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War of the Walkers mod


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Have continued to play a lot more, and have gotten into weapon crafting (Which is very nice), It took me a bit to realize that there was a separate weapon crafting forge, which is awesome, But I've managed to find several copies of the Remington8 recipe book, and now supposedly have the recipe for a couple of the attachments for it...But I can't for the life of me find which station or work bench to craft them in. Am I overlooking it somehow? Or do attachments have to be found in the world only? :(

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This looks like an awesome mod. I've played 213 hours now, mostly in vanilla SP and it's getting a bit boring now, although co-op will always be amazing.


I've tried Valmod but this looks even better! Going to download it and start a new random gen world. Keep up the fantastic work!


It really IS an awesome mod. The only reason I'm using my own version of Valmod is because War of the Walkers lag was killing me. They're both fantastic mods, but I actually prefer War of the Walkers. I ended up stealing a bunch of stuff from War of the Walkers and added it to my Valmod server.

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Have two problems in mission go to npc .

1:Setting and getting IK Goals, Lookat and BoneLocalRotation should only be done in OnAnimatorIK or OnState IK.

2:NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


1. That is normal as the npc is not complete by the fun pimps yet. It's not game breaking


2. Null ref doing what? I need a output log for that.

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There seems to be a huge memory leak, game is gaining 2-3Gb while running, not sure if there are mod issues or not.


I did find some UI alignment issues between various tools (forget, campfire, etc.). Also, when searching inside the crafting tab, or inside any tool really, there is a lag problem thats not there or not noticeable as much in a virgin game. I wonder if this could be related to the memory leak since it gets worse the longer the game session.

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There seems to be a huge memory leak, game is gaining 2-3Gb while running, not sure if there are mod issues or not.


I did find some UI alignment issues between various tools (forget, campfire, etc.). Also, when searching inside the crafting tab, or inside any tool really, there is a lag problem thats not there or not noticeable as much in a virgin game. I wonder if this could be related to the memory leak since it gets worse the longer the game session.


That is the way the fun pimps list the receipes now. All are displayed, even if you cant use them at that "station". This is a vanilla thing, and not the mod.


Until the pimps fix it, set favourites, searches, anything to keep the receipe list from loading entirely.

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Earlier in this thread there is mention of adding a bigger backpack to the game. I followed the steps exactly but it didn't work. The game wouldn't even load. Not sure if it is out dated or what. Does anyone know if the backpack expansion works with this mod or not?

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Hi Everyone,


So I've been using the War of The Walkers mod for a bit now, I'm on Day 15 of a random gen world but I can't figure out how to do wheat farming? I have already maxed out the farming skill but I can't seem to plant wheat at all? I also can't seem to use wheat in any recipes? Any ideas anyone?

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Hi Everyone,


So I've been using the War of The Walkers mod for a bit now, I'm on Day 15 of a random gen world but I can't figure out how to do wheat farming? I have already maxed out the farming skill but I can't seem to plant wheat at all? I also can't seem to use wheat in any recipes? Any ideas anyone?


Wheat is the only seed that you have to get from another source, the "Wheat" item itself is not plantable. To get plantable wheat seeds, it's a couple plant fiber each at the mortar & pestle. If your problem is that you have seeds, and can't plant them I've got nothing. :(


And the only recipe I know that wheat has, is to be made into Flour, which is then used for Dough, which is used to make bread. Craft flour at the mortar & pestle as well.

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Wheat is the only seed that you have to get from another source, the "Wheat" item itself is not plantable. To get plantable wheat seeds, it's a couple plant fiber each at the mortar & pestle. If your problem is that you have seeds, and can't plant them I've got nothing. :(


And the only recipe I know that wheat has, is to be made into Flour, which is then used for Dough, which is used to make bread. Craft flour at the mortar & pestle as well.


Thanks for the help.


Also, does anyone know if any of the backpad mods work with this? I tried one and it broke the game. Had to reinstall the mod.

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I really enjoy this mod. I'm back to it now, although I added working oven (my own version from Valmod -- mine uses a beaker, not a bowl), working sink, and catapults. I also boosted some stack sizes because small rocks were filling my inventory too fast. Other than that, it's straight War of the Walkers.


