all though. Even if I can find eight of them in a Savage Country, they are still too rare to waste on a T6 stone axe.



Edited by Nmenth (see edit history)
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Honestly, they just aren't worth it *for me*.  I could afford to do it, but I also don't care to craft much.  I just usually wait to find upgrades instead.  I have enough to craft my armor and the weapons I'd want end game, so anything beyond that could easily be used for earlier tiers.  By the time I get to those end game weapons, I'll have even more legendary parts, so it's not really a big deal.  I just don't personally feel like spending something that's unique like that on low tier stuff even if I can find enough of them to do so.

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6 hours ago, Nmenth said:

Doesn't change my point at all though. Even if I can find eight of them in a Savage Country, they are still too rare to waste on a T6 stone axe.


I don't know if I agree. In my previous game I did an agility primary build and only put one point into Miner69er. I intentionally made a purple stone axe and kept it long after I knew how to craft iron tools simply because it only took up one slot and was so stamina friendly.  I guess if you are doing a Strength build and stamina from harvest tools was no big deal it would make sense to bypass the T6 stone axe but I had no complaints in my game "wasting" one of my legendary parts on a stone axe.

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I used legendary parts to craft a Q6 hunting knife, wooden bow, pistol, and wrench.


I had 4 set aside for my main armor since I was 3 magazines shy of unlocking it.


Any more that I was going to find were going to iron tools since I was playing an agility build.

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11 hours ago, Nmenth said:

You have been very lucky.


I do not skip over any lootable locations and have not found anywhere that many that quickly in any of my games. I have found a total of five of them by day 30.


That is way too rare to use on anything other than endgame items.

They have been very hard for me to find too. I have three now and I consider myself very lucky.

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22 hours ago, Roland said:


I don't know if I agree. In my previous game I did an agility primary build and only put one point into Miner69er. I intentionally made a purple stone axe and kept it long after I knew how to craft iron tools simply because it only took up one slot and was so stamina friendly.  I guess if you are doing a Strength build and stamina from harvest tools was no big deal it would make sense to bypass the T6 stone axe but I had no complaints in my game "wasting" one of my legendary parts on a stone axe.

Agility is a weird one mind, as a stone axe is quiet so if you're running stealth it's often endgame equipment.


Agility probably has the most attractive use of lower tier Q6s - hunting knives are in some way better than machetes, so those and crossbows are very tempting crafting options that you'll probably unlock long before you fully complete regular weapon lines.

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On 7/5/2024 at 10:25 PM, Nmenth said:


I haven't gotten any quests to a Savage Country yet and so haven't had any reason to go into one. That isn't a bad plan.

this may be why you're having trouble finding them, they massively nerfed quests as to make them more of a side thing, the main thing you should be doing is looting poi's, with a focus on looting poi's while doing only a few quests at day 14 i have over 50 legendary parts and ive used some in pieces of gear(i have 3/4 of my armor set at t6 and a t6 stun baton and i've had and replaced t6 versions of some lower tier weapons)

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