Thanks for your great work.

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So, this mod is so far my favorite that I have tried for 7 Days to Die. I love the bandits, I love the crafting system, I love the random crates around the world... I love all but one thing.... Bandits drop stacks of 500 ammo WAY too often. I like the challenge of trying to scrounge for ammo and create my own, but with this mod by day 7 I had over 1000 pistol ammo....


What I'm wondering is where in the XML files I need to look to change values so that the bandits either stop doing this completely, do it only like 1% of the time (or less!) or how to change the drop amount from 500 down to like 5.


Whichever is the easiest fix, works for me! Thanks for the great mod, and thanks in advance for the help!

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First off, LOVE the mod. SO many great things in here... it's definitely one of my favorites for 7DTD.


Only problem... the bandits drop WAY too much ammo.... I'm on day 7 and I have 1500 pistol ammo and almost as much shotgun ammo. I prefer to feel scared and constantly be trying to find ammo, as opposed to just having an abundance.


I'm only sort of familiar with the XML files and changing things, but is there a way to do one of the following:


- Make bandits stop dropping ammo and weapons all together

- Make bandits have only a TINY chance to drop their weapon and ammo

- Make bandits only drop 1 or 2 bullets instead of the huge stacks of 500


I'm fine with implementing whichever of these solutions is easiest!


Thanks for any help you can give me! :)


Edit: I accidentally posted twice.... my bad!

Edited by qixxy (see edit history)
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I really enjoy this mod. I'm back to it now, although I added working oven (my own version from Valmod -- mine uses a beaker, not a bowl), working sink, and catapults. I also boosted some stack sizes because small rocks were filling my inventory too fast. Other than that, it's straight War of the Walkers.


Thanks for your great work.


No Problem, Thanks for playing it!


- - - Updated - - -


Thanks for the help.


Also, does anyone know if any of the backpad mods work with this? I tried one and it broke the game. Had to reinstall the mod.


Someone has apparently got my mod to work with it. It was posted a couple pages back. Not sure how they did it, its not something I currently Support. But your free to do whatever to it.


- - - Updated - - -


Wheat is the only seed that you have to get from another source, the "Wheat" item itself is not plantable. To get plantable wheat seeds, it's a couple plant fiber each at the mortar & pestle. If your problem is that you have seeds, and can't plant them I've got nothing. :(


And the only recipe I know that wheat has, is to be made into Flour, which is then used for Dough, which is used to make bread. Craft flour at the mortar & pestle as well.


Your right Mortar and Pestle is required for the seeds, if he can't plant them then I need to know if your trying to plant them on plain ground, as in Dirt, Grass, or Fertile Dirt (Plowed by Hoe)

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So, this mod is so far my favorite that I have tried for 7 Days to Die. I love the bandits, I love the crafting system, I love the random crates around the world... I love all but one thing.... Bandits drop stacks of 500 ammo WAY too often. I like the challenge of trying to scrounge for ammo and create my own, but with this mod by day 7 I had over 1000 pistol ammo....


What I'm wondering is where in the XML files I need to look to change values so that the bandits either stop doing this completely, do it only like 1% of the time (or less!) or how to change the drop amount from 500 down to like 5.


Whichever is the easiest fix, works for me! Thanks for the great mod, and thanks in advance for the help!


Unfortunately I don't think the way its setup you can limit it. I think StompyNZ found a way to do it. If your listening can you post how you did it?

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Have you ever though about adding a chicken trap or chicken coop ?


I play in 25% loot for an added challenge.. a chicken coop/trap would be a cool addition for feathers and or some extra meat..


Its a great mod as it is though, having fun playing it and using it alongside the 7dtd mod launcher.

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Unfortunately I don't think the way its setup you can limit it. I think StompyNZ found a way to do it. If your listening can you post how you did it?


I created custom weapons for the bandits and made them no drop. The corpse is unlootable so I have that turn into a gore block after 5 seconds which then has the loot.


Have a look in my repo at the items and blocks and entityclasses for more examples



 <entity_class name="BanditThugWarPistol" extends="BanditTemplate">
   <property name="Archetype" value="BanditMaleWar"/>
   <property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalSP" value="gunBanditPistol,9mmBanditBullet"/>
   <property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalMP" value="gunBanditPistol,9mmBanditBullet"/>
   <property name="CorpseBlock" value="banditPistolCorpse"/>



 <item id="3400" name="gunBanditPistol">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Candrop" value="false"/>
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="gunPistol"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="ff0000"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/PistolPrefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="1"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
   <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="true"/>
   <property name="Degradation" value="99999" param1="true"/>
   <property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam"/>
   <property class="Action0">
     <property name="Class" value="Launcher"/>
     <property name="Instantiate_on_load" value="false"/>
     <property name="Delay" value="0.3"/>
     <property name="Magazine_size" value="15"/>
     <property name="Magazine_items" value="9mmBanditBullet"/>
     <property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="1"/>
     <property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0"/>
     <property name="Reload_time" value="2"/>
     <property name="Bullet_icon" value="pistol"/>
     <property name="Sound_start" value="Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_fire"/>
     <property name="Sound_repeat" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_end" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty"/>
     <property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_reload"/>
     <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="nozzleflash"/>
     <property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke" value="nozzlesmoke"/>
     <property name="DamageBonus.head" value="4"/>
     <property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="3"/>
     <property name="DamageBonus.earth" value=".4"/>
     <property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25"/>
   <property class="Attributes">
     <property name="FalloffRange" value="50,50"/>
     <property name="Accuracy" value="0.05,0.05"/>
     <property name="EntityDamage" value="15,15"/>
     <property name="BlockDamage" value="5,5"/>


 <block id="2000" name="banditLeaderCorpse">
   <property name="Class" value="Loot"/>
   <property name="Material" value="organic"/>
   <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
   <property name="Mesh" value="models"/>
   <property name="Model" value="Entities/Gore/gore_block1_Prefab"/>
   <property name="Texture" value="22"/>
   <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/>
   <property name="Tag" value="Gore"/>
   <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
   <property name="LootList" value="200"/>
   <property name="UpgradeRated.ToBlock" value="GoreBlock1BonesPrefab"/>
   <property name="UpgradeRated.Rate" value="25"/>
   <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="GoreBlock1BonesPrefab" />
   <drop event="Harvest" name="rawMeat" count="2" prob=".6" tool_category="Butcher"/><!-- todo: humanMeat, organs -->
   <drop event="Harvest" name="rawMeat" count="1" prob=".6"/>
   <drop event="Harvest" name="animalFat" count="2" prob=".33" tool_category="Butcher"/>
   <drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
 <block id="2001" name="banditPistolCorpse">
   <property name="Extends" value="banditLeaderCorpse"/>
   <property name="LootList" value="201"/>


You can then add whatever you want as their loot to the loot container.

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Stompy, any chance of just getting your files that you're using for the mod? Or did you do all of that stuff in Bad Company and not in War of the Walkers?


it's all in bad company, but the process of adding it to wotw should be pretty simple for Dwallorde to include if he wants

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Just testing out this mod. Maybe I have done something wrong but where is the challenge?


I ran toward the city at centre of map and explored, none of the bandits can hit me and they drop 200+ ammo each and weapons, it is not day 2 and I already have 2+ of each weapon type and effectively unlimited ammo.


Did I do something wrong or are there some large bugs at the moment? Also only a few zombies spawn despite having the spawn at 150% and the loot is generous considering it is at 25% too.

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Just testing out this mod. Maybe I have done something wrong but where is the challenge?


I ran toward the city at centre of map and explored, none of the bandits can hit me and they drop 200+ ammo each and weapons, it is not day 2 and I already have 2+ of each weapon type and effectively unlimited ammo.


Did I do something wrong or are there some large bugs at the moment? Also only a few zombies spawn despite having the spawn at 150% and the loot is generous considering it is at 25% too.


If you read the post literally right before this on the previous page it is known bug with bandits. The spawning amounts really haven't been changed from vanilla so maybe try 200% or edit the xml files yourself. Note they made it that way because everyone on a MP game now gets their own horde so they don't want to break the game with everyone getting 25 or so zombies at once.

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